
Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster: Harem Of Otherworldly Beauties

Limited Discount! All privilege comes with a 90% off discount for the month of July! ---- Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster. The Paru is a peculiar Species that can be found billions of light-years away from Earth, on a small planet covered by strange minerals and crystals. The Parus are peaceful, as they can eat anything. From earth, to minerals, all suits their tastes. Why would such a peaceful Species develop the ability to Evolve by Devouring? The Parus Devour the minerals and crystals, which allow their shells to grow tougher and tougher every day. What happens when a person is Reborn as a Paru? What happens when a Paru isn't seeking a peaceful life, but one filled with adventure, adrenaline-pumping fights, and otherworldly beauties? The peaceful Species turns into a Calamity feared by this universe, and the next.

Luna_J006 · Fantasy
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147 Chs

A Weapon?

"Go! Now!" The Paru had shouted.

Liz stared at the Paru for a moment before turning towards the spaceship.

'Yes. I should go. A Giganto Zilla can't be stopped by us. Especially not the two of us.'

The Soldier nodded and started running towards the spaceship.

'We'll be able to start up the spaceship. If he manages to keep it busy for a bit, we would even be able to take off and… And land… Somewhere else…'

Liz slowly felt her speed get lower and lower.

'We'll be able to move to another end of Serolia. We'll be able to…'

It took little over another four dozen steps for Liz's momentum to have faded.

'But what… Would be the point in that?'

A Soldier should do everything to fulfill the mission.

A Soldier should be able to sacrifice anything necessary for the sake of that mission. 

'I'll leave him to fight alone. It can't be helped. This makes the most sense…'