
Reborn as an OP Sect Master of a Righteous Sect

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The_Procrastinator · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 Convergence

"Where am I?" a confused voice echoed in the void, resonating through the emptiness that surrounded him. He blinked, trying to make sense of the bizarre and unfamiliar environment unfolding before his eyes.

The scene that greeted him was beyond comprehension—a swirling vortex of colors and shapes that seemed to defy all logic and reason.

As he attempted to gather his thoughts and orient himself, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over him, accompanied by a throbbing headache that intensified with each passing moment.

And then, like a torrential downpour, memories flooded his consciousness.

He saw flashes of distant worlds and civilizations, each vastly different yet somehow interconnected through threads of ancient knowledge and profound wisdom.

Scenes of cosmic battles waged across galaxies, of civilizations rising and falling like waves upon an endless sea of time, unfolded before his bewildered gaze.

Moments of triumph and despair, of love and loss, of discoveries that reshaped the very fabric of existence—all surged through his mind with overwhelming intensity.

Memories not just of a single lifetime, but of countless lifetimes lived across trillions upon trillions of years, each imbued with its own trials and tribulations, joys and sorrows.

The weight of this immense knowledge threatened to engulf him, yet amidst the chaos, a sense of purpose began to crystallize.

He realized he was not just a passive observer, but an integral part of a cosmic tapestry woven with threads of destiny and choice.

With each memory that surfaced, his understanding deepened, revealing layers of insight into the mysteries of existence.

Though the journey ahead was daunting and fraught with uncertainty, he knew that within him lay the power to shape his own fate and perhaps even influence the course of the universe itself.

After an eternity had passed, the searing pain in his head finally subsided, leaving him disoriented yet strangely exhilarated.

"Damn! I've been reborn as the overpowered sect master of a righteous sect! How is this even possible?!" The newly transmigrated soul exclaimed aloud, his voice echoing in the ethereal expanse.

His last memory was of dying at a mere 100 years old, still toiling away at odd jobs to make ends meet.

If not for his meager retirement savings and pension, he would have faced starvation thirty years earlier. Such was the harsh reality of his former life.

"What is this sensation?" Our mc pondered, feeling an urging deep within him to ascend upwards.

He surveyed the boundless void around him, effortlessly recalling from the memories he had inherited that he had successfully achieved the pinnacle of cultivation.

This understanding clarified why heaven's will gently beckoned him towards the next realm, where his cultivation would resume, reaching even greater, stronger, and more distant realms.

"Bah... to hell with that! Only a fool would willingly start over." Our mc spat, his eyes scanning the expansive void.

His divine senses extended effortlessly across the entire xianxia realm, reminding him that the current occupant of this body had long ago conquered and ruled these lands—trillions upon trillions of years in the past.

As he stood amidst the swirling energies of the cosmos, fragments of ancient memories flooded his consciousness.

Visions of battles fought with celestial beings, of forging alliances and betraying enemies, of love found and lost across epochs—all mingled in his mind, painting a vivid tapestry of his predecessor's life.

With each memory came a deeper understanding of the responsibilities and powers now bestowed upon him.

He realized that as the reincarnated sect master, he carried not only the legacy of his predecessor but also the hopes and dreams of an entire righteous sect.

The weight of this newfound destiny pressed upon his shoulders, urging him to tread a path that would honor the past while forging a future of his own making.

"What should I do with all this power?" Our mc's voice echoed through the void, the question hanging in the air unanswered.

He pondered deeply for three breaths, his thoughts racing through the vast expanse of possibilities.

"Hehehe. Well, it's time to return and live a fulfilling life this time!" A wide grin spread across his face as he once again extended his divine senses, effortlessly pinpointing Earth amidst the nearly infinite universes that comprised this current reality.

With his cultivation at its peak, bending the fabric of reality to his will became as natural as drawing breath.

Surveying the xianxia realm one last time, he marveled at how the righteous sect had upheld justice and fairness during his prolonged period of closed-door cultivation. "They have guided this realm with wisdom," he mused, "and they will continue to do so for trillions upon trillions of years."

"But as for me," he continued softly, "it's time to embrace a different kind of existence—to experience the joys and wonders of life that were denied me in my previous and original life."

With a final nod to the world he was leaving behind, our protagonist bid farewell to the xianxia realm, feeling the familiar tug that drew him back to Earth, his true home.

Arriving on Earth once more, he felt a surge of nostalgia mixed with anticipation. The scent of soil and the sight of familiar landscapes greeted him warmly.

Here, amidst the bustling cities and serene countrysides, he vowed to live fully—to taste every moment, cherish every relationship, and explore every corner of the world he once took for granted.

As he walked among mortals once again, he concealed his divine powers, choosing instead to blend in and experience life as a mere human.

"Earth," he whispered softly, his essence merging once more with the cosmic tapestry from which all life springs. "My one true home."

Our mc then sought out a specific soul and quickly found him—a young man with below-average looks, thin and almost malnourished, journeying on a ship to college.

"I suppose I have to begin somewhere." He whispered, then immediately took possession of his own body.

Simultaneously, he assimilated the meager soul into his own, discovering that this 18 years old young man had experienced everything he had up to this very point.

With that completed, our mc smiled, grateful for a second chance at life.

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