
Reborn as Dungeon Ruler

sss - class dungeon! I will clear it in 1 second Chaos Dragon! I will kill it in one sword slash Constellation, I will become the king of the constellation In a world marked by dungeons and celestial constellations, Alex Thorn's life is marred by betrayal and powerlessness. When a mysterious force grants him a second chance in the past, he embarks on a mission to protect his family from a tragic fate. With newfound powers, he delves into dungeons, uncovers secrets, and seeks vengeance. Follow Alex on his journey to become the Dungeon Ruler in a world of adventure, action, and supernatural wonders. Discover his path to redemption and ultimate power as he carves a new destiny. -------------------------- -------------------------- Cover Photo Is AI-generated. --------------------------- Everyday One chapter at 6.30 PM UTC. --------------------------- AN: It's My first time writing, So please support me with lots of love and write comments, it will guide me throughout the journey. Finally, enjoy the story and if you like it support me with power stones and Golden Ticket.

Dibya_Pal · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 35: 'Golden Alchemy'

When the cab dropped Alex off in the northern part of the city, he found himself standing in front of another renowned shop, the White Glass Armory. Its exterior had an air of nostalgia with its aged wooden façade and, true to its name, white glass panels on both sides of the door.

The wooden sign hanging outside the shop read "Golden Alchemy." The shop was a testament to the skills and knowledge of its owner, Victoria Watson, who was a renowned alchemist in her previous life. 

While her career might have had a slow start, her talent soon shone brightly, earning her offers from prestigious guilds.

Alex's knowledge of Victoria was limited, but he was aware that she had built a new shop at the same location as her old one. 

Visiting the shop several times had allowed him to remember the intricate details of its appearance, from the sign outside to the layout inside.

Alchemists like Victoria played a pivotal role in the world of hunters. They were responsible for creating various elixirs, potions, and magical items that enhanced a hunter's capabilities. 

The shop, "Golden Alchemy," was renowned for crafting some of the most exquisite and rare potions in the city. Its owner, Victoria, was a skilled alchemist, known for her exceptional craftsmanship. However, her expertise had not gained widespread recognition at this point.

Victoria's shop was a treasure trove of alchemical wonders, from potent healing elixirs to arcane brews that could enhance a hunter's abilities. 

Her skills were a well-kept secret among those who sought her services, and Alex was determined to make her an ally.

A reliable alchemist could be an invaluable asset for any hunter, and Alex was keen to establish a connection with Victoria to secure her services for his future endeavours.

As he pushed open the shop's door, the soothing scent of herbs and alchemical reagents greeted him, along with the sight of shelves filled with vials, ingredients, and magical tools. 

The atmosphere of the shop was distinctively different from the previous one. It was clear that the White Glass Armory catered to a more refined clientele, and their wares were displayed like pieces of art in a gallery.

Victoria was busy attending to a customer at the counter, but she glanced at Alex and offered a friendly nod, indicating that she would assist him shortly.

Victoria's assistant, the well-dressed and middle-aged man, approached Alex with a welcoming smile, a far cry from the ragged girl at the other shop. "Welcome, sir. How may we assist you today?" he inquired with a polite tone. 

Alex appreciated the professionalism and began listing the items he required. "I need two sets of low-quality health potions, and a couple of scrolls to boost agility proficiency," he said. "Also, do you have any enchanted trinkets that enhance a hunter's physical attributes?"

[Author here: Magical trinkets are small objects or items that possess magical properties or enchantments. These items can range from amulets, rings, and charms to small figurines or other decorative objects. They may have various purposes, such as providing protection, enhancing one's abilities, or serving as a focus for specific magical spells or rituals.]

"yes sir we have, please give me some time "The assistant nodded and began gathering the items on Alex's list while expertly explaining the various options available. 

As Alex made his selection, he couldn't help but wonder how building a relationship with the "Golden Alchemy" shop could benefit him in the long run.

Victoria's assistant went to speak with her, and Alex couldn't help but overhear their conversation. He caught snippets about the items he had requested and how they could get them ready.

He appreciated the professionalism and the service-oriented approach of the shop. 'At least,' he thought, 'it's a good place to get these essential items for a reasonable price.' And if they had any special connections or items in the future, he could explore those options. 

Alex waited patiently, looking around the quaint little shop, the shelves filled with various alchemical concoctions and magical trinkets. As he waited for the assistant to return with his items, he couldn't help but think about the next steps in his journey to become a formidable hunter.

- - -

The sudden, thunderous crash of the main wooden door being brutally assaulted by two intruders sent a shockwave through the shop. Alex swiftly turned his head to confront the unexpected assailants.

Two imposing figures, both burly and menacing, had barged into the shop. One of them brandished a menacing wooden bat while the other clutched a thick, coiled wire cable like a weapon of intimidation.

Victoria, the alchemist, ceased her current task and gasped in surprise as she observed the intrusion. She took a step back, her hand inching toward the hidden compartments beneath the counter where she stored protective potions and concealed alchemical instruments.

The middle-aged assistant, who had been helping Alex, paled as he hurried back into the shop's main area, ready to defend himself and the shop if needed.

Alex's mind raced as he contemplated his next actions. The intruders appeared both aggressive and unpredictable, and he needed to gauge their intentions quickly. 

His hand slowly reached for the hilt of his sword, where the dimension pouch concealed beneath his coat, while his eyes locked onto the two imposing figures with a mixture of caution and determination.

Yet, prior to taking any action, he needed to ascertain their purpose for being there.

The man wielding the wooden bat seemed to be the spokesperson for the pair. He stepped forward, pointing the bat menacingly at Victoria.

"Hey, lady, it's the sixth time we've come here to ask for the money you took as a loan. We've got patience, but it's running thin. Tell us when you'll return the money, otherwise, don't blame us if we have to destroy your tiny shop," he growled, his voice filled with anger and impatience.

Victoria, though startled, managed to maintain her composure. She spoke firmly but with a touch of concern in her voice. "I understand your frustration, and I'm committed to repaying the loan. It's just taking longer than expected. Please, let's talk about this rationally."

Alex stood poised, ready for action should the situation escalate. He was prepared to intervene and protect the shop, Victoria, and himself if necessary.

The assistant was visibly uneasy, unsure of how to respond to the escalating tension. The whole shop seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the intruders' next move.