
Failed Breakthrough

The roars of demon beasts soared throughout the valley in a remote corner of the Celestial Realm. Dozens of dark mountains spammed across the firmament, piercing through the grayish sky. In the black clouds, purple and silver lightning bolts split the Heavens now and then.

That was the Demon Beast Mountain Domain. It was the most distant place from the human Celestial Sects. There, the demon beast roamed havoc, killing each other, and any human who dared infiltrate their protected territory.

As such, the only humans who still risked their life in those desolate beast mountains were the ones who could not return to the human domain. Some were criminals and banished daoists, while some were there fleeing from conjugal responsibilities, and so on.

On one of those black mountains, though, the dark clouds were unusually concentrated. They were like a soup of deadly lighting and darkness, waiting to descend and destroy everything below. If looked closely, there were even some golden lightning swimming around now and then.

In fact, that mountain was a bit different from the other ones. First, it seemed to be devoided from demon beasts. In a radius of a hundred kilometers around it, not a single living soul dared to barge in. The creatures around it only looked up with apprehensive eyes, and then ran away in the next moment.

Also, at the peak of the mountain, there appeared to be an azure dome of energy surrounding it. It was like a great array formation, revolving around a straight cave on the top of the mountain. Yet, looking closer, one would see that the azure dome of energy was not any ordinary array formation. The whole structure was composed of multiple tiny blue swords!

Each one flew on their own, radiating an azure luster that connected it with the other ones. Although they were almost transparent and small, they gave out a powerful aura. Every then and now, a silver lightning bolt would smash the dome, only to become smoke afterward.

Inside the entrance carved in stone, there was a large cave adobe. It was cut through the black cobblestone quite smoothly. Delicate oil lamps illuminated the hall, barging deep into the mountain's belly. On the way, there were lots of stone chambers.

All types of shiny and lustrous magical treasures filled one at the right. Mountains of gold and silver filled another one on the left. One had multiple clean books and scrolls, perfectly organized in five tall shelves. Yet, there was one chamber, which was the most eye-catching.

Illuminated by a crystal chandelier, beautiful paintings filled the fancy stone chamber's walls. Each one of them seemed to have a presence of their own, a powerful intent. Some portrayed magnificent natural sights, holding great spiritual mountains, and infinite rivers falling from the Heavens.

Yet, the gems of the frames were the one which displayed the most beautiful fairies. Some just sat there, looking around. Others played calmly in crystal-clear water. Still, some seemed to be madly pursuing the god-level artist that brought those frames to life. A curious thing, though, was that almost every one of them was devoided of clothing.

At the center of the luxurious cave adobe, there was a large hall with an opening to the skies. It was quite humble compared to the rest of the cave. The only thing inside it was a bamboo praying mat. And seated upon it was a tall figure vested in white scholar cloths.

It was a young man around his twenties. He had long black hairs, which fell over his shoulders. With well-defined jawlines, his face seemed to be carved out of the most perfect and pure jade. Although his eyes were closed in meditation, it was clear that he had an irresistible charm.

He sat there in meditation in complete silence. Upon his crossed legs was an ordinary-looking sword. It was outside the scabbard, and its blade resembled mortal steel. Its hilt was simple, carved out of regular oak wood. Yet, that was his life's weapon, the one he carried since he was a lowly Daoist.

In a flash, it began. One after another, nine silver lightning bolts descended from the sky. They were as thick as one's arm, raining upon the azure sword formation. Yet, even after those nine powerful strikes, the sword formation continued as firm as before. Still, it dimmed down a bit.

The young man just sat there without any expression. His body did not even flicker before Heaven's initial show of might. It was as if he was waiting for the real thing. Therefore, moments later, a purple flash cut through the air, landing with an ear-breaking rumble on the azure dome.

Just like the silver ones, nine thick purple lightning bolts few from the skies, crashing upon the formation. However, this time, after each hit, a big crack spread throughout the majestic blue dome. And with the last purple flash, the blue formation disintegrated from top to bottom.

Inside the stone hall, the young man finally made a move. With a swift movement, he fetched the sword with a firm grip and held it above his head with both his hands. Then, he patiently waited, just as calm as before. Yet, now he had opened his eyes and stared at the storm above him with his deep purple eyes.

A few breaths later, a golden vortex began to form in mid the dark clouds. In a matter of seconds, it had sucked all the spirit Qi around the mountain. Then, after a slip moment of freezing silence, a golden beam of light as thick as a tree descended into the stone hall. It fell directly above the young man wielding the steel sword.

Still, the moment it was about to smash the young man, an azure sword projection flew out from his body, slashing at the golden lightning with unstoppable momentum. It had fused with the steel sword, dispersing the golden lighting into nothing.

The Heavens did not give him a break, slashing down one golden beam after another. Each time the steel sword received the golden might together with the azure sword projection, it became a bit burnt. As for the azure energy, it slowly dissipated into the void together with the lighting it counterattacked.

At the eighth golden slash from the Heavens, the steel sword was as dark as burnt coal. After it dispersed that one lightning bolt, it turned into ashes and seized to exist. The azure projection followed along, becoming white smoke and flying into the wind.

Blood dripped from the young man's mouth as he looked up to the Heavens with a thoughtful gaze. The vortex began to power up the last time before releasing the ninth and final golden beam of lightning. The young man just sat there and silently received it with his bare body.

After the last earth-shaking thunder, the dark storm clouds disappeared in a blink of an eye. Behind them, the sky revealed its pure blue color, as if nothing had happened. Even the Sun showed up, illuminating once more the mountain range.

Down inside the hall, the young man was still seated in silence. Yet, he had a smile on his face. With a swing of his hand, a thumb-size pearl appeared on his hand. He gazed tranquil at it, thinking about his life and everything that had happened up until then.

He had a fulfilling life and pursued the Great Dao like any other. Yet, the only regret he had was not finding out what happened with his beloved teacher all those years ago. Back then, the events happened too suddenly, and he did not have time to investigate them properly.

His master was a great man who picked him up from the slums. He had almost no talent, yet the most firm Dao Heart ever to exist. In gratitude to his master, the only thing he had in his heart was the Dao. He never slacked off one day of his life. Even when he and his master became known as the Two Handsome Sword Gods, and a thousand fairies pursued them trough the Realm, he only had eyes for cultivation!

He did everything he could possibly do in the world to pursue the Dao. When his master said that sword cultivators had to have a hobby to refine their skills, he chose to paint. Yet, his master told him that if he wanted to become fulfilled, he needed to paint the most beautiful things in the world. As such, he held nothing back as he roamed the Realm, invading forbidden sacred cultivation grounds and secretly painting all the Holy Fairies of the Celestial Realm!

His face, his reputation, moral principals, nothing mattered for him! If it helped him pursue the Dao, and was not against his master's teachings, he would do it without a slight hesitation. And like that, a talentless peasant became one of the Celestial Realm's most powerful Sword Daoists!

Yet, one day, as he was peacefully cultivating on his celestial mountain, his master flew up to his secret chamber. The man carried a jade box the size of a palm and nothing more. After receiving his respectful greeting bow, his master passed the jade box to him.

"Yi'er, take this box and keep it with you. Now listen, I'm very proud of having such a dedicated disciple like you! In this life, strive for the Heavens without any regrets! Yet, if even then you fail, this box will be there for you!"

"But master, why all of this so sudden? Did something happen?"

Yet, his master just smiled before a white beam of light descended from the Heavens and engulfed him.

"We shall meet again if Fate permits it!" those were his last words before the white beam dispersed, and the man disappeared from the world.

Back then, Yi Jiang passed days investigating the limits of the Realm in that spot, but no matter how he tried, he could not find any traces of his master. Then, after the rest of the Realm discovered that his master had disappeared, all the Holy Fairies he had "offended", and all the young master who sought his "divine" paintings invaded the celestial mountain.

Being pursued by the ladies, who claimed he had to be their Dao Companion by right, and the shameless young masters who wanted to "restore" the ladies' honor by "confiscating" his paintings, he had no choice but to enter in secluded meditation.

Then, the moment he attained the peak Saint Daoist Realm, he attempted his breakthrough to the next level. He was too anxious to become stronger and search for his disappeared master. Yet, he underestimated the Great Saint Tribulation and paid the price. The destruction of his divine sword, the dispersal of his Dao Projection, and finally his life!

Yet, in his final moments, he remembered the jade box his master had left for him all those years ago. It turned out there was a mysterious pill inside it. As a filial disciple, he obeyed his master's last words and always kept it with him. And in the end, he failed!

Doing as his master said, Yi Jiang took the pill in his hands and swallowed it down. As it began to take effect inside his body, Yi Jiang's vision became darker by the second. Slowly, his body lost its former stability and arched forward.

The moment all the signs of life disappeared from his body, a small orb of light suddenly exited his forehead. It floated around the lifeless body for some time before it zapped out of the stone hall and flew in a white flash into the horizon.

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