
Reborn as Bell with 2 Templates

Transmigrated into the main character of Danmachi, the mc pulled some very op templates, but has a serious downside with the powers.

Dezser · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

 It took a week to reach Orario. During the trip I continued doing the daily exercise task, which gets a little easier each time. On the third day, I manage to finish the daily exercise task with time to spare. I decided to experiment with the chakra blessing skill. At first I wanted to do the tree walking exercise, but I decided to hold off on that and start off small. So instead I did the leaf sticking exercise.

It took about an hour to get it right. Then I started to make extra challenges for it. Mainly adding more than one leaf and to keep the leaf sticking while moving. That took the rest of the day and some of the night to finish. On the next day I finished the daily task at noon, which honestly left me way too happy. It's probably the fact that I have more time for experiments. I immediately went to the nearest tree to try the tree walking exercise. I had a really good idea on how to do this. I put my right on the trunk of the tree and channeled some magic. Just enough so it can stick. I pulled on my foot to make sure it actually stuck. When it didn't budge, I did the same with my other foot. I repeated the same actions until I went up and down the tree.

A grin grew on my face at the accomplishment. I immediately went back to it with vigor. The goal is to lessen the time it takes to go up and down the tree. By the end of the day I was sprinting up and down the tree. I added the leaf sticking exercise to make the task more challenging. The next 3 days were spent on refining the skills I've learned since I couldn't find a river. When I reached the gates of Orario I opened my templates.

Name: Bell Cranel

Age: 14

Affiliation: none

Templates Progress: [Madara Uchiha 5%],[Tobirama Senju 5%] 

Skills: Water affinity[ Beginner], Fire affinity[ Beginner], Chakra blessing (Gives the user's magic chakra like properties), Sensor[Beginner 10 meters], Locked[???]


Storage space( Size is based around the amount of mind the user has.) 

Fire Style jutsu: Great fire ball

Daily Task: 

[100 push ups ], [200 slashes], [200 swings (Must use gunbai for this task)], [100 sit ups], [10Km run],[complete]

After looking at the template, I noticed something interesting. It turns out that I'm gaining some physical characteristics from my template characters. My hair is growing longer like Madara's and Tobirama's facial red marks. Maybe I'll get a similar clothing style as them too. I'll get Madara's armor, but with Tobirama's colors. Thinking about makes me feel all giddy inside.

I approached the gate guards and did the necessary protocols to go into the city. When I went into the city, I was met with a beautiful sight. Looking around I see the shop, the vendors, the trees and beautiful greenery, and the best part is the tower of Babel.After checking out my surroundings I went to explore the streets.

After an hour of exploring I found a familiar short goddess working at a vendor. Walking up to her I asked "hello are you a goddess". Looking to see who's talking, she smiled and replied," yes I am how can I help you"? I had a sheepish look and asked " Great umm... are you looking for any adventures to join your familia by any chance"?

Taken back by the question, the goddess then smiled in excitement. "Yes actually, are you looking to join my familia"? "Yes I am, if you don't mind having me". The goddess had a look of pure joy on her face. She then celebrated by jumping around like a child. I smiled in amusement at the scene. The goddess stopped her celebration and the look of realization came across her face. She then looked my way in worry." Umm before you join my familia you should know that I'm in huge debt right now".

I raised my eyebrow at the statement. "How huge are we talking"? She said something that was barely heard. "What was that?" I asked while leaning closer to hear the answer. "2,000,000 valis", she said with trepidation. My eyes widened in astonishment at the number. Then I shrugged my shoulders, "okay I'll help pay it off with you". The goddess did a double take, "WHAT!! Are you sure you want to do that"? I told her "yeah sure, think of it as my way of paying you back".

She started having tears build up in her eyes, then she jumped on me smashing my face into her cleavage, suffocating me in the process. I was getting weird and jealous looks from the people passing by. I was trying to let her know to get off of me by tapping her back, which got her attention. Looking down she noticed that my face was turning blue from the lack of oxygen. She immediately let go allowing me to breathe once again. "I thought I saw grandpa waving at me from the side". "Oh no I'm so sorry"! Once I regained my breath I gave her a wry smile "it's fine, hopefully it doesn't happen again,but judging from how you react with your emotions.

There's going to be a lot more of that in the future. Anyways, we haven't introduced ourselves yet, have we?" "Oh your right, sorry about that. I got caught up in the moment. So, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hestia." She stuck her hand out for a handshake. "Nice to meet you goddess Hestia, my name is Bell Cranel." I shook her hand while introducing myself. "Well Bell, let me close down the shop so I can give you your falna." After she closed the shop I followed her home. When we reached the place Hestia had an embarrassed look on her face. "Well this is the place".

I looked at the building and it was a dilapidated looking church. I looked at her face in amusement, "don't worry I won't judge". I said while patting her head. We headed inside and Hestia started explaining how I was going to get the falna. After explaining, she told me to take off my shirt and lay on the bed with my back facing her.

Hestia grabbed a knife and pricked her finger with it. Then she let a drop of blood hit my back, causing a bright light to fill the room. After the light dimmed there were words and the symbol of the Hestia familia appeared on my back. "There you go", she said while grabbing a piece of paper. She placed the paper on my back to copy my stats. Then she gave the paper to me, so I can read my stats.

Name: Bell Cranel



STR: I0 






Storage space: Size depends on the amount of mind the user have.


Sensor(I) allows the user to sense their surroundings.

Dungeon's curse: All the monsters the user fights in the dungeon are stronger, have more intelligence, they also have an increased spawn rate, but gain better rewards.

Chakra blessing: Gives the users magic chakra like properties.

"Ooooh Crap", my face paled when I read the curse. "What" she asked in a concerned tone.


Your Goddess has filled your affiliation slot and now have access to your system. She can communicate with you and check your template progress.

"Bell did you hear that?"Hearing the question I started to sweat. Seeing my reaction Hestia started getting suspicious. "Bell!" She started to raise her voice. I let out a heavy sigh realizing I can't get out of this one. "Honestly I wasn't planning on telling anyone about this." "What do you mean" she asked in a worried tone. "Just call out the system."I said in a monotone.

"Okay... system" then a blue screen appeared in front of her vision surprising her for a moment. She started reading the prompt. After reading the prompt she saw my name and selected it. All my system stats showed and she was surprised at what she saw.


Name: Bell Cranel

Age: 14

Affiliation: Hestia Familia

Templates Progress: [Madara Uchiha 5%],[Tobirama Senju 5%] 

Skills: Water affinity[ Beginner], Fire affinity[ Beginner], Chakra blessing (Gives the user's magic chakra like properties), Sensor[Beginner 10 meters], Locked[???]


Storage space( Size is based around the amount of mind the user has.) 

Fire Style jutsu: Great fire ball

Daily Task: 

[100 push ups ], [200 slashes], [200 swings (Must use gunbai for this task)], [100 sit ups], [10Km run],[complete]

After reading my stats she was left speechless. Hestia gave me a serious look, "explain". I told her about the template system and what it does and how it has helped me so far. "Any questions?" I asked in a serious tone. "Yeah just two", I nodded my head to let her know to continue on. "Who is Madara Uchiha and Tobirama Senju." I told her who they are and what they accomplished.

She had a look of awe when I talked about Tobirama, but it immediately turned into horror when I told her about Madara. "So are you going to turn into them because of the system?" She was worried about my answer. I gave a light chuckle, "no, the only thing I'm getting is their skills, techniques, experiences, and some physical characteristics. As you can see the hair and facial markings."

Then she had a confused look, "wait if that's true then how come I or any gods and goddesses heard about this?" "Well that's because they don't exist in this world." "Then how do you know about this?" "The answer is quite simple actually... I'm not from this world." The goddess gave me a dumbfounded look,"so what you're telling me is that you reincarnated?" "Yup sure did, although I don't know how it happened."A short silence fell in the room .

"Well anyway it doesn't matter who you are. As long as you mean well by your actions then you're okay in my book." She said this while giving me a thumbs up. I gave her a soft smile. Then I remembered something. "Didn't you have another question?" "Oh yeah I did, so what's chakra?" "At least that's an easier question to answer." So I told her about chakra and what I can do with it.

I even showed her the surface walking aspect by walking up the wall and across the ceiling, leaving her with a gobsmacked expression. I burst out laughing at her face, making her pout in the process. She also remembered something before the system had interrupted her thought process." By the way why did you say "oh crap" when you read your falna status.

Hearing her question I immediately stopped laughing and plastered a serious look on my face. Without saying a word I jumped from the ceiling and handed the piece of paper she gave me earlier. Actually reading it she stopped on the dungeon's curse skill and slowly started to pale.

Slowly started speaking again she said " I-I think we need to alert the guild about this." "Good idea but that's not happening today." Hestia looked at me confused and I pointed outside. "Oh wow, I didn't realize it was this late." " Oh and Goddess Hestia." She turned in my direction letting me know that she was listening.

"Keep this conversation a secret. At least keep it only in the familia, since I don't mind the people that are going to be joining the familia in the future learning about me." Then she gave me a warm smile and nodded in understanding. Feeling tired from the mental roller coaster, I told Hestia that I was going to sleep and fell face first on the couch.

Hestia on the other hand smiled at my antics, and went to find a blanket to wrap herself and me since there's really no other place to sleep. "Goodnight Bell my child." 

I'm not going describe the characters looks unless I made up an outfit for them. Sorry for those who don't know what they look like, but there's always google for you.

Dezsercreators' thoughts