
Reborn As Dante

Reincarnation in another world. What more could you possibly want? Unimaginable power. Luckily for a newly reborn soul, he gets to experiece both in the body of the Legendary Devil Hunter, Dante. This opportunity is one that should be exploited to the fullest extent. Chaos will ensue, a harem will be formed, and timelines will be irreovocably damaged. Let's rock, baby! (Current World: One Piece)

Felwinter · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

First Encounter

The first thing Dante noticed upon opening his new eyes was the absolute fidelity of everything. How beautiful the world around him looked and how perfect his vision was. He feels absolutely amazing, more specifically he feels a wellspring of power inside, itching to be released. It was phenomenal.

The greenery around him was vibrant and sparkling, the sand at his feet was coarse and more specifically everything felt so real, beyond what his imagination could previously have comprehended.

Thankfully, switching styles stayed with the video game because he could use his Royal Guard alongside Trickster simultaneously. Though, his Royal Guard had no Dreadnought, oddly.

In spite of these observations, Dante didn't dwell on the feeling of his new life any longer. He was more than pleased with what he had, and didn't want to spend it sat down on a beach thinking about how good it is.

"First order of business, don't end up like Castaway. Second, find out where Vergil is."

'Its a simple plan', Dante mused to himself, already beginning to mentally prepare himself to search for hours for any form of civilisation. His first idea was to activate Devil Trigger and fly around, however he also didn't want to waste his energy doing so. Thus, he did the next best thing. He summoned the Cavaliere and began touring the new world.

Dirt, sand and grass were all torn under the grinding teeth of Cavaliere's wheels, the wailing sounds of the engine echoing around the expanse around him.

Minutes went by as Dante passed tree after tree, molehill after molehill trying to find anything on this island. After breaking through some brush and finding the opposite end of the island, Dante shifted his plan around.

The first order of business is to find out where in the world he is, the second is to find out when in the timeline he is, and the third is to find out where the fuck Vergil is.

For a world like that of One Piece, where almost everything can cause harm, Dante was surprised to find no dangerous wildlife, no harmful plants, nor any sea creatures trying to kill him. Though, his musings were interrupted as he finally was given an introduction to some of the local pleasantries, more specifically a triheaded snake with 2 tails slithering in his general direction.

Dante, a rational man that he was, pulled out Ebony and Ivory and unloaded 17 rounds into the snake. By the time the gunfire had died down, Dante had turned the snake into what could only classify as a meat pancake.

"Mother Nature is a cruel mistress, it seems."

With no idea what the snake was, nor what it was capable of Dante continued thinking about what he was to do. One thing he hadn't taken into account was his utter lack of knowledge when it came to One Piece.

All he knew was that the Straw Hats were powerful, and Marineford was a massive event, and that the One Piece is real. Not nearly enough to properly survive, nor make a proper career for himself.

Thankfully, God threw him a bone as he saw what was quite clearly a Marine ship cruising into his view. Focusing on his demonic power, he swiftly began Tricking over to the ship, preparing at least 4 different excuses to explain to whoever was operating the boat exactly what he was doing in the middle of nowhere with supernatural powers.


The moment Dante's boots met the deck of the Marine vessel, he brought his hands up to his head in a universal signal of meaning no harm, not before dusting his coat off though.

His eyes scanned the ensemble of regular grunts before him, trying to identify the commanding officer of the ship until finally a door opened across the ship and a man, far larger than any normal human being should be casually walked towards Dante.

"Well hello there, lean, mean, marine machine. Do you happen to know where I can hitch a ride? I'm a bit lost."

The man, one Dante was slowly beginning to recognise from the tattered fragments he knew of Marineford, began to tremble in anger as he stared upon Dante, his red hawaiian shirt making him look only slightly less threatening.

"If you believe I will allow you to stowaway on my ship, you will find yourself mistaken."

"Aw, cmon now there's no need for that! Ain't you Marines civil servants anyway? I'd have thought it would be your obligation to help anybody who needs it."

Sadly, it seems as though negotiations were not on the table, something that irked Dante off given that he is quite literally a man desperate for help.

"My job isn't to make sure you can take care of yourself. My job is to uphold Justice and hunt down the pirates of this world. Leave now, before I decide you fit under the pirate banner."

Dante, though miffed by these events, wasn't as angered as before as he had gotten himself a map in the lower deck after activating Quicksilver and exploring around a bit, so he decided to not make an enemy of a global military force to avoid the hassle. Not without one last talking piece though.

"I like the shirt, really brings out your character."

His response was copious gunfire and what seemed like literal molten lava, though by the time he got said response he had already long since been gone, Air Tricking away and activating his Devil Trigger to fly in a different direction.

Sadly, he wasn't able to hitch a free ride, but he did in fact have a great idea of where he himself was. He was on a small, nameless patch of land a few kilometers off the coast of Sabaody. The map has it labelled as a 'pirate hotspot', alongside several other marked zones.

Hopefully he could get in contact with those pirates and get some knowledge on whats happening in the world. God forbid the show has already finished. Maybe he could even start his true journey from there, instead of face down in the dirt.

Watch out, world. Dante Sparda has finally pulled his thumb out his ass, and is ready to do something with his life!