
crazy plan

Did he actually say that?

Blackbeard never expected Whitebeard to admit it to him. However, since Whitebeard did, it shows that he completely trusts him.

From Marco's surprised exclamation on the other end of the phone, Blackbeard deduced that Marco was initially unaware of this information. Now that Whitebeard has confided in him, it signifies that he truly considers Blackbeard part of the family.

Feeling a mix of emotions, Blackbeard was somewhat relieved. "Lao Bai can handle this," he thought. It wasn't all in vain that he took this step to pursue Celestial Dragons.

"I understand. It all makes sense," Blackbeard acknowledged. After a brief pause, he dropped a bombshell: "Okay, Dad, I want to leave the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Nani!!!" This exclamation came not only from the Blackbeard pirates but also from Marco and even Whitebeard, all shocked by the statement.

"Teach, do you realize what you're saying!!!" Marco angrily protested.

Whitebeard, initially angry, furrowed his brow. After a moment of reflection, he calmly inquired, "Teach, I want to understand why you've made this decision."

"I've captured the Celestial Dragons, just a day ago," Blackbeard disclosed.

Hissing sounds were heard through the phone bug as Marco reacted in astonishment.

After a short pause, Whitebeard burst into laughter and remarked, "Gula la la la~~ Teach, you're going to great lengths! Attempting to capture Celestial Dragons? You've always had your ways. First, you capture the Celestial Dragons, and now you reveal this to me. You must have a plan of your own. Care to share with 'Dad'?"

"Of course!" Blackbeard grinned. "Since the World Government had the audacity to seize Ace, my brother, and friend, I am determined to make them pay the price! But rest assured, Dad, I won't act without careful preparation. I've gathered intel from government agencies like CPO and CP9, learning that they've had Ace in custody for a while. Their delay in announcing it was likely because of us, the Whitebeard Pirates. Months ago, the World Government began planning. I suspect they aim to use Ace's public execution to lure us to Naval Headquarters. Following that, they plan to trap and defeat the Whitebeard Pirates once more to enhance the government and Marine's prestige and set the stage for future pirate eradication."

Whitebeard and Marco's expressions shifted upon hearing Blackbeard's analysis; they found it compelling.

Amidst the lack of a solid plan from Whitebeard at the moment, he asked Blackbeard, "Teach, what do you propose?"

"That's one reason I'm departing from the Whitebeard Pirates," Blackbeard sighed. "I intend to use the Celestial Dragons to create a spectacle before the government announces Ace's public execution. Afterward, I will declare my exit from the Whitebeard Pirates and aim to contend for the position of one of the Four Emperors in the New World. By drawing attention to myself, Dad, you all will have more time to strategize. I know your temperament well, so I won't dissuade you. Yet, I urge you to inform your other captains about Ace's true identity. Otherwise, I fear someone might exploit this information to sow discord among us, the Whitebeard Pirates, potentially leading to conflict."

Following these words, war was at horizon.

Since the Marine faction intends to eliminate our Whitebeard Pirates, they will undoubtedly utilize every means at their disposal!

I must exercise extreme caution when it comes to my brother's full name!" Hearing Blackbeard's words, Whitebeard and Marco also fell into deep contemplation.

After some thoughtful deliberation, Whitebeard and Marco couldn't help but admire Teach's foresight.

Following a brief pondering, Whitebeard spoke in a grave tone: "Teach, you are right to be wary. I almost overlooked this aspect earlier. If the Marines are truly aware of Ace's true identity, there's no way they can keep it under wraps. It's possible that their cautiousness stems from knowledge of Ace's secret. If we had kept this knowledge to ourselves, it could lead to a critical situation!"

"That's true." Witnessing Lao Bai heed the counsel, Blackbeard also smiled. "When everyone converges on Marineford, I'll have my allies there to assist. You can expect a surprise then! Want to execute Ace? Want to bring down our Whitebeard Pirates? I'll defy the World Government and throw them off their game!"

Both Whitebeard and Marco could sense Teach's determination, and they silently endorsed Blackbeard's plan.

Then, Marco, in a somber tone, addressed Teach: "You must safeguard this phone bug diligently. Should it be compromised, alert me immediately! No matter where you are, I'll arrive swiftly. Teach, remember, we're family for life!"

Wearing a smile, Blackbeard responded, "Ah, I understand, Marco." Afterward, he obtained contact details of several underworld kings from Whitebeard, finalized details for the impending event and subsequent statement by the Whitebeard Pirates, and concluded the call.

Within the cabin, Whitebeard chuckled as he shook his head. "Teach, can't you see his daredevil side, hunting Celestial Dragons? It appears he has a troubled history in the Valley of the Gods."

Marco's expression turned stern, "Teach once disclosed to me being an experimental subject of the Celestial Dragons since his childhood."

Whitebeard's visage tensed upon hearing this revelation, but he swiftly suppressed his anger and instructed in a deep voice, "Marco, assemble the other captains without delay and proceed decisively."

"Understood." Marco acknowledged before leaving the cabin.

As the door shut behind Marco, Whitebeard let out a long breath, followed by a chuckle, "Gula la la la~~ Roger, it seems this might be my final stand! Departing without regrets on such a grand stage is still attainable. It might be a fitting conclusion for me, the legendary pirate, but fret not, Ace... I'll ensure his safety!"

Meanwhile, in the capital of Seven Waters, in the temporary residence of the Blackbeard Pirates, following Blackbeard's bold plan, confusion reigned among the crew members. However, Enel, unfamiliar with the Four Emperors like the Whitebeard Pirates, couldn't contain his excitement, "Hahaha, Captain, your plan is magnificent! Who are these Celestial Dragons? Simply stamp them underfoot to assert dominance! So, Captain, what's the next course of action?"

Enel's eyes brimmed with anticipation, looking toward Blackbeard eagerly. The Black group members, fully regaining composure, gazed at Blackbeard in curiosity.

After surveying his crew, Blackbeard's smile grew increasingly fierce, "The plan? The plan is to execute the Celestial Dragons within a week!"

Shock rippled through the Black group members. While aware of their captain's penchant for grand schemes, they never imagined the extent of his audacity. Executing Celestial Dragons? Such a daring move would undoubtedly stir the world into turmoil!

It's simply too crazy!

Among the people in the Blackbeard group, Robin, Nami, Carmen, along with Carmen's two inept apprentices, all turned pale at this time. They never imagined that Blackbeard would do this. Why this?

Robin quickly deduced the key, reconnecting with what their captain and Whitebeard had previously mentioned. Since the World Government desires to eliminate the Whitebeard Pirates, their captain will take the lead.

Nami, still a bit frightened, tentatively suggested, "Teach, can't we exchange the Celestial Dragons we captured for Ace?"

Swish. Everyone turned their attention to Nami upon hearing her words. In their view, this approach seemed highly plausible. Trading the Celestial Dragons for Ace would benefit the World Government regardless.

Before Blackbeard could respond, Robin shook his head and stated coldly, "Impossible! Although the Celestial Dragons are of high status, it's absolutely implausible for the five individuals seated as the World Nobles to agree to such terms."

"Why, Robin-chan?" Nami inquired, puzzled. Others shared the sentiment.

Robin sighed and explained, "Ace is the son of Roger, the Pirate King! The World Government executed Pirate King Roger, ushering in the Great Pirate Age. To remedy this, Ace has become essential. The World Government has long sought after Roger's lineage. Now that Ace is captured, it provides an opportunity for the World Government to rectify past errors and also cripple the Whitebeard Pirates after executing Ace. This move will significantly boost the Marine and World Government's authority! The intricate plans laid out for months by the World Government wouldn't be abandoned over a single Celestial Dragons. That's why the captain took the extreme measure of executing the Celestial Dragons."

"Hahaha!" Blackbeard draped his arm around Robin's shoulders, grinning. "My parents gave birth to me, and Robin knows me!"

Robin rolled her eyes at the comment, while Nami huffed in response. Crowe, with excitement gleaming in his eyes, pushed up his glasses with the back of his hand and remarked, "The bottom line is, this Celestial Dragons is nothing but a mere trifle! There are numerous similar Celestial Dragons in the Holy Land. The Five Elders wouldn't forgo the opportunity to enhance the World Government's influence because of one insignificant figure like Saint Charlos."

Snapped! Blackbeard snapped his fingers, grinning. "Exactly. Don't underestimate the Five Elders just because they are elderly. These individuals likely underwent an immortality procedure. Their power remains unfathomable! Celestial Dragons of this caliber wouldn't overlook someone like Saint Charlos."

Hissing sounds of surprise filled the air as the implications sank in.

"Immortality surgery?" Enel's expression turned to shock.

"Does such a surgery truly exist?" Crowe expressed his enthusiasm.

Badjis: "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, it appears that only the powerful are fit to govern the world!"

Bartolomeo: "Since the captain said so, it must be true."

Poison Q: "It's truly terrifying. If those five elders are indeed immortal, how formidable would they be?"

Fan Oka: "The eternal rulers of the world? It's truly disheartening to contemplate. Does such a being truly exist?"

Robin: "To some extent, it's plausible."


As soon as Nico Robin mentioned this, everyone's attention returned to her.

Nico Robin openly shared her knowledge: "I once came across a detailed Devil Fruit guide at the Tree of Knowledge that introduced a Devil Fruit known as the Op-Op Fruit. Individuals with abilities from this fruit can forfeit their own lives to perform immortality surgeries for others. It's possible for those who undergo this surgery to gain immortality."

Hissing sounds filled the air after receiving this confirmation, prompting everyone to share any remaining astonishment.

Marshall D. Teach grinned and added, "There's no doubt that the individuals who underwent the immortality surgery are those five elderly figures. When I was much younger, I crossed paths with one of them in the Valley of the Gods. Decades have passed, and the reports I received indicated that they remain unchanged."

The members of the Blackbeard crew fell into silence at this revelation. After a prolonged pause, Enel sighed, "So, it's not an exaggeration to call them gods, right?"

"It certainly isn't an exaggeration," Crowe concurred. Others remained contemplative.

Amidst their musings, Marshall D. Teach suddenly burst into laughter, "So, isn't the aim of our Blackbeard Pirates to challenge the gods? In a week, we will take the initial step. We will proclaim to the world: Celestial Dragons bleed, fear, and suffer just like any other being! Celestial Dragons can be defeated! We will topple Celestial Dragons from their pedestals. It's time for the Blackbeard Pirates to make their mark on the global stage!"

The eyes of everyone within the Blackbeard crew ignited with fervor. This past week had been far from uneventful for Marshall D. Teach.

Initially, an uninhabited island in the Calm Belt was selected as the site for the Celestial Dragons' execution. Following this, Marshall D. Teach contacted key figures such as "News King" Morgans, Shipping King Deep Current Yumit, Loan Shark King Du Fisher, Killer King Dorag Piecro, and Stussy, a CP member of the World Government's Pleasure District.

They were informed about a worldwide live broadcast scheduled for the coming week. Morgans, as the president of the New Territories News Agency, would oversee the broadcast. Marshall D. Teach, being the eccentric figure he is, shared details about the live broadcast of the Celestial Dragons with Morgans but withheld information regarding Morgans' own imminent execution for fear of overwhelming the "news king."

Marshall D. Teach also raided Punk Hazard, securing a copy of Vegapunk's Fish Fruit. Additionally, he eliminated Guysa and obtained his Logia Gas Fruit, which he bestowed upon chef Carmen. Plans for Nami's Devil Fruit were also in motion in Marshall D. Teach's mind.

Subsequently, Badgers consumed the Fish Fruit, surprising Marshall D. Teach with the manifestation of a massive bloody dragon, unlike Momonosuke's transformation. Badgers underwent intense personal training guided by Marshall D. Teach, quickly mastering the Fish Fruit abilities. Badgers' physical capabilities dramatically improved, boasting formidable strength comparable to Armament Haki under regular circumstances.

The crew was impressed with Badgers' advancement, particularly given his diligence. Marshall D. Teach took pride in the progress of the Blackbeard crew members. On the verge of the live execution, Marshall D. Teach received promising news from Vivi: Baroque Studio had acquired the Phantom Beast Devil Fruit for 1.5 billion beli from the underground world.

hope you like this translation better

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