
Reborn as Cyrus The Great

A man that believed himself to be nothing. Tries to make himself something great in his chance at a second life. To be Cyrus The Great and help form the Persian empire into something greater. To do that he shall face challenges he never faced before. Will he collapse and be forgotten to the annals of time or will he be remembered and turned into something great! Remember this is my first novel and if you have any ideas. Do let me know and please give helpful reviews as it greatly helps in my journey as a writer.

MrEuripedes · Book&Literature
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25 Chs

The Conquering Of Elam

"Your pride for your country should not come after your country becomes great; your country becomes great because of your pride in it."― Idowu Koyenikan


Cyrus' POV:

After our massacre at the river that I will call the 'Persians Favour' due to it having another way to flank the enemy and not lose as many men. We now had to march to the Elam's capital Susa.

"Men get ready to march to Susa! Victory WILL BE OURS!"


'The Elams better give up because I can't be bothered trying to hold out a siege with no equipment.' I thought to myself while taking my helmet off and keeping under my armpits.





After the third hurrah was spoken we marched off straight for the Elam Capital as once it falls Elam will be ours. The march in it self was nothing short of boring if I must say so myself. The only entertaining thing we saw was a few lionesses chasing after a cow. With us seeing a lioness go flying due to the cows back kick also brought quite a few of us a chuckle before we had to eventually go off on our march to Susa.

After a few hours of marching we finally reached a spot to gain our energy and relax in the shade as we didn't know Susa would be so far out. Once we stopped we gathered some drinks and water to allow us to relax and gain our energy back for a few minutes. After the men said they were bored I allowed them to have some wrestling matches with each other. Most of the winners to no ones surprise were the older veterans with more experience under their belt than most.

Some even had the audacity to ask me to wrestle. To which I loved the idea and joined the boys in their wrestling fun. As I got ready for my wrestling match the man I was going against was about a whole foot lower than me and that was not fun as he kept going for my legs so I kept flipping him over and over and after a few times the man was tired so I did a flying elbow on the man and oh did it live up to the hype it made in my dreams.

It felt heavenly. *Ahem* enough on my rant.


Soldier's POV:

Suddenly we were seeing the prince wrestle the now commander of the cavalry division. Commander Arsames. With Arsames getting put on his ass. Causing multiple people to laugh and then the prince suddenly does an elbow. Truly it looked like a tactic from heaven causing even Arsames to widen his eyes and get out the way but he was to late the mans jewels had an elbow straight at it.

Arsames eyes widened. Grabbing his groins in pain, His face red, knees weak and eventually he collapsed. We all laughed looking at what happened to him. He truly was a unlucky man.

Now You might be wondering how this happened. Well I'll tell you:

"Can you believe it, the prince actually allowed us to wrestle."


"Yes, Yes. Come on lets get other people to join in."

"Hey guys! Who wanna sign up for a few games of wrestling!"

Suddenly most of the people stopped eating and looked at us before standing up and cracking their knuckles before saying

"I'm up for it."

This was how the wrestling matches were set up. People on the sidelines watching each other get thrown around until one or the other couldn't get up from being to tired or giving up.

"Hey Arsames, You think you could wrestle with the Prince."

"Hehe, It would be fun but challenging im up for it."

"Ill try get the Prince to wrestle with us."

And that was how Arsames lost at least 3 generations of children.


Cyrus' POV:

After I was done with wrestling I went back to eating my food.

"My Prince, Men from Elam are here to negotiate with you about there surrender."

"Already, I thought that they would've put up a fight but this is a good outcome as there will be no blood spill now."

"Very well bring the messengers of Elam here, Ill see what they wish for their surrender and to serve under the Persians."

"Of course my prince. Ill get them now."

"I took out a scroll and grabbed my ink and feather and got ready to write a list of their demands and see what I could do."

After a few minutes, I saw the cloth to my tent opened and three men came in. my bodyguard and two Elam messengers I presume.

"Welcome to my camp, What can I help you with." I spoke with a smile on my face and waved my bodyguard away. To which he looked hesitant but agreed.

"We wish to negotiate our surrender to the Persians."

"And does this surrender of yours mean you become apart of Persia or You just surrender and expect no repercussion."

"Our surrender includes us becoming apart of Persia."

Hearing this brought a smile to my face.

"I see that is good, So what are the demands."

"Their are none."

"That is good very well. Swear loyalty to Persia and that you will not rebel while my relatives are on the throne. You are also to provide your army when we need it in a battle, Do you understand."

I slowly leaned back on my chair waiting for their response.

They looked to each other and nodded.

"We agree to your terms for our surrender."

"Very well, It seems I must update my map sooner than expected." I mutter out the last bits of my sentence.

"You may go." I waved them off with a smile. Pleased with the success I had in Elam. Now it is back to the same boring old life once I get back to Anshan. Man I wished I had a phone on something. Maybe a newspaper that updates to the future events. That would be neat but I guess I would never get anything from that Eldritch being. Not like I mind or anything. I left my tent soon after I finished my rant and told the men to pack everything up and that were going home.


Hope you guys enjoyed this. If you guys say the surrender doesn't seem very justifiable. I will tell you why it is:

1)The Entire of army of Elam got wiped in one battle.

2)Elam Would be scared shitless.

3)If they surrendered higher chance their people don't become slaves.

I hope you like my explanation.

Signing Off
