
The Saiyan's arrive

With 1 week left before the arrival date of the Saiyan's, Gohan was putting in some last minute effort. During this training Gohan had far surpassed his expectations, with Gohan Surpassing Piccolo in strength. The weighted clothing that Piccolo created for Gohan helped him tremendously. Through the use of his clothing beam he was under the weight of what Piccolo estimate was around 5x earths gravity

Also during the 6 months Piccolo taught him many things. Piccolo taught Gohan how to correctly sense others ki as well as how to fly. Much to Piccolos anger however the moment Gohan learned to fly, he went a little crazy and started flying like crazy. He had also managed to gain a reasonable amount of control of his great ape form.

"Your definitely your father's son" Piccolo says gasping for breath. "That fighting style you have created it something else as well. What did you call it, Biri?"

"I know the name is a little silly but I am proud of it. While I only have a few moves in it I hope to create more" Gohan says

As the two prepare for another round, the sky suddenly gets dark

"Is that the dragon balls bring back my dad?" Gohan asks

"Yes be getting ready that means the Saiyan's will be arriving soon.

As if on queue a strong energy is felt right before a strong shockwave makes the two stumble

"I guess it is safe to assume that evil energy is the saiyans." Gohan


"I thought there were only 2 saiyans" Gohan

"Sup guys. Ah Gohan you look just like your dad when he was younger. But your definitely a lot stronger than him

"I recognize you, your Krillin right?" Gohan

"I am happy you recognize me" Krillin

"So what are you here for, to watch the real fighters fight? Piccolo

"I have been training for a year now, I think I should be able to hold my own. The others should be here soon" Krillin

Krillin can say anything else Piccolo interrupts "Enough small talk they are here

"Well Nappa it seems they were expecting us" Vegeta

"Not sure what 3 little shrimp will be able to do but I look forward to seeing them try." Nappa

"Just what do you want here" Piccolo

"That voice, your the one who killed Raditz. Wasn't expecting a Namekian on this backwater of a planet. And I thought Raditz explained. Thanks to your explanation near his scouter we kno about and are here for your dragon balls." Vegeta

With Vegeta explanation done the 3 z fighters power up and prepare to fight. As much as Gohan knows he needs for the story to play out like it did in the show so that Goku has enough time to arrive his saiyan has began to influence him. Unable to contain his thirst for battle Gohan powers up to the max shocking everyone present.

"Gohan you.. just how much power were you hiding during our training." Piccolo

"Sorry Mr. Piccolo I thought about going all out during our training but if I had I would not have gotten as much out of it" Gohan

_______A Kame house_______

"This is Chet Swanson here with the news. The alien duo seems to have landed. Across from the it seems to be a tall green man a short man and a child."

'MY BABY GOHAN NO" Chi-Chi says before passing out

_________On the opposite side of the battle field____________

"Vegeta what does the scouter say about his power level" Nappa

"It's over 9000! Wait no its still rising." Vegeta

As Gohan takes off his weighted clothing he is left with just his outer gear. Tossing his clothing to the side they form a small crater upon impact

"His power has reached 12000" Vegeta says crushing his scouter.

"let me try first" Gohan says stepping forward "So tall bald and ugly you ready to throw hands?"

(Just what happened to your personality during that one year) Krillin thinks

Coating his body in ki Gohan flashes forward

Us his Biri style blade form, Gohan hardens the ki in his right arm to a blade like edge before he stabs cuts off Nappa's right arm. before Nappa can react he performs a mid air round house kick to Nappa's back sending him into the wall.

"Hey Vegeta give me a hand here I can't feel my legs" Nappa

"Sure Nappa let me give you a hand" Vegeta says walking over

"Thanks vegeta" Nappa

Grabbing Nappa's arm he throws him into the air before sending a ki blast into the air killing him.

"From your tail I can assume your Kakarot's boy, or as you called him Goku." Vegeta

"That's right" Gohan

"Well as impressive as your power is I hate having to kill a useful saiyan. Why don't you join me and I might think about sparing this puny planet. For reference even if you fight my power level is 18000 compared to your 12000" Vegeta

"You know what I say to that. F*ck power levels" Gohan

Getting into a boxing stance, Gohan waits for Vegeta to throw the first punch.

Stepping slightly to the side Gohan dodges Vegeta's opening punch only to him him with a boxing counter. However this was not a normal boxing counter but a counter powered with ki. Hitting Vegeta in the head with a counter knocking Vegeta away. Unfortunately for Gohan, however, instead of doing as much damage as he would like, it only breaks his nose.

"Like I said Vegeta, don't trust power levels." Gohan

"You have made me beyond angry" Vegeta says using his ki to perform a massive explosion around him

Barely making it out of the radius Gohan, Krillin and Piccolo group back up.

"Sorry guy, I don't think I can beat him" Gohan

"Ah that energy its Goku" Krillin

With a gust of wind

"That's my name" Goku "You have gotten a lot stronger Gohan, I'm proud of you son"

With the arrival of Goku the rest of the fight plays out like it did in canon up to the Vegeta turning into the great ape. Thanks to Gohan's training he was able to have some control of his ape form assisting Goku and allowing him to throw his spirit bomb at him. Much like in cannon Vegeta survives with Goku telling Gohan to let him leave.


"I don't think the fights over yet with Vegeta dad. As he got into his pod I head him say something about using Nameks dragon balls instead." Gohan

"Now how are we going to get to Namek" Goku

"Easy enough lets ask Kami since he and Piccolo are from there maybe he knows" Krillin

With Krillin, Goku and Gohan flying towards the lookout, they leave Piccolo behind who is contemplating everything he has learned about himself during that fight.

uhhhhhh lets go with king kai put 2 and 2 together as to why Goku showed up sooner

Phoenixrdcreators' thoughts