



Throughout his life, Luke was a massive fan of martial arts after finding those cheese martial arts movies as a kid. On his 14th birthday, he begged his parents to allow him to learn them. Starting with taekwondo he slowly made it to a black belt at the age of 16. After learning all that he could from taekwondo he began visiting his local boxing gym. Getting his first amateur boxing win at the age of 17 he swiftly became a pro. At the age of 20, not wanting to forget his taekwondo roots, Luke entered the MMA. Fusing his taekwondo and his boxing he eventually created the fighting style he called Biri. While the name of his fighting style may be silly, there was no doubting its effectiveness. Throughout the years he slowly adds more and more to the style while learning from other martial arts.

Retiring from the pro scene at 40 he opened a dojo to train others in his fighting style to give him something to do with his spare time. One day sitting down with his son to watch some tv, his son turns on an anime called dragon ball and he was instantly absorbed.

On a stormy night, Luke is making his way home from the local 24-hour grocery, he hears the sound of a child yelling for help. Rushing his way to the sound of the voice he sees a teenager covering the body of a young woman while being kicked.

"little punk if you just handed over the money this never would have happened" Punk A

"We don't even owe you any money so why are you doing this" Boy

"Maybe you do maybe you don't but if you let us borrow your mother for a little bit you definitely

won't owe us any money" Punk B

"Just leave us alone" Boy

Having called the police the moment he saw the scene, Luke slowly sneaks his way toward the 2 punks before kicking the one in the back of the head making him crumple instantly.

"Who the fuck are you," Punk A says pulling out a knife

"No one, in particular, put the knife away and take your friend and leave." Luke

Ignoring Luke's advice the punk lunged at him with the knife Luke sent a swift kick to the bottom of his hand knocking the knife out of the punk's hand. Grabbing the punks collar he flips him over the shoulder slamming him into the ground. Dusting off his sleeves Luke makes his way toward the boy covering his mom. As she makes his way toward the boy, Luke feels a wet feeling coming from the right side of his chest before a cold sensation begins to creep through his body.

"What the fuck man you shot him." Punk B

"He was gonna have us arrested and I ain't doing jail time. Let's get out of here" Punk A

As Luke's vision begins to fade he sees the punks running away making their escape.


Opening his eyes he is welcomed by the sigh of a tall green man.

(wait I recognize this man. Isn't that Piccolo. Wait no how am I not dead)

"GOHAN PAY ATTENTION. We only have one year until the Saiyans arrive. We are going to spend this time training you until you can bring out that power you showed during the fight with Raditz" Piccolo

(I've been reborn into Dragon ball z as Gohan, This is great! While I don't know any information beyond Goku saving Earth and having to go to Namek to stop Vegeta and Frieza. Oh well, no use in crying on spilled milk now. I will miss my son but I am excited to get to push my martial arts to new heights.)

"Now pay attention. At the moment you are nowhere near as strong as you need to be. So for the next 5 months, you are going to spend it surviving in the wilderness. This is the only gift I will give you." Piccolo says conjuring a sword and a set of clothes with him. "Good luck try not to die"

Watching Piccolo fly off, Gohan swings the sword around his back and changes clothing.

(First thing let's find some food and shelter so that I can gather my thoughts)

Over the next few hours, Gohan manages to gather enough food and a sturdy enough stick to write on the ground. Heading towards the cave near the stream he found earlier, he digs a hole to store his food in.

(Who would have known that survivalist class I took on a whim would come in handy like this. So From what I can gather from the memories Gohan and from my memories of talking with my son, well my past life's son, ki is inner energy used by fighters in this universe.)

Taking a comfortable meditative position, Gohan closes his eyes and begins to feel for his ki. After feeling around for it, he begins to feel his ki moving around his body. Playing around with this feeling, Gohan begins to circulate the ki around his body to try and gain better and better control. As with the saying he penned in his past life, power without control is no power at all. <A.N. It sounded cool in my head but I mean it as If you can't hit them who cares if you are stronger>

Without realizing it night had come and gone with the morning sun shining outside the cave.

(How strange, by making that ki energy circulate in my body I feel a lot stronger than I did before I played around with it. I will have to pay closer attention to that later to see if that is indeed from circulating my ki or if that is just from gaining ki)

Coating his fist with ki Gohan punches a nearby tree. As his fist collides with the tree, it erupts into splinters knocking the tree over. With a supply of firewood secured, he uses his newly found sense of ki in his body to try and see if he can sense the ki of others. After a half-hour or so a strong feeling of ki is felt coming from the north

"THANKS AGAIN FOR THE SWORD PICCOLO" Gohan yells towards the north. While he would never admit it Piccolo was his favorite character during his short time watching the show. Sacrificing himself to protect his enemy's son turn student was a very inspiring moment for him.

"Now to see if I can pull off one of those energy beams" Gohan hums channeling ki into his hands

As he funnels more and more ki into his hand he begins to imagine the ki into an orb above his hand. After a few tries, he eventually succeeds before sending the energy towards a mountainside making a crater.

(While effective not as satisfying as it was when I punched the tree.)

Putting the thought of energy beams on the back burner, he goes back to the idea of reinforcing his body with ki energy to boos his punches and kicks.


In a blink of an eye, the 6 months passed. His idea that circulating ki around his body to strengthen it turned out to be true and massively paid off. As compared to when he first woke up as Gohan till now he was many times stronger. He had also made progress in combining ki with the combat style he created in his past life 'Biri'. And not denying the downside of not having a long-range move in combat he created a basic energy beam attack that came from his finger while he held his hand like a gun he gave the basic name 'ki gun'.

Today marked the day that he was to meet back up with Piccolo so that he could train him.

"Well well well it looks like someone's been busy," Piccolo says from above (just what changed in this boy. I saw the way he acted when I picked him up and he has changed drastically. It is like he is a completely different person. Not that it makes a difference. As long as he is useful during the fight with the Saiyan I could care less.)

"I have been looking forward to you coming back and training me this whole time" Gohan

Reinforcing his body with ki Gohan dashes at Piccolo sending an uppercut at him which Piccolo easily dodges. Still, in the air from the uppercut, Piccolo sends a swift punch to Gohan's side sending him flying into the mountainside a few feet away.

"It seems someone has gotten a little bold during their survival training." Piccolo

With a small explosion of rubble Gohan dashes toward Piccolo to start round 2 of their training.

Had some big inspiration while writing this so not every chapter will be this long but im hoping to have like 1 or 2 a week like my other book

Phoenixrdcreators' thoughts