
Reborn as an H-Manhwa Protagonist

Reborn as an H-Manhwa protagonist isn't that bad right? Wait a minute why did Kim Dokja exist?! ah... There goes my life. "Ayo brother wassup? here some cheat for ya!" said some brother that wears all white suit with a big blinking chain on his neck. "Huh?" "Buh-bye! got rid of that yee-yee ass haircut you got." said the brother to the confused man before the confused man vanishing like a fart. --- Bad grammar, cringe moment, slow as frick. You name it, we had it. --- Cover ain't mine. --- Only update when horny.

LeeZanda · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Didn't Expect This

"Is that seat empty?" a nice sounded feminine voice broke down his trance.

Weakly, Daeho turns his head towards the source of the sound. What awaits him was a breathtaking scenery.

A woman who radiate so much of an elegant aura was standing tall in his sight, her deep, dazzling smile decorated with two dimples on each cheek.

She wore a white frock winter coat that's had a little bit of fur sitting on its shoulder, The coat is looks like a one-piece that extended to thigh length skirt. Her jet black stocking is covered all of her long and slender legs, up inside her coat. On her foot is an ankle-high white boot.

With her jet black hair that flows to her back covered by a white flock fur hat, Her neck wrapped by white wool scarfs, and her hands hidden underneath warm white wool gloves.

Overall, the black and white color scheme clothing choices make the elegance that radiating from her face and body, doubled-- possibly tripled.

When he look at that woman, Daeho was left stunned for a good minute.

'Heavens...' He thought. He never sees a woman that radiated an aura of elegance this much, She was literally surrounded and drenched by that aura.

As he couldn't believe what he has currently seen. The cable on Daeho's head got a short circuit and Imaginary sparks of fire could be seen popping everywhere, it made him look at her with a stunned expression that was written clearly all over his face.

"..." His mouth gaped and a stream of warm air emitted from it. All of that happens with a stupid thought on his mind, 'Is this what the title effect on my status about?! Am I going to be rap.ed?! Oh yes please! please just ra.pe me on the chair, random Noona!'

The thought of being ra.ped was somewhat made him excited. And he decide to think hard about ra.pe scenario that will commence to him on his brain while ignoring the woman completely, he didn't realize that currently, he had a stunned expression on his face.

Looking at Daeho's behavior the woman had an amused look on her face for a second. Before turning it back into a smiling one. Daeho couldn't notice the slight change in the woman's face since he was in his own world at the moment she changed her expression.

"Hehe~" the woman holds her mouth with her hands and let out small chuckles. She thinks of how cute Daeho's face was.

Daeho was snapped back to reality after hearing the woman's voice. Only then did he remember that the woman was asking for an empty space beside him.

"Ah of course... please... sorry." apologize Daeho as he flustered. He gestured to the empty space and moves his butt to the side. The ra.pe scenario that he thinking hard before was disappeared from his mind as he felt that somehow the woman's presence make him relaxed.

"Thank you!" she said as she sat on the empty spot before continuing with her hands waving left and right as if to dismiss his apology. She said, "It's okay... don't worry!"

Both of them sit on a long white painted metallic bench that the park has. The small table that Daeho use at the side of the bench is being used for holding his plastic bag that is filled with food. that plastic bag moves slightly as a small breeze of winter wind blows on the park.

The woman rubbed her palms and exhale her warm breath to it, making a small puff of a cloud. She cocked her head to Daeho afterward.

"It's nice, isn't it? doing a morning workout in a park..." she asked while looking at him with a radiant smile.

"Umm... yes?" asked Daeho with a bit of uncertainty. He asked to himself about why did the woman suddenly asked him a question that he don't know how to answer.

"I also love doing workouts outside, especially in the morning... but I didn't do it in winter. It's too cold after all!" she continue to talk even if Daeho didn't answer her question.


"Workout is great but you must care for your body conditions, alright?" she said and then without any warning placed her right hand on Daeho's cheek. Daeho's eyes shot open as he doesn't understand this mysterious woman's behavior. The woman was also noticed that she have been rude to him so she quickly retracted her hand and said, "Ah I'm sorry! did I invade your personal space?"

"No, no, it's..." Daeho felt that it wasn't appropriate but he couldn't deny the woman's guilty eyes. "... Alright."

"Hehe~" she let out a small laugh and put both of her hands at his cheeks. She asked Daeho while rubbing her warm thumbs on his cheeks, "Is it warm?"

Daeho nods at her, he wasn't in condition to answer her question properly. The warm feeling that he got on his cheeks was nice, too nice even. The cold winter air is moving away and replaced by the warmness of the wool gloves.

'Apple?' Thought him while getting his cheeks rubbed by her hands. Daeho could faintly smell some fragrance that definitely wasn't coming from her perfume. Since after she seated, Daeho could smell an amazingly sweet and fresh peach odor coming from her, hence he knew that she spray peach-scented perfume to her body. It wasn't this new apple fragrance.

The black lines appear on his foreheads as he frowns a little bit. The Apple fragrance that coming from her is kinda... rotten? rotten apple wasn't that pleasant to smell. But the rotten apple that coming from her is somewhat dizzying and makes his brain stop working.

Luckily for him, the woman seemed to notice his frown and retract her hands, and became embarrassed.

While scratching her left cheek in sheepish manner she opened her eyes wide and seemed to remember something. She said, "Ah how could I forget some basic courtesy! My name is Yun Seohui, what's yours?"

"!!!" Although hearing her voice was very pleasant to his ear, Daeho got alerted when he heard her name for the first time.

'Y-Yun Seohui?! Oh god... oh Lord... please no... Black Jesus... Morgan Freeman, please help me!' He cried inwardly for a second or two before calming down.

Making himself look flustered in front of her is a bad idea. She was the sharpest tool in the box. She will know a slight change to him. So he decided to not overreact and answer her calmly.

"O-Oh Dae-Ho..." said him. The answer that he had uttered to her come out in a stammerer. Although he want to answer her as calmly as possible, He couldn't help it. He was too nervous after knowing the mysterious woman's identity!

"Hehe~ nice to meet you, Daeho. ah! I could call you like that right?" asked her for a confirmation since Korean people use the suffix '-ssi' after the first name, or full name to call someone that is not close to them. Without using that suffix, Yun Seohui made herself familiar with Daeho.

'Please leave!' he shout inwardly since he was in a state of discomfort after learning her name. Though, on the outside, he only nods his head at Yun Seohui question. Since he knew that he could only become more nervous if he talks, he chooses to only nod, wishing that she will lose interest in him. Daeho forget that the implications of being called on a first-name basis were big on this country.

"That's good!" she clasped her hands gleefully. Then added, "It'd be great if we could become friends, right~"

'Please... leave...' he said inwardly with a bit of uncertainty but nods again at her remarks. Inside he was confused. 'Friend? umm... okay I guess?'

"Hehe~ I got a younger friend I couldn't believe it~" said her while cupping her cheeks with both of her hands. Daeho could see a tint on her cheeks that looked red, but faint.

'Pl... ease... le... ave...' seeing her cute behavior that was different from her elegance before made the voice in his mind become intermittent.

"Ah, it's not like I don't have many friends, okay! It's just because... Nothing~" she said with a pout but got trailing off near the end. She ended her sentence with a smile.

'...' This time he couldn't think anymore and just nodded after hearing her voice.

As much as he hates sitting beside the crazy woman her voice comforted his tense body. He slumped his shoulder and surrender himself to her voice which sounded like an ASMR.

Yun Seohui keep talking and talking but Daeho didn't mind it at all, rather it seems that he want her to continue until night. He was enjoying her voice that feels like music to his ears. He felt that her voice is very soothing to his soul, his body refuses to work.

It took a long time before Daeho could muster his strength to ask her a question.

"Umm, by the way, noona. Why—" he wants to ask about why did she called him or had any interest in him at all. but he was cut from continuing by a ringing sound.

*ttareureung**ttareureung* (lol)

It came from Yun Seohui's body. She made an annoyed face for a second before changing it to the smile she had before. Again that slight change of face was missed by Daeho that looking at her coat— where the sound comes from.

"Ah! look at the time!" she said as she looked at the golden watch on her anterior wrist. she continued her charade while looking at Daeho with a sad expression, "I must go to work... thank you for your time little bun, hehe~"


Daeho was flabbergasted on the inside. That nickname was coming out of nowhere.

"Y-you w-welcome?" answer him with a stammerer and uncertainty. The way she called him with a nickname that he didn't have before is taking a toll on his heart. Should he be happy or terrified? he really doesn't know.

"Hehe~ let's meet again in the near future~" said her while standing up.

Daeho knowing that she would leave was instantly alerted. He felt that if she leaves just like that the impending doom of his was sealed. So he decided to take an out-of-the-box action in quick succession.

"Noona! p-please take this!" with a slight bow he offered a can of warm coffee that he had bought from the convenience store before. Stopping her from leaving the area empty-handed.

'And leave me alone, please!' he pleaded inwardly. Although the woman in front of him was somewhat looking friendly he doesn't know is it just a facade or something genuine. So this coffee was a gesture from him that implied 'I'm harmless and care about you. Please don't do anything weird to me.'

He didn't know whether 'That place' exist or not, after all. Daeho decided to play safely.

The woman was surprised at first and a smile bloomed over her face as her blueberry eyes softened. She received the coffee and put her right hand over Daeho's cheek.

Daeho didn't have time to avoid the touch. A chill run down all over his body as he got full-body goosebumps.

"Thank you~" said her before sliding her hand to his chin. While holding Daeho's chin with her index finger, she said almost seductively, "Goodbye~"

Yun Seohui walkout from the park leaving the stunned and scared Daeho to himself. His body trembled as he felt that he want to cry. After a good second of being stunned Daeho slumped his butt at the chair, he was exhausted.

'Life is no good...' he cried inwardly.

[Ding! You got new achievement.]

['I survived the accidental meeting with one of the last boss'

+20.000 G.P

+1500 EXP

+Title 'Bunny Against Demon Lord']

Hearing a chime of notification he looks at the hovering interface in front of him, but the content of that notification didn't make him happy at all.

'Ughh...' he clutch up his head while groaning inwardly.

He should be happy that he got another 20k G.P. Since the achievement bonuses this time are even bigger than his 'sex experience' before!

But unfortunately, he couldn't.

Looking at the name of achievement, Daeho face was devoid of any color as he became pale. The anxious feeling that he never felt since he got transferred to this world come back rushing to him.

He ruffled his hair before sighing in defeat. He thought, 'So she is Indeed an antagonist!'

Now, the probability of 'That Place' being exists is becoming more apparent to him. He racking his brain trying to search for a way to escape her clutches— if there's any.


Yun Seohui was now sitting in a limousine that drove back to Sinyoung HQ. On her face was a blissful expression written all over it. She hums happily as she thought of completing her Quest.

She had finished sowing the seeds. Remembering his stunned reaction. It must be because of her appearance. The potion from 'That Place' is potent!

Putting aside the imagination about the play that she would do if she had her new toys in her hand, she pick her Smartphone from her pocket and dial a number on her contacts.

"Ah, manager Park?" asked her when the call was connected.

"No, no. I don't need that anymore, you could scrap it." said her before changing her expression with annoyance. She continued, "Yes, of course, Thank you!"

"Yup! I got another candidate! and could you please probe Oh Dae-Ho for more information?" asked her nicely while added, "The son of Hyundai's Director. The one who omitted to main Hospital two days ago."

"Yup that child! ... Of course not! I want him to come into 'That Place', after all." continue Yun Seohui.

"Is that so? Thank you for your hard work, manager Park!" said her feigned her thankful tone on her voice before shutting the call from her Smartphone.

'Hehehe~... I can't wait to play with you my little bun~' thought her while making a wide smile on her face. Feels giddy all over her body as she fondly looks at the warm can of coffee on her hand.

Unconsciously, a genuine smile appears on her face for the first time in her life.


Daeho certainly didn't expect the woman that got the title 'Demon Lord' from the system to actually made a move to him right after she entered his Harem candidate list. Literally.

He got chills on his spine, thinking about the unforeseeable future and his fate in this new world. As much as he wants to enjoy life as H-Manhwa's protagonist, he couldn't do so whilst there are some Metaphysics going-on below his nose.

It infuriating for him to not do something while he had the power in form of the almighty system.

When he was thinking of a way to solve his current predicament. Suddenly, another matter appears on his head. Daeho slapped his forehead.

'What should I say to Su-Ah?!!' he grimaced inwardly.

He forgot to think about what excuses should he give to Su-Ah since the sex he had before was on impulse. Not wanting to waste time any longer, he pick the remaining food and beverages which stays in a plastic bag and dashed towards the Hospital's direction.

Will rewrite chapter before this. Not all tho, just a couple who I thought was a mess. That sex scene also hot mess lmao. Gonna make-up-ed that one.

Thank you for reading ❤

LeeZandacreators' thoughts