
Reborn as an OP Sect Master of a Righteous Sect

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The_Procrastinator · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3 Eternal Patience

In the third month of his freshman year, Daniel finally gathered the courage to take the next step with Lily.

Their nightly text conversations had become the highlight of his days, and their friendship had blossomed into something deeper.

One evening, as they chatted about their classes and weekend plans, Daniel decided it was time.

"So... we've gotten closer these past few months, Lily. I want to get to know you better. Will you be my girlfriend?" he texted, his heart pounding with anticipation.

He stared at his phone, watching the minutes tick by, each one feeling like an eternity.

Nearly thirty minutes passed before his phone buzzed with a reply. He took a deep breath and opened the message. It was brief and precise.

"Yes." Lily's response appeared in their conversation. Daniel's heart soared with joy.

He had used a divination technique earlier, foreseeing her positive response and knowing exactly what Lily was going to do tonight.

The assurance of his divine insight didn't dampen his excitement. If anything, it heightened it, confirming the genuine connection they shared.

With a big smile on his face, Daniel texted back, "Great! I'm really looking forward to spending more time with you."

That night, he found it hard to sleep, his mind buzzing with thoughts of the future. He imagined their dates, study sessions, and all the small moments they would share.

He thought about how different this life was from his past one, where his only focus had been only on making ends meet while drowning in a toxic marriage.

Now, he had the chance to experience the joys of youth and romance that he had not experienced in his past life.

As he lay in bed, he reflected on how much his life had changed in such a short time.

From the moment he won the lottery to reconnecting with his family and now starting a relationship with Lily, everything seemed to be falling into place.

Every day was stress free for him. He felt a deep sense of gratitude for this second chance at life and was determined to make the most of it.

With a contented sigh, Daniel finally drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the days to come. The connection he had with Lily was special, and he was excited to see where their relationship would lead.

The future looked bright, and for the first time in a long while, he felt truly happy and fulfilled.

As he slept, his thoughts were filled with images of Lily's smile, their shared laughter, and the many adventures that awaited them.

Daniel knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together, and he was ready to embrace every moment of it.

Morning came, and Daniel faced it with heaven's mana coursing through his veins. He had the power to fast-forward time in this world, but doing so would defeat the purpose of his return.

He embraced the present with patience, a virtue honed through the guidance of the op sect master.

This trait allowed him to sit in a lotus position for trillions of years without growing bored, a remarkable perk that only cultivators possessed in this world.

Daniel began his day with a routine that grounded him in the mundane. He took a refreshing bath, savoring the sensation of water on his skin.

He ate a hearty breakfast, brushed his teeth meticulously, and then headed out, driving his car just 10 percent above the speed limit—a small rebellion against the constraints of the ordinary world.

He arrived at the university in one piece, feeling the familiar energy of the campus envelop him.

As he walked briskly towards his classroom, he observed the usual hustle and bustle of university life. Students hurried past him, their faces etched with varying degrees of stress and determination.

The final exams were only a month away, and the air was thick with the pressure of impending deadlines. Assignments, homework, projects—they loomed over the student body like dark clouds.

But not for Daniel. He navigated this world with a calm detachment, his mind clear and focused. He entered the classroom and immediately noticed the palpable tension among his classmates.

Their eyes were wide with panic, their movements frantic as they tried to juggle their responsibilities. He could almost feel the suffocation they experienced, but he remained unaffected.

Daniel made his way to his seat, placing his bag down with a sense of purpose. He glanced around the room, taking in the scene.

His classmates were in various states of distress, some furiously typing on their laptops, others buried in textbooks, and a few whispering urgently to each other.

Amidst this chaos, one group stood out to him—a cluster of girls huddled together, their expressions troubled as they copied each other's work or checked for mistakes.

He walked over to them, his presence commanding attention. "Do you need some help with our accounting assignment, girls?" Daniel asked, his voice calm and reassuring.

His eyes, however, were focused on one spot: the most beautiful, most captivating girl in the class, Lily Wilson.

Lily looked up, her eyes meeting his. She was the epitome of beauty, with features that seemed almost otherworldly.

Her long, flowing hair framed a face that was both delicate and striking, and her eyes held a depth that drew him in.

Despite the stress of the exams, she managed to exude an aura of grace and poise.

The girls around her seemed relieved at Daniel's offer. "Yes, Daniel, we could really use some help," one of them admitted, her voice tinged with desperation. "We're struggling to keep up with the assignments and prepare for the exams."

Daniel nodded, his gaze never wavering from Lily. "Alright, let's break it down together. We'll get through this." His confidence was infectious, and the girls visibly relaxed at his words.

He pulled up a chair and joined their group, immersing himself in the complexities of the accounting assignment.

As they worked through the problems, he offered insights and explanations that made the concepts clearer and more manageable.

The girls, including Lily, began to understand the material better, their anxiety gradually easing.

Throughout the session, Daniel's attention remained subtly but consistently on Lily. He admired her determination and the way she tackled each problem with a quiet resolve.

There was something about her that captivated him, a combination of beauty, intelligence, and an indefinable charm.

By the end of the session, the girls were in much better spirits. They thanked Daniel profusely, their gratitude evident in their smiles. Lily, in particular, gave him a look that lingered a moment longer than the others. "Thank you, Daniel," she said softly. "You've really helped us a lot."

Daniel smiled, feeling a warmth spread through him. "Anytime, Lily. I'm always here to help."

As he walked back to his seat, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Helping his classmates, especially Lily, had given him a sense of purpose in this world.

He knew that he would continue to face the challenges of university life with the same patience and resolve, and perhaps, in time, he would find a deeper connection with the captivating Lily Wilson.

From that moment onward, Daniel approached Lily often. They didn't merely exchange texts; they began to have personal conversations.

They talked not only within her circle of friends in the class but also shared more private moments together.

It didn't take long for everyone to notice that something special was developing between them.

Daniel and Lily's interactions grew more frequent and more intimate. In class, they would sit close to each other, their whispered exchanges filled with shared jokes and insights.

During breaks, they would often be found together, discussing everything from their studies to their personal interests. It was clear to everyone that their connection was deepening.

Lily's friends, initially curious, quickly became supportive of the budding relationship.

They noticed how Daniel's presence seemed to bring out the best in Lily—she was more relaxed, more confident, and her laughter was more frequent.

Daniel, too, seemed more grounded and content when he was with Lily.

Rumors began to circulate among their classmates. Some speculated that they were already a couple, while others wondered how long it would take before they made it official.

Despite the gossip, Daniel and Lily remained focused on their growing bond, finding solace and joy in each other's company.

Their classmates watched with a mix of curiosity and amusement as the two navigated their blossoming relationship.

It was a bright spot in the stressful environment of impending exams, and many found themselves rooting for Daniel and Lily, hoping that their story would continue to unfold in the sweetest of ways.

Unfortunately, not everyone could be happy with anything on this world.

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