
Reborn as Gojo Satoru in Chainsaw Man

A man reincarnates as Satoru Gojo in a chainsaw man. What does this universe have in store for our Mc and how does he cope in an unknown world.

David_555 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
78 Chs


Within a small drinking bar, multiple figures could be seen sitting at a table drinking and making merry, with excited expressions.

The cruel reality of the universe was that humanity was still at the very bottom of the food chain and would soon probably face an extinction crisis. However, the front line fighters and leaders of humanity against such a terrible fate were a bunch of young men and women who had given their lives, their families and everything they possessed, to choose the higher calling and become Devil exterminators. After several hard days of work, the most important thing these youths needed was rest and relaxation...


"Oi! Oi!! Everyone!! I want us to make a toast!!!" As they drank and ate, a semi drunk beautiful young woman with an eyepatch, hit a spoon on the glass of beer before her, and spoke on top of her lungs, drawing attention to herself.

"What are we toasting to senior Himeno?" A youth with blonde hair dressed in an all black suit spoke out, while looking at the eyepatch girl.

"I want us to make a toast to the stingy jerk who refused to invite us out to have a drink even with all the money he makes." The moment her words sounded, all eyes shifted onto the quiet silver haired youth in dark circular glasses who was calmly seated at the end of the table, while slowly feasting on the plate full of meat before him and the soda in his hand.

"Thank you very much Himeno...that warms my heart." He placed his hand on his chest and smiled sarcastically, as the others laughed. "Toast to the stingy jerk who saved our lives yesterday!!" "Cheers!!" Everyone cheered at the table and downed a glass of beer before they clapped in excitement.

"So you're the man of the moment huh. How does that feel?" Sitting before the silver haired youth was a beautiful young woman with slightly long pink hair. Her golden eyes peered deep into his soul as she flashed him a smile and asked.

"This isn't my moment. It's everyone's. A little bit of enjoyment and relaxation isn't a bad thing after all, who knows what the future holds right, Makima?" The silver haired youth took a bite of the roasted pork on his chopstick and spoke, while looking at his teammates happily dancing and making merry.

Hearing her name being called so informally, the pink haired beauty scrunched her eyebrows for a moment, before she flashed her signature smile.

"I notice you're not drinking alcohol unlike the others. I'm guessing it has something to do with an ability of yours no?" She said while resting her cheek on her fist.

"Well first of all, I don't drink alcohol, it's disgusting. And like I said, it's everyone's moment to have a good time, but anything is possible." He replied.

"You're right. It would be disastrous if a powerful devil was to show up here. You have the mindset of a true hero." She smiled, but the crafty and condescending look in her eyes was apparent.

"Pfffttt!!! A hero? What's that?" The silver haired youth laughed. Gojo Satoru was no hero. He might be a good brother who was willing to risk his life to save his brother's ass all the time, but that was it.

He wasn't one to put his life at risk to save people he did not even know. Although he wasn't one to harm innocent people either. He cared for himself, his own interests and Denji. "So tell me something, Gojo Satoru...what is your dream?" She asked and took a sip of her beer, while Satoru happily ate his roasted pork.

"My dream? Why don't you humor me Makima. Tell me yours first." He continued eating and spoke without even sparing her a glance.

"I want to save humanity from the plague of devils." She spoke briefly and looked at him only for him to laugh out once more.

"You're either lying or you're delusional. A devil will forever be a devil, no matter how many times it interacts with humans. I find it really funny that a devil wants to rid the world of her own kind." He laughed and wiped his eyes of tears and continued.

"Fine. Say you manage to somehow accomplish that goal, what next? Enslave all of humanity, become a dictator?" Satoru lowered his glasses as his six eyes peered into Makima's.

At this point, she wasn't smiling anymore, and beneath her expressionless visage, Satoru could detect a hint of malice, bloodlust and murderous intent.

"Let me make something crystal clear to you Makima. I don't care whether you want to turn the world into a devil farm or whatever, you can do whatever you want, once you don't get in my way, or harm anyone I know. Because once you do, even if I have to fight against the entire world just to get my hands on you, I promise, I will end you myself."

"Is that a threat?" Instantly, the whole bar turned silent, as all eyes turned to the two figures who were boldly facing off against each other.

Makima sat uncaringly, with her cheek resting on her fist. Her eyes gleamed with murderous intent, as she glared at the figure before her who was seated with his legs crossed, fingers interlocked, with a cocky smile.

"A threat? No no. How could I threaten my superior. It's just a word of caution and hopefully, things wouldn't escalate to such a point." Everyone at the bar couldn't help but shiver, hearing Satoru's cocky reply.

Even Himeno who didn't like Makima was terrified for Satoru. Although she handing seen her in action, at least she had heard stories and tales of Makima. Aki raised an eyebrow, while Denji looked to be in a dilemma. On one hand was the girl he liked at the moment, and on the other was a brother figure to him.

After a few seconds, Makima broke eye contact and picked up her overcoat.

"I would've loved to continue this conversation, but unfortunately, I can't stay any longer. I'll pay on my way out." She smiled, before she flashed everyone a gentle smile, not forgetting to glance at Satoru's figure before leaving.

"Bro. What the hell was that about?" The first to blurt out in dissatisfaction was none other than Denji, who instantly came over and sat on Makima's seat.

"Oh my. You might be a stingy jerk, but tonight you increased my favorability point about you to 5 stars. Should I give you a kiss?" Himeno smiled seductively, but Satoru didn't even glance at her nor at Denji.

'I guess from now on, my stay in this place is going to be anything but peaceful.' Satoru smiled, and downed his drink in one go.


Meanwhile, inside a luxurious car moving on a highway, Makima was calmly seated in the back, with her eyes fixated outside the glass window, while in deep thought.

"Gojo Satoru." She calmly whistled out his name, as her eyes turned murderous. 'What an interesting fellow. With him standing in my way, my goal and dream might not be manifest.' She thought, as she remembered his calm and cocky smile, and those eyes of his which was still ingrained in her memory. A pair of eyes that even she had to be weary of.

"Since you want to play, let's play." She let out a small laugh, as the car drove off, speeding along the highway.

A/N: Sorry for the late update. I'll post another one or two chapters today to make up. And more powerstones please.