
Reborn where?!

Chapter 1

"Aw man!" I said as I got off the bench in the park, closing the latest volume of Oshi no ko that I had just finished reading.

"Can't believe I already finished reading, I mean, I just bought it today!" But still, I was in a chipper mood as Oshi no ko was my favorite series. And even just being able to read it gave me happiness in my dull, boring life.

'Though I still get depressed when I think about what happened to Ai in the manga' I thought as I sighed inwardly. 'What I wouldn't do to be able to go into the pages to save her, or at least warn her' I thought to no one in particular.

I looked at a puddle that was on the path in front of me. Staring into my reflection, what met me was a perfectly average Japanese salaryman. I had messy black hair that I had tried to comb earlier that morning to look presentable, dead fish eyes and eye bags under them from pulling all-nighters. That was Kiyoshi Yuuki, aka, me, the guy that was disowned by his family and forced to get a job like a 'normal member of society' as his mom had put it.

'I'll just go home now and heat up some leftovers' I thought, not wanting to waste my time staring at a puddle when I could be indulging in my hobbies or eating, I thought, as I started walking back to my apartment.

Going through the park I observed my surroundings, kids playing, dogs barking and joggers running. Nothing that would come across as abnormal. Walking to the end of the path I stepped on to the sidewalk and started crossing the road, a truck could be heard as it drove past me and of course nothing happened.

'I mean was there something supposed to happen?' 'it's not like I was going to get hit by a truck and get isekai'd' I thought as I chuckled a bit.

"Yeah no way that would happen" I said as I walked in the direction of my shabby apartment building that I was renting with my meager salary.

Unlocking the door to my apartment I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. Putting away my stuff I opened the fridge and pulled out some leftovers from the day before. Placing them in the microwave to be heated I opened my computer and searched for some anime to watch while I ate.

Scrolling through the list, I came upon an anime that had been recommended to me but I never took the time to watch.

"Kaguya-sama: Love is war" I mused out loud.

"I guess I'll give it a try" I said as I pressed play on episode one while taking the first bite out of my reheated leftovers.

Eight hours later~~

"As I thought!" I said in tears of joy.

"Chika is the best waifu! No doubt about it!" I said while praising my newest goddess.

"Wait, what time is it anyway?" I said as I snapped out of my delusion and looked at my watch.

'Hmm… six am now is it' I thought as I looked at my watch.

"SHIT!" "I can't believe I pulled an all-nighter!" I cursed as I realized what time it was. I hurriedly turned off my computer before scampering off to get my things and running out of my apartment so I wouldn't be late to work.

Walking down the sidewalk, I still couldn't help but be happy as I had discovered a gem.

"I can't believe that I never tried watching Kaguya-sama before""blasphemy I say" I said as I berated myself for my foolishness,

And as I stepped across the sidewalk I suddenly heard something.

"BEEEEEP!""BEEEEEP!" Time seemed to slow down as I saw the truck hurtling towards me, seemingly unable to brake.

'Shit!' I cursed inwardly. Unable to move as it was like I was rooted to the ground.

'This is such a cliche man' I thought in my last moments before being run over.

'I just wish that I could've seen more of my goddess and finished my favorite manga' I thought before closing my eyes.

The moment my body touched the truck, time resumed and I was thrown across the road at ridiculously high speeds, before landing back on the road.

As I laid there, all feeling seemed to leave my body and I couldn't feel any pain. Which to be honest I was thankful for as I never had particularly high pain tolerance.

It felt like I was laying there for an eternity. But I knew it had only been a few seconds as I could make out some shouts from people.

As my eyes grew heavy I closed them and took a deep breath before letting the darkness take me. And just like that Kiyoshi Yuuki died, after being hit by an out of control truck.

An unspecified amount of time later~~

Suddenly I woke up completely awake.

'W-wh-where a-am I?' I thought to myself.

'D-didn't I die?' 'How am I still alive?' I thought.

Realizing that I couldn't see, I tried to open my eyes but was unable to. I concentrated on where I was and felt a warm liquid feeling enveloping me along with what sounded like a heartbeat.

I tried thrashing about but quickly got tired. And after taking my time to organize my thoughts it dawned on me.

'I-I'm in a womb right?' 'Did I get reincarnated!?' 'Damn! That's super cliche!' I thought to myself. But before I knew it I started to feel incredibly drowsy and sleep reclaimed me once again.

The next time I awoke, fleshy walls were squeezing tight against me forcing me into the direction of a hole where light was shining through.

'AH!' I internally screamed.

'What's happening?!' 'Am I being born?!'

And like confirmation for what I was thinking, I was being squeezed through a hole, which, in fact hurt like hell. And with my pain tolerance not being the best made it that much worse. So when it was finally over I started crying my lungs out.

I was picked up by a doctor who exclaimed something that I missed because I was too busy crying since it hurt so damn much. And was then handed to an obviously exhausted woman laying on the bed.

As I opened my eyes since the pain had mostly subsided I looked up at my new mom and froze. My mom was looking at me with loving eyes when the doctor asked.

"What do you want to name her Mrs. Saitou?"

'THERE he said it! Saitou as in Miyako Saitou right!' But before he could get any more shocked, his mom answered the doctor.

"Chika," she said.

"Chika Saitou" she said, still looking at me softly.

'Eh?' I thought.

'There's no way? Right?' He thought.

But he was right not only had he been reincarnated in his favorite manga Oshi no ko but he had also been named Chika, which could not be a coincidence, but before he could wrap his head around it, he, now she fainted from tiredness with his new moms arms wrapped around her.

This is a wish fulfilment fanfic. I got this idea and had an urge to write it, but don’t expect regular updates. Thanks.

Roachifiedcreators' thoughts