
Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster: Harem Of Otherworldly Beauties

Limited Discount! All privilege comes with a 90% off discount for the month of July! ---- Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster. The Paru is a peculiar Species that can be found billions of light-years away from Earth, on a small planet covered by strange minerals and crystals. The Parus are peaceful, as they can eat anything. From earth, to minerals, all suits their tastes. Why would such a peaceful Species develop the ability to Evolve by Devouring? The Parus Devour the minerals and crystals, which allow their shells to grow tougher and tougher every day. What happens when a person is Reborn as a Paru? What happens when a Paru isn't seeking a peaceful life, but one filled with adventure, adrenaline-pumping fights, and otherworldly beauties? The peaceful Species turns into a Calamity feared by this universe, and the next.

Luna_J006 · Fantasy
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130 Chs

As Soldiers

Barren and rugged, the terrain stretched out in vast expanses, broken only by great and complex formations of crystalline structures, their surfaces glowing with countless hues.

Some crystals reflected light in icy blues that glinted like frozen stars, while others let out deep purples that seemed to pulse and dance. 

A lightning bolt split the clouds and, in a flash, landed on one of those crystalline structures. 

As if split by that structure, four bolts shot out horizontally, before being themselves split as they landed on the surrounding structures of crystal, leading to rays shooting vertically, horizontally, and diagonally.

A gigantic and three-dimensional figure was drawn by the numerous reflected lights, before quickly fading away.

All turbulence had ceased.

The spaceship landed on Serolia.

"Oufff!!!" Rea stretched her arms upwards. "Holy shit, that was nerve-wracking."