
Chapter 3 Finding the pod/and the two sayians!!!

Mc/gohan:mr piccolo can I go

Piccolo:sure I dont care



1 hour later


Mc/gohan:found it Raditz ship ok let try to find out the what this made of and Technology


1 hour later


Mc/gohan nice got everything well off to bulma for the next year to learn stuff


3 hours of running


Mc/Gohan:here we are just got to get past the people hmmmmm system can you by me clothes

System:yes for 10 coins

Mc/Gohan:wait how do I look wait why do I care just buy me the piccolo suit

System:you look like super sayian two gohan but with black hair because of void training you training in the night and how 1 hour outside is 10 day in inside each night for 3 hours in the 5 month you find out we can buy it that mean 4,650 day equal in 12 years and yes here the piccolo set

Mc/Gohan:nice -picks up the space pod-

-Walk to bulma place but people keep staring—

Mc/Gohan:-knock on door-

Bulma:who there?

Mc/Gohan:it me Gohan

Bulma:-run to the door-Gohan why are you here

Mc/Gohan: For this -drops pod-

Bulma:is that from the Raditz attack

Gohan:yeah found out how it work and I can built stuff but I need the material so can I live with you I don't what to live with my mom -shivers-



After 3 months of Gohan build the gravity chamber it goes to 300 gravity

He train all of the 9 months


Narrator:now we see Gohan training in the gravity doing 250x

Mc/gohan:system show my status


BP(50,000) suppress BP9,000

KI 50,000

Magic 2,500

Skills (side note once a skill hit 25 it evolve but is harder to level up but some skills do not evolve )

Better heal(level 6)

Ki mupulation (level 15 )

Final Fist (level 4)

Training void (level 15)

Absorbe shield (level 7)

Scatter shot (level 5)

-scatter shot Ki come out of you body and shot everywhere-

Ki blade (level 8)

suppress Ki (level 25 max)

Rage (level 10)


Instant mastery(level 25 max)

Steel tail (level 7)

Steel body (level 5

Ki heart (level 25 max)

Ki sense (level 25 max)

Nature sense (level 10)

Sense (level 25 max)

Reading (level 25 max)

Crafter (level 25 max

-Gohan built it with his hands-

Alien technology(level 25)

Money 1,000

-killed the clones-


Bloodline shop


Nappa:we are vegeta for the dragon ball

Vegeta:yes nappa

Nappa and wish for panties


Nappa:I'm mean immortaly right vegeta Right vegeta right vegeta right vegeta

Vegeta:shut up nappa Let go look for the high power level Oh 9,000 nice let's go



30 minutes later


Every z fighter are at the canon place waiting for the sayians

Yamcha:hey guys how are you guys

Krillen:I'm fine

Piccolo:how about you gohan

Mc:I'm fine

Piccolo:why did you suppress your Ki to 9,000

Gohan:I what to fight someone on my level


Mc/Gohan:I been train-

Vegeta:hello bugs

Nappa:vegeta look a Pokémon

Chiaotzu:no I'm chiaotzu

Nappa:vegeta it a chiaotzu I'm going to catch it

Mc/Gohan:no one is going to catch Pokémon

Nappa:okay if you beat me I let go of my Pokémon but if I beat we take you and the Pokémon

Gohan:ok power up to 9,000

Nappa:so we're on par then let's go


narrator:nappa goes for the fist attack but gohan doge and punch him in the stomach nappa is a little hurt but goes on he Fire a Ki blast from his mouth gohan use absorbe shield and it shot back nappa doge by the second Gohan use this second to get infront of nappa and then punch in the face

Nappa gets punch but get up then nappa send all punch's but can't hit gohan then think of Fire then he has a I idea if he can use magic the he can use elements so he think of a fist but with Fire he look at his hand and is cover in fire and punch nappa in the face nappa get thrown into a bolder and gohan think it time to end this


Mc/Gohan:it time to end this

Nappa:vegeta look he can use magic let's get him

Vegeta:don't drag me with your fight

Mc/gohan:FINAL FIST!!!

Nappa:Final wh-

Mc/Gohan -punch in the stomach kick in the back punch in the stomach then punch in the stomach again but with more Force send him flying then-KAMEHAMEHAAAAAA

-get stuck in one place then Gohan punch straight though him then explode-

Vegeta:hm he was a weakling anyway

Gohan:let wait for my dad

Vegeta:I give you 2 hours tops

Gohan:Fine -look at nappa scouter- hey can I look at that

Vegeta:sure but don't do anything suspicious


5 minutes


Gohan:so that how it works

System(Host acquired Alien scouter technology)

Mc/Gohan:let me take out the contact and the tracker -break it- now let me wear it -wear it- hey vegeta

Vegeta:why are you wearing the scouter???

Mc/Gohan:took out the scouter contact and tracker

Vegeta:how did yo-

Goku:hey guys!

Mc/Gohan:hey dad

Goku:hi son -look at vegeta-where the other sayian

Vegeta:your damn son did it -point to the dead nappa roasted-you should be lucky that your son can use magic

Goku:you did???

Mc/Gohan yeah but he was easy

Goku:well let fight but not here


What will happen next time find out in reborn as Gohan