
Reborn As An Egyptian God

In the rich tapestry of Egyptian mythology, the offspring of the union between the Sky God and the Earth God, the fierce Desert God Set, met his end in a valiant battle aiding Ra, the Sun God, against the insidious Serpent God of chaos, Apep. In a twist of fate, the essence of a soul from another realm infused itself into Set's lifeless form, resurrecting him as the rejuvenated Desert God. Yet, a cruel destiny awaited Set, prophesied to fall at the hands of the ascendant God King, Horus. Determined to defy this fate and stabilize his existence among the deities, Set embarked on a quest for divine power. He traversed the celestial hierarchies, each step a struggle for supremacy, aiming to reach the zenith of godly power and alter the course set before him. #Mythology #Egypt #God #Conspiracy

Rqmk · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Hathor's Seed!

At the boundary where the dense forest faded into the expansive grassland, an impressive natural structure loomed, a grand temple, not of stone, but forged from the living arms of a colossal tree. Its lush branches weaved into intricate arches, while vines seamlessly filled the voids between them. Dotted across this verdant canvas were blooms of gold and azure, making the temple a spectacle of organic artistry.

Set, a figure draped in the aura of ancient myths, longed to bask in the serene beauty of this plant-crafted sanctuary. Yet, destiny harbored other plans, for as he arrived, so too did Nephthys.

Their encounter unfolded beneath the shadow of the temple, the air thick with the scent of blossoms and old magic.

"Brother Set, long time no see," greeted Nephthys, perched gracefully on a vine-entwined ledge, her demeanor as calm as the still air around them.

Set's gaze lingered on her. Adorned with a crown that mimicked the tendrils of the vines around them, her golden hair cascaded down her shoulders. Her eyes, warm like rich earth, complemented her gentle features. She was clad in a flowing dress of blue and white linen, elegant yet simple. Around her neck hung a Wessech, a ceremonial collar, crafted from lapis lazuli, black crystal, sapphire, and glimmering gold, and her limbs were graced with gold rings etched with delicate, ancient motifs.

This was Nephthys, the goddess whose love once set Set's heart aflame.

Admiration flickered across Set's features, for she was indeed a vision. Yet, he knew all too well that in the dance with destiny, beauty often holds as much weight as a grain of sand.

With a guarded smile, Set responded, "Sister Nephthys."

"I am sincerely happy to see that you are safe and sound," she replied, her voice imbued with genuine warmth.

"Thank you," he acknowledged, then curiosity tilted his tone. "What brings you here with Brother Osiris?"

From the folds of her dress, Nephthys produced a white crystal encapsulating ten verdant seeds.

"Hathor asked me to deliver these seeds to Brother Osiris," she explained.

The mention of Hathor, the paramount deity of love, beauty, and music, who seldom ventured from her sanctum in Sun City, visibly surprised Set.

"And what might these seeds be?" he inquired, peering closer at the curious specimen.

Shaking her head, Nephthys admitted, "I don't know; she didn't specify."

"Let us present them to Brother Osiris then; he's been engrossed in botanical studies of late," she suggested, her tone suggesting a shared journey.

"Perhaps he can unveil their secrets," Set mused, nodding in agreement.

As they approached the temple's entrance, a curious sight greeted them. A yellow sand bird, along with a miniature house, settled near the threshold. Inside, Osiris was found deeply engrossed, studying a wheat ear that shimmered like beaten gold.

Without another word, Nephthys glided past Set, her presence a whisper of strange sweet captivating scent, as she entered the temple to fulfill her mission.

As Osiris gently set down the golden wheat ears, his smile broadened upon seeing Nephthys and then shifted into a solemn expression as his eyes met Set's. Rising to his feet, he closed the distance between them, examining Set with a meticulous, almost worried gaze before exhaling deeply in relief.

"Thank goodness you're healed, my brother," Osiris exclaimed, his voice resonant with a mix of relief and brotherly affection.

Set studied Osiris, noticing the distinct wheat ear crown that rested atop his green-skinned head. The god's eyes shimmered golden, a stark contrast to his emerald complexion, and a tuft of beard, neatly bound by a bronze ring, adorned his chin. Draped in a blue linen skirt and adorned with a regal collar of lapis lazuli, emerald, blue crystal, and gold, Osiris exuded an aura of power and grace, befitting his stature as the deity of agriculture, plants, and fertility. Gold rings, intricately engraved with divine symbols, clasped his wrists, arms, and ankles.

A curious thought flickered through Set's mind as he pondered the unusual green hue of Osiris' skin, contrasting with the normal skin colors of himself, Isis, and Nephthys. He mused silently if this was some divine anomaly.

Despite his internal questioning, Set felt a genuine warmth in Osiris' greeting and responded with a grateful smile, "Thanks to Sister Isis."

"Anyway, you're healed!" Osiris's smile returned, broader than before.

Nephthys interjected, bringing the conversation back to the matter at hand, "Brother Osiris, Hathor asked me to bring you some seeds."

Stepping forward, Set took the lead in the discussion, "Hathor didn't specify what the seeds were."

"Brother, please examine these and see if you recognize them," he prompted as Nephthys handed over the crystal containing the mysterious seeds to Osiris.

Osiris carefully opened the crystal, allowing the seeds to rest in his palm. A warm green light enveloped his hand as he invoked his divine powers to discern their nature.

After a brief moment, Osiris's excitement was palpable, "These are barley seeds imbued with the breath of the sun, possessing remarkable vitality."

"Even if planted in an oasis in the desert, they will thrive without diminished yields!" he proclaimed with a sense of triumph.

Set's thoughts wandered to the caravans that trekked across the desert, trading furs, young animals, slaves, gold, and gems. Yet, among their diverse cargoes, food and spices were the most common and sought-after commodities. He recalled how certain oases, barren of food crops, cultivated valuable spices to barter for sustenance and other necessities.

He was well aware of the desperate prayers and offerings made at the temple of the desert god, with people pleading for a bountiful harvest of wheat. Some had even resorted to human sacrifices in hopes of divine favor. Yet, the original Set had never answered these pleas.

First and foremost, the dominion over abundance and agriculture is Osiris's realm.

Secondly, he has noticed the lack of food in the oasis regions.

Such scarcity, Set considered, would inevitably lead to conflict. As the god of war, Set found a certain dark pleasure in the chaos of battle.

Reflecting on these thoughts, Set concluded that his ancient self had not erred in his ways.

At the same time, it became clear to him that Osiris was planning to use these potent seeds to extend his influence even further.

"Brother Osiris, this is wonderful news. Have you not always sought to cultivate seeds that maintain their yield in the harshness of the desert?" Nephthys remarked, her smile brightening the dim surroundings.

"Yes!" Osiris responded, his enthusiasm undimmed, "I was close to abandoning hope."

"With my powers, I've found it impossible to influence the barren desert."

Upon hearing this, Set's thoughts drifted to Hathor. Born from the left eye of the sun god Ra, obtaining seeds infused with the sun's essence would be well within her capabilities.

A shadow of concern crossed Nephthys's face as she pondered, "Brother Osiris, can these seeds truly thrive in the desert? If humans cultivate them widely, might it not lead to the desert's gradual disappearance?"

"If that happens," she added, her voice tinged with worry, "it could undermine Brother Set's realm..."

Set sensed a hint of insincerity in her words, or was it just his imagination?

Maybe it was the old myths clouding his judgment of Nephthys, but Set reassured her, "The desert remains under my sway, unaffected by these developments, unless the Supreme God intervenes or someone discovers my true name."

"The desert's fate is mine to command, determining what thrives and what withers within its bounds," Set stated confidently.

Osiris, absorbing Set's assurance, affirmed, "Worry not, these seeds cannot take root in mere sand."

"I trust your judgment, elder brother," Set replied with a knowing smile, recalling his memories of Osiris as an honest and dependable sibling.

This belief was for the three of them.

If Nephthys harbored ulterior motives, perhaps it was this trust she aimed to exploit.

"That's excellent," Nephthys declared, relief evident in her voice. "Brother Osiris, distribute these seeds to the human tribes who worship you as soon as you can."

"Don't worry," Osiris reassured, shaking his head, "First, I must cultivate enough seeds."

"Brother, have you involved Hathor in cultivating these seeds?" Set inquired, his concern for Hathor evident.

After all, apart from himself, no one else knew his real name. 'Set' was merely a moniker, devoid of intrinsic power.

Only the influence of the sun god could truly affect the desert and challenge the essence of his authority.