
Reborn as Cyrus The Great

A man that believed himself to be nothing. Tries to make himself something great in his chance at a second life. To be Cyrus The Great and help form the Persian empire into something greater. To do that he shall face challenges he never faced before. Will he collapse and be forgotten to the annals of time or will he be remembered and turned into something great! Remember this is my first novel and if you have any ideas. Do let me know and please give helpful reviews as it greatly helps in my journey as a writer.

MrEuripedes · Book&Literature
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25 Chs

The City of Ecbatana

"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." — Heraclitus, lived circa 500 BCE in Ephesus


Narrator POV:

The city of Ecbatana was filled with riches, that would put many to shame and that richness came from it's people, the people long forgotten and neglected by its tyrannical ruler. A ruler that was wished dead for his impractical methods. 

Many wished that one day, a man would be brave enough to overthrow Astyages and it seems that day has come. Loud reverberations of footsteps were heard, men carrying the banners of the Medes flew high although its citizens and soldiers show no loyalty to it anymore. It's leader, a masked man, with a spear and bronze shield in hand, Harpagus to his right and Deioces to his left.

The soldiers in front wearing heavy bronze plates, similar to that of the Greeks. Something that confused the Median citizens that were there to see. The soldiers marched in discipline with a rhythmic pattern. Every time a citizen got to near they would be pushed away by spears or shields, it depended on the side.

"Soldiers, prepare yourself for the Medes shall fall to its ruler, King Cyrus. Son of Cambyses, Grandson Of Astyages, Conqueror of Elam." Harpagus shouted out, getting ready as they neared the palace. A man could be seen on the balcony, overlooking the army with a hint of worry on his face.

The second the Medians, heard those words. They knew a new era was about to begin. An era better than that of Astyages The Tyrant. However not wishing to be near conflict, they ran to where ever they found safe.

"Harpagus, End this foolish action of yours! " The man from the balcony shouted. 

" Astyages, abdicate and grant kingship to your Grandson Cyrus. Then you may live! " Harpagus returned his shout back.

" Do you guarantee my safety!? " 

Harpagus looked towards the masked man, to which he raised his hands in a allowing manner.

" King Cyrus, has guaranteed that you will be spared! " 

" Very well, I shall abdicate, It is wise to have a head than have the future peasants take it." Astyages mumbled the last words under his breath

"Indeed, you have made a clever decision, now why don't you open this door. So we can do the crowning ceremony and get this over with." 

"Very well." Astyages spoke before leaving the balcony.

Cyrus turned his head back, taking his helmet off a smile plastered on his face, " Well that was easier than expected. I thought he would of put up more of a fight than that." 

"Indeed, however it was a wise decision." 

Cyrus nodded at those words before looking back towards the Palace entrance, waiting for it's doors to open. 


Persian Soldier POV:

I looked towards our leader , our king. No, that is to small of a title for a man that has done a feat like this. No, it is as if he was blessed by Ardvi Sura Anahita with the victories he has granted to us. In my heart, this man shall be forever known as a god. If it be true or not, he has led our realm to victories we would have never thought of occurring, He has brought wealth to our realm, and shall continue to do so. So I shall forever call him the Almighty. The man that shall make all bow before him. 

Be it man or animals. All shall praise him in his glory, a glory I shall spread to those willing and those that wish for a true feeling of peace and tranquility. If not then they are nothing but dirty heathens that follow Aeshma a being that wishes to inflict pain in all.

I heard his wonderful voice, the voice of 'The Almighty'. He was speaking to us, victory over the Medes has been won. We have gained more land than any ruler before, due to the wonders of our lord. Tears of grace fell peacefully from my eyes as I looked into the clear skies. A sign from Ahuramazda for peaceful years to come. It brought a smile to my face, causing those around me to be looking at me differently. They were people that have not expressed the light of our lord, and the gods grace. 

I closed my eyes to stop the flow of tears, to which eventually stopped.

" Hey Zafar, are you alright? " The man looked at me with concern, " If you need to talk, we can after this is done. " 

"No, it is alright I have just reached enlightenment on something. " 

"There you go, back to religious self. " That man slapped my back with a smile, " But seriously, why are you so zealous. You've been like that since the Elam campaign."

" It is as I said, I reached enlightenment on our lord. " 

" Really, what do you believe of him? " The man spoke eagerly after all he enjoyed my religious rants for some reason. For that, I found his company enjoyment as he would always bring up certain topics.

" I shall speak to you later, I can only tell it to those willing. " I spoke to him in a hushed whisper

" If I get water, thrown on me when I get to your tent. Ill toss you down a hill. Do you understand? " He spoke with a finger pointing at me before breaking out in a laugh, " But seriously how long do you think it will take for Lord Cyrus to leave that palace, It's been quite a while since he entered. "

"What do you mean he entered? " I questioned confused, " Yeah he entered when you started crying. " He returned 

I can't believe it, In crying for realizing the true meaning of my life. To spread Cyrus as the man meant to save us. I missed his most important event. The crowning of a new king, a king that will bring upon a new era. Tears once again fell upon my eyes for missing the opportunity to see him enter the palace. However not to fret, I will still be able to witness him in all his glory once he comes out.


New chapter, another one that I'm proud of to be honest.

Anyways, tell me how well you think I portrayed Zafar, maybe some ideas will be implemented. After all I believe he can be developed some more and by that I mean heavily