
Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster: Harem Of Otherworldly Beauties

Limited Discount! All privilege comes with a 90% off discount for the month of July! ---- Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster. The Paru is a peculiar Species that can be found billions of light-years away from Earth, on a small planet covered by strange minerals and crystals. The Parus are peaceful, as they can eat anything. From earth, to minerals, all suits their tastes. Why would such a peaceful Species develop the ability to Evolve by Devouring? The Parus Devour the minerals and crystals, which allow their shells to grow tougher and tougher every day. What happens when a person is Reborn as a Paru? What happens when a Paru isn't seeking a peaceful life, but one filled with adventure, adrenaline-pumping fights, and otherworldly beauties? The peaceful Species turns into a Calamity feared by this universe, and the next.

Luna_J006 · Fantasy
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136 Chs

Noctural Invitation!

Despite more than an hour having passed, she hadn't managed to sleep.

Twisting and turning around in her bed, she found herself unable to keep her eyes closed for more than a minute. 

There was more than one reason for that inability to sleep.


After standing around for a while, the Paru had decided to lie on his bed. 

'I can smell that someone was here. The scent of the shampoo they use… But they all use the same one, so I can't tell who it was exactly. Still, someone having come to my room is pretty exciting, isn't it? I don't need things to move quickly anyways, especially since she's waiting for me, and I've grown rather fond of her.'

For close to an hour, the Paru remained on his bed, alone, and deep in thought. 

Many things crossed his mind. The crewmates, the Planet they come from, Tyl, the Planet he had opened his eyes on, the one they were heading to, as well as the System, to name a few.