
Reborn as frieza?!

What if an average and ordinary guy was reborn in the world of Dragon Ball as Frieza? *THIS IS A MTL*

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DBZ Cold Rebirth: Ch.7: Frieza's Grand Tour

DBZ Cold Rebirth

Welcome to Cold Rebirth. A What If based on the concept of a person being reincarnated as a Dragon Ball character. This story follows a Dragon Ball fan reincarnated as Frieza and taking a different approach to life than the tyrant's original story. I hope you enjoy and have a great day!

Chapter 7: Frieza's Grand Tour

So, after dealing with all that info being dropped on me about how my own little Dragon Ball world works, I have this bombshell dropped on me.

Crystal: "You're... Not the real Frieza, are you?"

Frieza: "!"

The struggle of being the protagonist I guess...

Frieza: (... What...? But... how? How could she have found out?! What am I supposed to do now?!)

Crystal: "It's just... Well, are you..."

Frieza: (Should I just come clean? How will this affect everything else?!)

Crystal: "Are you..."

Frieza: (SAY SOMETHING TO HER, STUPID!) "Crystal, listen. I can't explain-"

Crystal: "-actually Captain Ginyu?"

Frieza: ".......... Come again?"

Crystal: "Well, you don't really act like the way Frieza did before. Like, at all. And I heard that Captain Ginyu of the Ginyu Force had a rumored, secret ability to switch bodies with others."

Frieza: "Wait, you think I'm Captain Ginyu in Frieza's body?! Pfft HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" (Oh thank goodness!) "Hahahahaha! Haha... Ah... No. I'm not Ginyu."

Crystal: "Then... are you someone else in there? There's no way you're the actual Frieza, right?"

Frieza: "How come you're so convinced I'm not Frieza?"

Crystal: "... Well... When I was a kid, my father worked under King Cold. Our family was basically sold into his service. My father alone worked to pay for our freedom, which King Cold said he'd agree to if my father worked well and followed him loyally. I think my father had to do some... bad things... for me and Mom to be set free. He was just a little bit away from completing the agreed time of servitude... But then Frieza took over the Cold Force upon King Cold's retirement. When my father asked about the terms of his freedom, he said... 'You're servitude is now owed to me. I'm afraid you and I are complete strangers. So you'll have to start all over again. Don't worry though, you're time won't be as long as before, because I'll put the rest of your family to work so you can all earn your freedom.' Then he laughed in my father's face..."

Frieza: "..." (Oh man... That must've happened before I got put in this body. Dang it, Frieza!) "I..."

Crystal: "My parents didn't last long on the front lines... I only survived because they needed more scouts in the ranks... But I'll never forget those cold and mocking words he said. As if I were nothing at all... But now, I don't get that feeling from you. I know it seems crazy, but I can feel that you're not him. So then, I have to know, who are you?"

Frieza: "..." *sigh* "Ok... It's complicated. You see..." (I have to make this something logical with Dragon Ball's rules. But I don't wanna flat out lie...) "It's... Well, in a way it's kinda like what Ginyu can do. You see, he can jump from body to body at will. But my power... only activated when I died!"

Crystal: "What? Really?"

Frieza: "Yeah. When I died, I was put in this body at random. I can't change at will, so I'm stuck as Frieza."

That's technically true.

Frieza: "So I've just tried to make the best of it for myself and tried to do my own thing and have my own life... while being Frieza."

Also technically true.

Crystal: "Wow. That's unbelievable. To think, you'd get stuck in the body of the most powerful being alive. So, is Frieza gone gone? Did he get put in your dead body?"

Frieza: "No, I just kinda run this body now. And I've gotten pretty used to it."

Crystal: "That still leaves one question... What's your real name?"

Frieza: (My name...) "Well, I've gotten used to just being called Frieza, but..." *looks around* "My old name was... Iida."

Crystal: "Iida... Well, your secret is safe with me, 'Frieza.'"

Frieza: "Thanks, Crystal. I appreciate it."

Crystal: "So what's your plan now?"

Frieza: "Well, I was planning on learning what I can from the Yardratians and then heading to Earth to fight a super saiyan."

Crystal: "Mind if I tag along?"

Frieza: "You wanna come with me?"

Crystal: "Heck yeah! I am way to curious about how this whole thing will go. Plus, I'm technically out of a job and free since you're not running an empire anymore."

Frieza: "Well, if it's freedom you're looking for, I'd definitely recommend coming with me to Earth."

Crystal: "Sounds like a plan, Frieza."

With that settled and the first person I've been able to consider a friend since becoming Frieza at my side, I continued to train under Pybara and master the special techniques of Yardrat. However, with it taking months to learn the special moves of Yardrat and the clock ticking on getting back to Earth in time for the plot to kick into high gear, it was time for me to leave. After nearly 2 years since I arrived, I ditched the Yardrat clothes and prepared to head to Earth. With Crystal by my side, we said our goodbyes as I prepared for my first Instant Transmission to an entirely different world.

Frieza: "Ready?"

Crystal: "Ready." *grabs his shoulder*

Frieza: "Ok."

I placed 2 fingers on my head and focused. It felt so good to be able to sense energy! Scouters and Power Levels are so annoying! Back on topic. So it turns out that hunting down specific energies in the universe isn't as easy as you'd think. Just then I locked on to something and boom! Me and Crystal vanished and reappeared on another world, although it definitely wasn't Earth.

Tarble: "AHH! Lord Frieza?!"

Frieza: "Whoops. Sorry."

I focused again and we then teleported right back to Yardrat.

Crystal: "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

Frieza: "Honestly, not exactly..."

It was like looking for a red dot in a universe sized sandbox! It was hard, ok!

Frieza: "I just gotta focus. Umm... Oh! Let's try looking for Namekian energy. That should narrow the search."

With another go, me and Crystal were now on New Namek.

Elder Moori: "AAAAAAHHHHHH!"

Frieza and Crystal: "AAAAAAAAHHHHH-" *teleports back to Yardrat*

Frieza: "Ok then... Alright, I got this! Saiyan and Namekian! That's what Earth would have. Saiyan and Namekian... Focus..."

After a few moments, we once again teleported far off into space. However, where we ended up was definitely the last place I was expecting.

Lord Slug: "-and our combined might, we shall take the Dragon Balls for ourselves and-... Huh?"

Turles: "Hmm?"

Frieza: "Uhhh..."

Slug and Turles: "... It's Frieza!"

Frieza: "Lord Slug and Turles?!"

Turles: "Minions! Attack!"

Slug: "Destroy him!"

Just like that, I was now surrounded by the 3 Lord Slug minions and 5 Tree of Might minions.

Crystal: "I think you missed again."

Frieza: "You think?! Well, it doesn't matter. These guys will only be problems for me to deal with later anyways. No doubt they were heading for Earth, so I may as well handle them now."

Daiz: "Let's rip em apart, boys!"

Angila: "Metamacha. Dorodabo. On guard."

Frieza: "You know, this may actually be a bit of fun." *deepens voice* "Frieza, the Canon Cop. Hunting down Noncanon misfits in a classic anime franchise." *talks normally* "And unfortunately for you guys, I've got some brand new powers to test out! Let's try... Multiplication!"

While Crystal stays next to me, 8 other Friezas appear out of thin air. Each one made of my energy and at my complete control.

Turles: "What?!"

Slug: "How?!"

Frieza: "Go to work, mes."

A massive brawl begins with each of my copies taking on a minion. I know what you're probably thinking. "Won't that cut your power like Tien's Multi-Form Technique?" Nope. This isn't the Multi-Form. It's Yardratian Multiplication. The Yardratians are all about having complete control over your energy and all their abilities revolve around energy. These Frieza copies aren't exactly split forms from me. A lesson the nasty looking minion, Kakao, learned the hard way when his fist went through the Frieza fighting him. He then got blasted down by my copy with a Death Beam.

Daiz: "We can't touch them!"

See, they're not copies of my body, but my energy attacks in the shape of me. Think of it like Goku firing a Kamehameha Wave, then the Kamehameha shapeshifting into a Goku copy. Goku could then control it to make it attack with focus. That's basically how this ability works. And each of these copies is actually a Frieza shaped Death Beam. Definitely enough to take care of Turles' and Slug's cronies. One after the other, all the minions are dealt with and my copies then fade away.

Frieza: "Now then, who's next?"

Turles: "Slug, the fruit! Quickly!"

Slug: "Right!"

Both of them pull out the fruit of the Tree of Might and take a bite. Lord Slug goes from his old man look to his much younger look with his power boosting up with him. Turles bulks up in both appearance and power. Each of them set their sights on me as I push Crystal back with my tail.

Frieza: "Stay behind me, Crystal. This won't take long."

These movie villains were pretty strong, but nowhere near Final Form Frieza levels of power. As they charged at me, I flew in and punched both of them in the chest.

Turles and Slug: "Gah!"

I then punched Slug back and targeted the weakest of the 2, Turles. I kicked him against the wall and charged a Death Ball.

Frieza: "Bye bye, Proto-Goku Black! Hyah!"

I blasted Turles with the Death Ball and destroyed him easily in a blast of energy, which is kinda how he went out in Tree of Might with a Spirit Bomb.


With Turles down, Slug turned to me with a mix of rage and fear.

Slug: "You dare come aboard my ship and destroy my forces?! Die! HAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Lord Slug then grows 10 times in size, just barely reaching the ceiling of his ship.


He went for a stomp and smack, but I easily dodged them by flying upward.

Frieza: "How about picking on someone your own size! Gigantification!"

Before Slug's eyes, he watched as I grew in size to match his height.

Slug: "WHAT?!"


Gigantification, another Yardratian Technique. Like my Multiplication Technique, this one is also kind of an illusionary ability. By releasing my aura out to make it as big as possible, my aura of energy then changes into the shape of a bigger me. So I'm actually the same size and just controlling a giant me from the inside, but my enemies don't know that. How do I attack? Basically, just by using my energy attacks. In each of my giant fists is an energy blast. So every time I punch Slug, a little explosion happens when I make contact. I can also do it for any part of my giant form to make it seem like I'm attacking, which Slug probably thought when I kneed him in the gut and an explosion from the hit blew a hole through him.


Frieza: "SEE YOU IN H.F.I.L.!"

With a jumbo sized Death Beam, I blasted through Slug and sent him flying out to space. As everything inside the ship began flying out into space, I released my giant illusion and grabbed Crystal's hand before she got swept away into space.

Crystal: "AAAHHH!"

Frieza: "Don't worry! I've got you-"

Suddenly, I felt it. 2 massive energy sources appear out in the far distance for a moment. As if 2 people had just jumped up 50 times in strength for a bit.

Frieza: (A 50 times power boost! That's a super saiyan! I found him!) "Hang on! We're out of-"

Crystal and I then vanish away with Instant Transmission. Another handy move from Yardrat. By sending all your energy, including your life energy, to a different place, your body is instantly pulled along to wherever you send all your energy. That's why you need to find another energy source instead of a location. You need to sense another person's energy and send yours next to theirs. Finally, Crystal and I were on Easth. Only problem was... we kinda appeared at a very odd moment...

Frieza: "-here!"

Trunks: "-12th at 10:00am. On an island 9 miles off of South-... City..."

Frieza: "Uhhh..."

Crystal: "Is this it?"

Goku: "Frieza?"

Frieza: (Uh oh.)

Without warning, Future Trunks immediately turned super saiyan and pulled out his sword to attack.

Trunks: "HAH!"

Frieza: (Oh come on!)

Next time on DBZ Cold Rebirth!

Chapter 8: Frieza the Z Fighter