
Reborn As An Egyptian God

In the rich tapestry of Egyptian mythology, the offspring of the union between the Sky God and the Earth God, the fierce Desert God Set, met his end in a valiant battle aiding Ra, the Sun God, against the insidious Serpent God of chaos, Apep. In a twist of fate, the essence of a soul from another realm infused itself into Set's lifeless form, resurrecting him as the rejuvenated Desert God. Yet, a cruel destiny awaited Set, prophesied to fall at the hands of the ascendant God King, Horus. Determined to defy this fate and stabilize his existence among the deities, Set embarked on a quest for divine power. He traversed the celestial hierarchies, each step a struggle for supremacy, aiming to reach the zenith of godly power and alter the course set before him. #Mythology #Egypt #God #Conspiracy

Rqmk · Fantasy
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58 Chs

God Amun!

With the air of serene authority, Geb gently calmed Nut's turbulent emotions, then turned to Isis, seeking validation for his thoughts.

"Is it true, then, that only with the Moon God's waning strength can Metus truly exist?" Geb asked, his voice echoing with the weight of ancient wisdom.

Isis responded with a subtle nod, her eyes like deep pools reflecting a starlit sky. "The Moon God's grace extends over the celestial bodies, protecting them," she affirmed softly.

Geb pondered aloud, his tone thoughtful. "May the stars forever gleam with such eternal splendor."

"Indeed, to animate the stars is to invite change upon them," Isis added, her voice hinting at deeper, unsaid truths.

Geb's brow furrowed as he considered the consequences. "Then it was the surge of the Moon God's might that overwhelmed and banished my own divine essence."

"With your wisdom, you must surely comprehend the formidable power of the Moon God. His force is beyond my resistance," Isis confessed, a trace of resignation in her voice.

This revelation sank Geb into a contemplative silence.

Meanwhile, Set harbored suspicions about Isis's veracity.

However, upon reflection, he realized Isis had no reason to deceive them.

The decision on how to bestow life upon the stars had been made; there was no need for sudden alterations that could only complicate matters.

Thus, it seemed likely that it truly was the Moon God's power that had overpowered that of Isis.

Even in slumber, could the residual force of a deity still repel the influence of another primeval god? Set's understanding of the Moon God's capabilities was profound, and now, tinged with curiosity.

"How could such a mighty deity fall into slumber?" he wondered aloud.

"What agreement was forged with the Moon God?" Osiris echoed Isis's earlier question, seeking clarity.

Nut, nearly overwhelmed by the weight of the moment, was visibly unable to respond.

Geb's expression was tinged with sorrow as he explained, "There was no pact per se."

"It was we, your mother and I, who implored the Moon God to bless Metus," he continued, his voice carrying the burden of unintended consequences.

"The stars, mere specks in the cosmos, would eventually dim and disperse as eons pass," he mused.

"Moreover, the night heralds the ominous approach of Apep."

"Under the celestial dome, the epic battle in which Ra vanquished Apep unfolded."

"Occasionally, Metus felt the aftershocks of that ancient power."

"So, we sought the Moon God's aid."

"He endowed the stars with lunar strength and the essence of night."

"Thus, they were granted the gift to shine incessantly, unaltered by time."

"Little did I anticipate that this blessing would impede Metus from acquiring life," Geb concluded, his voice filled with regret.

Isis's response was devoid of emotion: "We have honored our part of the covenant."

"The outcome now lies beyond our concern," she stated flatly.

"Come, we must return to the temple," Isis decided, turning away.

Seth and his companions did not contest her decision.

Though the situation had deviated from their original scheme.

The outcome was much the same. They witnessed the downfall and anguish of both Geb and Nut.

And thus, there was no need for confrontation.

In the celestial twilight, Nut, overwhelmed with frustration, stepped past Geb and confronted the quartet led by Set with fiery eyes.

"Metus remains unbreathed into life, and your vows hang unfulfilled!" she accused sharply.

Isis, with a dismissive sneer, retorted, "What then? Shall I breathe life into the stars endlessly?"

"If you wish it, I shall continue," she taunted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I am curious, though, if the stars themselves might not crumble to dust under the clash of my power with that of the moon god."

Nut's face twisted with anger. "Metus is your elder brother!" she spat out incredulously. "How can you speak so lightly of this?"

Set, gazing at the stars scattered across the night sky, pondered their lineage. In his heart, he too considered the stars as kin, perhaps even as an elder sibling.

Osiris intervened, shielding Isis with his presence. "We must first address the moon god's blessing," he declared firmly.

With that, Osiris guided Isis away, flanked by Set and Nephthys, leaving the mountain's peak.

Nut made to follow, but Geb restrained her gently, understanding yet firm.

As the party descended, they summoned their servants, not daring to use the God's Gate for fear of an ambush. The divine portal demanded time they feared they did not have.

Alone now, Nut turned to Geb, tears streaming down her face. "Khonsu still slumbers in the temple," she sobbed. "Together we cannot even enter, much less awaken him!"

Geb, unable to offer a physical embrace, comforted her with soothing words. "Khonsu will awaken; do not despair. Listen, Metus whispers solace to you."

Nut dried her tears and gazed up at the shimmering stars, a tender look softening her features. "Be calm, dear Metus," she whispered back.

Amidst this tender moment, Geb startled at a celestial whisper. "Father God, Mother Goddess, a deity has claimed he can rouse the moon god."

"Indeed? And who might this god be?" Geb inquired, urgency lacing his tone.

Nut, equally agitated, listened intently. "He named himself Amon and resides at the Nile's source," the stars relayed.

"He shows himself only on the fourth day of each solar month, when Ra descends to inspect the underworld."

Geb and Nut exchanged a puzzled glance, unfamiliar with any god named Amon.

As they contemplated this revelation, the stars urgently cautioned, "Father God, Mother Goddess, do not speak His name aloud!"

This mysterious warning only deepened the divine couple's resolve to uncover this unknown god's true nature and potential aid.

"You must wait until the fourth day of each solar month when Ra descends to the underworld," the stars explained with celestial urgency. "It is then, at the source of the Nile, that you can call upon His name."

"He possesses the power to awaken the Moon God and persuade him to lift his celestial shield," they continued, the sky flickering with anticipation.

Geb and Nut nodded vigorously, their faces alight with hope. Though Ra, the Father God, and Mother Goddess had not intervened to save Matus, and though the initial efforts of the God of Life had faltered, there remained a glimmer of possibility.


Far from the mountain's peak, in a secluded plain, Set, Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys concluded their council.

Their deliberations had centered on the enigmatic task of bestowing life upon stars. This revelation, that the Moon God had cast a protective aura over stars was unexpected and complicated their machinations.

Yet, as the deity responsible for life, Isis's consent was pivotal. "Eventually, if star is to live, it will be through my blessing," Isis noted, her voice resonant with authority.

Their original scheme, to animate star in the presence of Geb and Nut, only to then extinguish that spark, remained unchanged. Such a brutal act would inflict a lasting torment upon the divine couple, a stark contrast to their current, fleeting distress.

"Let's wait for the day when the Moon God awakens," Isis said with a sly smile, her gaze distant.

Nephthys, softer, added, "I hope that day arrives soon."

Osiris, ever philosophical, clasped Isis's hand. "Just as barley wine needs time to ferment, so too does the fruition of our plans. Patience will enrich the outcome, much like aged wine."

Set recalled the Moon God's own moonlight wine, exquisite in its complexity. "Once the right moment comes, we'll enjoy it properly," he mused, thinking of the perfect accompaniment for such a rare vintage.

"What has you so distracted, Seth?" Isis inquired, noticing his thoughtful expression.

"Nothing of concern," Set replied smoothly, steering the conversation towards their duties. "I was merely contemplating our protection over the humans. The monsters of the desert dare not encroach upon the temples or oases."

Isis reassured him, "You are already safeguarding them well."

Set nodded, though his thoughts lingered on larger challenges. His strategy was simple: meet force with force against any deity bold enough to alter the desert's harsh landscapes.

"For those who merit it, a firmer hand," he thought to himself. "And for the cunning, perhaps a lighter touch. But in the end, no clever god will escape my grasp."