
Reborn as Gojo Satoru in Chainsaw Man

A man reincarnates as Satoru Gojo in a chainsaw man. What does this universe have in store for our Mc and how does he cope in an unknown world.

David_555 · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Unlimited Void II

Taking a deep breath, he suddenly closed his eyes for a few moments, before his eyelids fluttered open, as his eye balls glared with immense negative energy.

*Domain Expansion: Infinite Void..*

Mumbling in a low voice, he crossed his fingers, as his negative energy burst out uncontrollably.

The next moment, the surroundings began to change, as everyone witnessed their selves getting transported through the dark and endless void at light speed right into the center of the universe.

"What the?!" "No way!!"

Aki and Denji blurted out in immense shock, as their eyes widened, seeing the surroundings change so suddenly and manifesting such an impressive sight.

'Was I right about him all this while? Is he a devil? How can a mere human create a dimension with power equal or even greater than the darkness devil?!'

Power roared in her mind, as her eyebrow twitched uncontrollably while her mouth gaped.

Kishibe and Quanxi only looked at each other, in shock, and at a loss for words. Normally, a human wasn't capable of wielding such immense power in their opinion, however, this particular person had managed to defy all odds and reach such a height by his own efforts and without any contract from any devil. All of a sudden, Kishibe couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority, as if Satoru was setting a new standard for being the strongest devil hunter and even someone like him failed to reach that standard.

Meanwhile, Makima who was closest to him was the most shocked and enthralled by the current situation.

One on hand, she found it difficult trying to resist and calm herself, being pulled so close to the only man she deemed equal or even superior to her, and on the other hand, she was extremely shocked in her heart, seeing him pull out a move that would place him far above her, on a scale near the primordial devils themselves, being able to conjure a domain.

"You—?!" She tried to speak, however, her words were mumble jumbled, and made no meaning, as a hint of fear flashed in her eyes, seeing the giant round dark sphere conjured from remnants of dark matter that stood in front of them in all its glory, like the eye of a divine being glaring nonchalantly at all of creation.

Meanwhile, the apparition of the death devil was in a completely enthralled state. Making no movements whatsoever, while its gaze remained on the giant round sphere in the middle of the dark Domain void, blood immediately flowed out of its orifices.

Satoru on the other hand who had conjured the domain was not in a better state. Trying to use reverse cursed Technique to heal the toll on his brain, he wiped the blood flowing out his nose and grinned like a madman, seeing the apparition of the darkness devil experiencing the sure hit effect of unlimited void.

He hadn't summoned the domain due to the fact that; he hadn't really mastered it to an extreme level, and at the same time, he wasn't sure if unlimited void could override the darkness devil's domain, but it seems he emerged victorious in the end.

Coughing out blood, he snapped out of the thoughts, and flashed another bloody smile and the apparition of the darkness devil and then at Makima who still couldn't believe what was happening in front of her. Unlimited Void was even more potent than he had thought it would be. Just within the span of two minutes, he had caused irreversible damage to the apparition of the darkness devil, leaving it completely vulnerable and defenseless.

However, in the state he was in now, he couldn't really take the chance now to eliminate the darkness devil and wanted to avoid any unforeseen circumstance. Despite the fact that he proclaimed himself as the strongest, he didn't really want to go toe to toe now with the Primordials due to the fact that, it was very likely that he would lose.

He had only wanted to experience the terror of the darkness devil, and he had, even managing to catch it off guard and launch unlimited void, to damage its apparition.

Interlocking his fingers, his negative energy stirred like waves of the ocean, as he immediately utilized the limitless, teleporting everyone away in a split second, emptying his reserves.

He didn't know if the darkness devil could regain its consciousness and he feel like testing out the theory in such a time.


With a whooshing sound, everyone instantly disappeared, as unlimited void began to crumble on it own and shattered like mirrors and vanished out of sight.

The apparition of the darkness devil on the other hand remained stationary, and unresponsive, as if in a comatose state, as it soon crumbled and crashed into the ground in an unconscious state.


Japan, Tokyo...

Right in front of a bunch of human like dolls, a woman in a long black skirt wearing a sweater stood with her eyebrows deeply furrowed.

She had been trying to summon the apparition of the darkness devil in order to complete her life long dream and gain access to power beyond dreams, however, after the group of devil hunters were teleported over to its dimension, it had been unresponsive.

"Could that guy have proved to be more of a challenge that he truly was? Or am I overthinking?"

She tried convincing herself, but to no avail, as she felt herself losing composure with every passing second of waiting.

Right in the middle of her thoughts, she raised her head only to see a bunch of bloodied figures mysteriously appear out of nowhere, a few meters away from her.

"H-how is this possible?!!!"

She screamed out, seeing the figure of the bloodied silver haired devil hunter who still had his maniacal smile plastered all over his face, and her lifelong enemy, Makima, who was slightly disheveled standing by his side.

What even shocked her the most was that, even the group of devil hunters and fiends who had been simultaneously teleported alongside, to the darkness devil's dimension were completely fine with no signs of injuries.

"You! Long time no see..."

Satoru was the first to blurt out seeing her distraught expression, as he flashed a ridiculing smile and walked forward.

Like he had said before, there were a few things that escape could escape the vision of the six eyes. He had noticed how she had summoned the curse devil after pricking Denji with her needles upon his arrival. It was part of the reason why he had teleported Aki and Angel as backup.

"It seems your plan didn't work out and I guess I should now call you Santa..."

Makima walked forward fearlessly with her hands in her pockets as she watched the woman take a few steps back in fear.


The next moment, a shrill scream resounded, as her legs were immediately cleaved through by an invisible force, as her body collapsed to the floor and crawled away in an attempt to escape the punishment.

However, with Satoru's power to manipulate space, it would be nigh impossible for that to happen.

With another wave of her hand, her arms were cleaved off, as blood sprayed all over the ground, followed by another shrill scream from her.

The next moment, her body was immediately cleaved into two and exploded from a joint attack from Makima and Satoru who came in and fired a blue energy sphere by the Limitless.


Coughing out blood once more, he sighed and crouched down, and activated Reverse Cursed Technique to heal his cursed energy and technique burnout, while healing his injuries as well.

However, in the next moment, he felt a murderous glare on him, followed by an outburst of immense cursed energy, as he raised his head only to see Makima pointing her index finger at his forehead, ready to blast a hole through his skull.

"Tsk. I understand villains have to play dirty and don't care about to rules and all that, but really?"

Satoru blurted out and stealthily gathered his slowly healing negative energy, ready to unleash another hollow purple or if possible, a Domain Expansion.

"Ms. Makima!! Please stop!!! He's not the enemy!" "Let him go!!!"

Aki and Denji roared out simultaneously, while Kishibe and Quanxi readied himself for an attack if necessary.

Meanwhile, Power, Himeno, and Angel only sighed helplessly. A fight between two overpowered characters like them wasn't something the current them could handle.

Meanwhile with her finger pointing at Satoru's forehead, Makima couldn't help furrow her brows in hesitation.

"If you're going to do it, just hurry and get it over with.."

Seeing the hesitation in her eyes, Satoru pushed his forehead forward, allowing it to make contact with her finger, as he felt her eyebrow twitch for a moment.

'Am I hesitating? When-why did I get so weak?'

Meanwhile, Makima's emotions were in a turmoil. Feeling the texture of his skin pressed against her finger, she couldn't help but have a flashback to that time where he pulled her into his embrace, and launched the domain. Looking right into his eyes, she couldnt help but feel her heart rate speed up exponentially, however, her face remained stoic.

After a few seconds, she sighed and pulled back her hand, before walking away with a smile, as Satoru let out a sigh of relief. He was sure he could beat her, or even kill her if he needed to, however the effort he would need to do that wasn't one he could afford at the moment. Makima was strong, strong enough for her attacks to even harm a being as powerful as the darkness devil's apparition.

Seeing her walk away, he couldn't help but glance at her back, recalling that look in her eyes when she hesitated.

It was something different from the look she normally had in her gaze. Perhaps it was fear, admiration or even reverence? He didn't know nor could he tell, but at the very least, he was relieved she didn't start up a fight right then and there.


Darkness devil Dimension.....


Within the dimension of the darkness devil, a bone rattling, fear inducing sound reverberated across, as a wave of darkness exploded forth.

Soon the comatose apparition of the darkness devil rose to its feet, as its gaze peered across the dimension, wanting to catch sight of the its enemies.

"Pa! Pa! Pa!"

The next moment, the sound of claps reverberated a woman dressed in a white shirt materialized within the dimension and walked towards the darkness devil before bowing slightly in reverence.

"To think Makima would collaborate with a human to try to take out your exalted self..."

The woman spoke in a flattering yet ridiculing tone, as she peered at the apparition.


A deep voice resounded out of the body of the apparition as the woman listened attentively.

"Oh? Your exalted self has taken interest in the human?"

The woman spoke out with a laugh while she nodded gracefully.

"It seems we'll have to pay a visit to earth one of these days. Things have gotten really interesting. As for Makima, I think it's time we elected another devil as the fourth horseman, meaning, her reign has come to an end..."

Smiling murderously, the woman's body vanished, leaving behind a shrill laughter which echoed throughout the dimension.

A/N: Sorry for not updating yesterday. Have a few things to study. Anyway, enjoy the chapter and thanks for the massive support.