
Reborn as frieza?!

What if an average and ordinary guy was reborn in the world of Dragon Ball as Frieza? *THIS IS A MTL*

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DBZ Cold Rebirth: Ch.8: Frieza the Z Fighter

DBZ Cold Rebirth

Welcome to Cold Rebirth. A What If based on the concept of a person being reincarnated as a Dragon Ball character. This story follows a Dragon Ball fan reincarnated as Frieza and taking a different approach to life than the tyrant's original story. I hope you enjoy and have a great day!

Chapter 8: Frieza the Z Fighter

Hey, it's me. The Friendly Frieza you've come to know and love. So, as a Dragon Ball fan, I have a question for you. What would you say is the most iconic moment for Future Trunks in all of Dragon Ball? Going super saiyan grade 3 against Cell? The History of Trunks Special? Super saiyan rage? Well personally, I remember him most for how easily he dismantled Frieza. But now...


Frieza: "AAAAHHHH!"

The sight of his blade coming towards my face will probably haunt my dreams for a good while. Luckily for me, Goku's super saiyan finger was there to block Trunks' strike.

Goku: "Wait, hold on!"

Trunks: "You! You're Frieza! So you finally show just after we put your father down!"

Frieza: (King Cold is gone already? Well, I guess that takes care of that. Probably for the best though.) "I see... But I won't hold a grudge. My father was his own man and made his own choices. If he chose to fight till the end, then that's that."

Trunks: "You heartless-"

Goku: "Easy! Frieza isn't a problem right now. He actually helped us out on Namek."

Trunks: "What?! Frieza... help you?!"

Frieza: "Yeah, it was all quite the mess. But now I am merely here to have a rematch with Goku, as we agreed on before Namek's destruction at my brother's hands."

Trunks: "Brother?! But- I don't-... Mom never mentioned anything about that..."

Goku: "Huh? Your Mom?"

Frieza: (Uh oh!) "Well, you gentlemen seem currently busy, so my friend and I will just wait off to the side! Let's go, Crystal. They seem to need some space."

Crystal: "Uhhhh... Ok..."

Together, we walked away from them and over towards the group of Z Fighters standing in the distance.

Crystal: "Isn't that Vegeta?"

Frieza: "Yup. Along with Piccolo the Namekian and the Earthlings-" (Huh? Wait a second... Something's not right here.)

After slowing down a bit as I walked towards them, I realized what was missing. Or rather who was missing.

Frieza: (Where's Gohan? He should be here with them, right?)

Vegeta: "Frieza! You've got some nerve showing your face to me again!"

Yamcha: "So that's really him?! That's Frieza?!"

Piccolo: "On guard! All of you!"

Frieza: "Relax everyone! I mean no harm! I merely came for a rematch with Goku, not to hurt anyone."

Vegeta: "You expect me to believe that pack of lies?!"

Frieza: "Good to see you too, Vegeta. Krillin, Piccolo, you as well."

Krillin: "Wait, you know our names?!"

Frieza: (Whoops.) "Well... Uhhh..." (Oh!) "Well you did yell them to each other a lot on Namek. I do pay attention to those types of things. Speaking of, I'm really sorry about all that on Namek. After some reflecting, I believe that I shouldn't have used you all in such a way for sheer entertainment. I know I may not deserve your forgiveness, but I still wish to offer my apologies."

Piccolo and Krillin: "..."

Tien: "Tsk."

Yamch, Chiaotzu, and Puar: *shaking*

Vegeta: "Grrrr!"

Bulma: "You know... I was picturing you'd be a bit different, pal."

Frieza: "I've gotten that a lot recently." (They're probably either too scared or suspicious of me to consider trusting me. But luckily for me, these guys become very forgiving of your past when you help out with bigger threats. And luckily for me...)

Krillin: "Look! That mystery kid is leaving!"

Sure enough, Trunks was now flying off to get in his time machine and take off. The whole group made their way to Goku with me and Crystal following. Goku was just standing there while starring at a bottle of medicine in his hand.

Goku: "Hmm..."

Krillin: "Goku, what was all that about?!"

Goku: "Well... It's a lot to take in. Let me start from the beginning."

Goku then begins explaining the warning of Future Trunks. Of course, I know the drill. In 3 years on May 12th at 10:00am, on an island 9 miles off of South City, 2 androids will appear to try and kill everyone. Then 2 more will pop up, followed by another, and then the big bad perfect bug himself. We were now entering the Cell Saga. Of course, Goku leaves out a lot of info on Future Trunks to keep his identity secret from Trunks' parents that have yet to have him. In the distance, the time machine rises to the sky and then vanishes through time.

Tien: "3 years..."

Piccolo: "That's how long we have to become stronger and defeat these androids."

Frieza: "Machines capable of even greater strength then me and Goku? Well, that sounds like a challenge I must accept."

Goku: "You're speaking my language, Frieza!"

Bulma: "Whoa whoa whoa! You're just gonna let him stick around for this?!"

Vegeta: "Kakarot, you fool! If you're half the saiyan you claim to be, you'll destroy Frieza this instant!"

Goku: "Why? He hasn't done anything since he got here and he's just looking for a good fight. As long as he doesn't cause trouble again, there's no problem. Plus, even if I wanted to... I get the feeling your more than the Frieza I fought on Namek."

Frieza: "Let's just say that I've picked up a few new tricks and done a bit of training."

Goku: "I'd love to see you in action. And as it stands, you'd be the perfect sparring partner to get me ready for these androids."

Frieza: "I would be glad to, Goku." *bows*

Goku: "Great! Bulma can get you your own place to stay with me in the mountains. Right, Bulma?" *grins*

Bulma: "..." *sigh*

Bulma then walks over and hands me a capsule.

Bulma: "Inside is a basic home/living quarters. It's got a bit of food, but not much. Working kitchen, bathroom, and a one person bedroom. So... if you share it then..."

Frieza and Crystal: "!"

Frieza: "You can have it, Crystal! I've become accustomed to not needing a bed so you can have it for yourself! Hehehehe..."

Crystal: "R-Right... Thank you."

Frieza: (Awkward... Snap out of it! This is your chance!) "Thank you, ma'am."

Bulma: "..."


Suddenly, Vegeta releases his energy in a rage.

Vegeta: "I have had enough! I'm done here! I will achieve super saiyan and use it to destroy those androids, Kakarot, and then you! So prepare yourself, Frieza! For your end will come by my hands!"

With that, Vegeta flies off in anger, leaving us in a cloud of dust.

Frieza: *coughs* "Well, I guess I should've expected that..."

Goku: "He'll be alright. Now, let's get going. We've got some training to do."

So yeah, maybe I'm not sporting a jacket or anything, but come on. Training with Goku, getting stronger to fight the upcoming threat, and making myself at home on Earth. If that doesn't make me a Z Fighter, I don't know what would. However, there was still something left to deal with in the wake of my actions. While carrying Crystal as we flew, I got closer to Goku to ask a question.

Frieza: "Hey, what about your son? Where is he?"

Goku: "You mean Gohan? He's at home. Hey... mind keeping a bit of distance when we get there. After Namek... Gohan's had a hard time with thinking about fighting or training. Plus my wife, Chi Chi, doesn't want him involved in any more of it after what happened."

Frieza: "Wait, so Gohan can't or won't train with you?"

Goku: "A bit of both."

Piccolo: "Dying on Namek has done a number on his mental health. He's perfectly fine with everything else, but when it comes to fighting... I fear we'll never see that remarkable potential again..."

Goku: "Yeah... It's a real shame... But at least he can still have the peaceful life he wants."

Piccolo: "I suppose..."

Frieza: "..." (Are... you... KIDDING ME?! Cooler! Did you seriously end up 'breaking' one of my favorite characters in the franchise?! You no good-... Wait a second... If Gohan never trains or fights again, who will go up against Cell at the end of the Cell Saga?! How will we survive?! Heck, he's even mostly the protagonist of the Buu Saga! What are we going to do without him?!)

Crystal: "Are you ok? You look pale. Well... paler than usual."

Frieza: "I just... hope everything works out for the little guy..." (And for the rest of us too...)

With that now hanging over my head, it was time to enter the period of the Time Skip. And no, it didn't fly by. It felt like 3 years. Luckily, spending decades focusing on fights to come was way harder than 3 years. With my new capsule home next to Goku's this settled pretty well... after the first bit.

Chi Chi: "You said what?!"

Goku: "That... he could live nearby to help-"

Chi Chi: "Absolutely not! Not after what happened to our previous baby boy on that God forsaken planet! Goku, how could you be so-"

Gohan: "Mom, it's ok!"

Everyone: "!"

Gohan seemed to struggle to approach me, but was wearing a brave smile.

Gohan: "You saved all of my friends and Dad on Namek... Thank you."

Frieza: "No problem. I hope my appearance doesn't bother you. If it does, I can-"

Gohan: "No no! It's ok. I'm... ok."

The poor kid was clearly just being kind. You could see it in him. There's no way I could've tried to force him back into fighting. His whole character connects to not really wanting to fight. And now he seemed scarred by the mere thought of it. And that settled it for me. For the upcoming battle ahead, I'd have to find a way to win without Gohan. But that's a bridge I'd cross later. Right now, the only thing I was dying to do was go anywhere on Earth now that I was back on it. Or at least, the Dragon Ball world's Earth.

Frieza: "Come on, Crystal! Let's go get a bite to eat before my training starts!"

Crystal: "Right now?"

Piccolo: "You can't just walk into public. My appearance catches attention, but you stick out like a soar thumb. They'd immediately think of you as an alien or monster and fear you."

Frieza: "Ha! No worries. I've got some new skills from space. Check this out."

The Yardratians knew how to make themselves seem like intimidating foes to avoid problems, but they had way of even blending in too. By focusing my energy in a certain way around me, poof! I could change my form to appear as human.

Goku and Piccolo: "Whoa!"

Crystal: "!"

Frieza: "How do I look?"

I can't see it myself since it's my own energy, but the sight that they were now seeing would no doubt be my old face from my old life as Iida Tsuneo. The only drawback is that it's just an illusion to fool others. It didn't make me feel human at all, but I've come to be ok with how I am in this body. Tail, body gems, and all. Another downside is it's super exhausting. Not 5th Form level of exhaustion, but still really hard to hold.

Frieza: "I can only hold this illusion for about an hour, so I gotta make the best of the hour while I can! Now, check this out!"

I take Crystal's hand and use Instant Transmission to vanish to the nearest big city I could sense.

Frieza: "Haha. I bet that looked super cool to them. Man, I wish I could've seen their faces."

Crystal: "Speaking of, it's weird seeing you with a face like this. Especially with that voice."

Yup, my Frieza voice stays with me through the illusion.

Frieza: "Yeah, but hey. This is my old face. The face of Iida Tsuneo."

Crystal: "Really? Huh... You know, I can kinda see it. However..." *smiles* "I've kinda gotten used to you as Frieza."

Frieza: "!"

With that little jolt to my chest, I now had to consider another problem.

Frieza: (My heart just... Do I-...? Hmmm..... No... No way...)

Once again, a bridge for another day. Because right now, I had other priorities.

Frieza: "Come on! Let's go eat! I'm starving!"

Thus, we booked it to the first restaurant we could find. Oh my gosh, was it good to be back on Earth! I missed it so much! Especially the food! You think the food jokes go overboard with Beerus and Whis? Well guess what, there's barely anything out in space worth eating compared to what we have on Earth! I made sure the first thing I had was a cheeseburger, followed by about 50 more of them. It was awesome. Unfortunately, I realized that while I had the ability to blend in, I didn't exactly have the means of getting what I wanted.

Worker: "You don't have any cash?!"

Crystal: "This place really doesn't accept credits? But it's the galactic currency."

Give me a break! I haven't had to buy anything since becoming Frieza. Stuff was just given to me whenever I wanted it. Luckily, my knowledge of Dragon Ball saved me yet again.

Frieza: "Look! Is that the great Mr. Satan over there?!"

While everyone looked out the windows, I used Instant Transmission to bail... Don't judge me. Anyways, with my meal over, Goku was ready to train. And so, my preparation for the upcoming struggles with the androids began. However, getting caught up in that caused me to failed to remember that there are more android threats out there besides the ones in the show's canon.

Next time on DBZ Cold Rebirth!

Chapter 9: Android 13's Attack