
Reborn as an Aristocrat, Yet, Why Are My Sisters Bro-cons?

A guy finds himself in an absolutely new world. He knows nothing about himself, but he doesn't care. Despite the fact that he tries not to mess with the nobles, Astro himself becomes a noble ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The world with the system. But I don't like it at all, so I'll use system only to show stats of mc. Just to point it AGAIN - there is system in this world, but i HATE systems with passion. I'm not gonna make my MC useless piece of garbage who depends on it. So, if you're looking for System FF, it's not your cup of tea, for sure World travel later.

spearsexual · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Origins and an useless rank

It happened the next day. After waking up, Maria went to Astro's room as usual. When she opened the door, she saw an empty room and an opened window. At that moment, her heart sank, but she hoped that it was a mistake, hope still flickering in her. Yet, when she saw the note, her eyes went blank. Taking it with trembling hands, she read it and tears rolled down her eyes. Falling to her knees, she began to cry loudly.

Reine and Sarah came running to her cry and tried to find out what had happened. They, upon arriving, took a note:

<Sorry, but I'm leaving home. I'm very bored. Don't worry about me, I will send letters. See you in four years~>

While the Silford estate was in chaos, the culprit quietly sat on the roof of a wagon, heading towards the capital.

His whole appearance had changed. He looked around 15 years old. He had a blindfold on his left eye, leaving only his red one visible.

He had a raven black yukata wrapped around him; the thing fastened with a black belt with silver buttons and a grey cloth around his waist.

Under his yukata were a red shirt and black pants that fitted his body tightly, and elbow-length black gloves enveloped his hands. His wrists had bandages around them, and the ends of his gloves had a red band around them.

A naginata hovered behind him; its handle was purple, just like the ethereal aura surrounding it. Its pommel was golden, and its blade was sharp, reflecting the sunlight coming from above.

(Images here)

The trip to the capital took place without any incident... Except for the attacks of the goblins, which the main character killed with ease.

Having reached the capital of the kingdom, Astro passed the check, receiving his new identity documents.

Moving along the streets of the capital, he bought lots of candies for himself. But his main goal was Adventurers' Guild.

Going inside, he was greeted by an ordinary tavern with check-in counters.

This was how the legend of the strongest adventurer began.

In the first year, Astro reached A-Rank - he had a huge number of killed monsters, such as hobgoblins, lizard-like monsters, magic wolves, and so on. After he personally stopped a horde of monsters, consisting of a couple of hundred beasts, he was given a quest to increase his rank. His mission was to kill the bandits.

He spent the next year eliminating all the bandits in the vicinity and nearby towns. This was how he became famous.


One day a young man came to the gates of the capital, dragging a huge cart with the mutilated corpses of bandits. When the guards began to check the corpses of the bandits, they found out that it was one of the strongest and most dangerous groups. The guards estimated it to be over five hundred. When the soldiers asked where the others were, they heard the following answer:

- Unfortunately, nothing was left of their bodies.

He spent the third year in dungeons. From the simplest to the hardest. Why would he kill so many creatures? The answer was simple - his Time-related powers required his lifespan, but he could exchange it by killing other beings. His results became record-breaking all over the world. He was able to pass the SSS-rank dungeon with 100 levels in one week. After that, he got the highest available rank - SSS.

In the fourth year, Astro performed only the most difficult tasks that others could not cope with. During this time, he found himself a companion - a nine-tailed fox. It happened when our main character was sleeping peacefully on a tree.


Suddenly, he heard a loud noise. Looking around, Astro saw a small fox with nine tails running away from a wolf monster. Since he had a weakness for cute animals, the white-haired youth took out his bow.

(Image here)

Creating an arrow from lightning, the main character pierced the wolf's head with one precise shot. As he was about to leave, he felt someone pulling at the hem of his yukata.


Realizing the intentions of the fox, Astro put her on his head, and they became companions.


Walking along the road towards his hometown, the protagonist noticed a horde of orcs attacking a cart. When he saw the coat of arms on the cart, he could only sigh heavily.

One of his earrings turned into a sword. Standing up, Astro disappeared. In a second, he was far away, and all the orcs turned into finely chopped cubes.

As he was about to leave, he noticed a silver spot flying to him. Having recognized the attacker, the main character resigned himself to his fate.

A girl who looked around nine with silver hair threw him to the ground and began to hug him with tears in her eyes.

-Hello, Maria. Now, you look even more beautiful.

Said the protagonist, patting his little sister on the head, who sniffed him secretly.

-Astro-nii, you baka. Do you know how it was lonely without you?

-Sorry, sorry. I missed everyone, too.


The couple lying on the ground did not notice that all the soldiers and two little girls were looking at them. Recovering, Maria jumped up and introduced herself as a real lady.

-Excuse my rudeness, Silk von Santana and Telestia Terra Esfort. My name is Maria von Silford.

-Maria, you can behave normally!? What happened to my sister? And, who are you?

Maria looked at him with burning cheeks and a pout.

Teles and Silk looked at the interaction of the pair and started laughing.

-Pleasure to meet you. Can you tell us the name of the young man who helped us?

With proud expression, Maria said:

-He is my brother - Astro von Silford. We are the same age. By the way, Astro-nii, why do you look like that?

Realizing that he had forgotten to change his appearance, the main character turned into a nine-year-old boy with heterochromatic eyes. Both girls were mesmerized by him – he had saved them, yet, they were at the same age.

At that moment, a wagon drove up with the Silford crest, from which Garm and Reine came out. When they saw who was standing next to Maria, they were shocked.


With such shouts, his older sister rushed at him, and history repeated itself.

Also, do not forget about the mother - Sarah, who also began to hug her son. After all, she had not seen him for four years.

The two young noblewomen also joined the conversation as they listened to his adventures.

-Wait, wait, wait. You are that Astro? The SSS-rank adventurer?

Asked Silk with a shocked face. Absolutely everyone in the kingdom knew about him - the strongest adventurer, stronger than the SSS rank.

-Ummmm, I guess? I can change my appearance in any way I want.

With these words, he turned into a tall youth (190 cm)

-I have a request. Can you say that my younger sister saved you? I don't want to mess with the nobles, they got me for 4 years.

-Um, that's why Astro-sama refused to meet my father, right? (Teles-princess)

Later, the main character joined his family heading to the capital, as it was time for the princess's birthday.

Although both lolis wanted Astro to ride with them, he politely refused and took over the roof of the wagon, where he successfully fell asleep.

When they stopped in one of the cities along the way, all the girls were asleep except Mary. She was too happy to meet her brother. She went to the yard and sat on a bench. While she was watching the stars, a fox with nine tails jumped on her head.

-Fou fou!

-KYA, what a cutie!

-Maria, please don't torture her.

Hearing these words, she jumped, not expecting to hear a voice. Looking, she saw Astro sitting on a tree branch.

-Astro-nii, why are you here?

-I don't know. I guess I'm just used to sleeping on trees. It makes me feel better.

The protagonist was unaware that this trait was related to his race. Thanks to it, he did not need food.

This was how they spent most of the night sharing their stories.


[Next day]

Arriving in the capital, the whole company went to see the king. At Astro's request, all the merit would be awarded to Maria, or so it was planned.

-Astro von Silford and Maria von Silford, step ahead. For saving the princess and daughter of Duke you both will be awarded baron rank and 10 gold coins.

While Maria was in shock, the main character looked coldly at Teles and Silk. What to expect from little girls.

The previously mentioned girls had pale faces as they saw Astro's face, which was even more emotionless than before.

One of the high-ranking nobles wanted to object, but when he met the eyes of the main character, his knees began to shake.

-After the end of the meeting, the king will be waiting for you at a personal meeting.

Back in place, both siblings started to doze off, because everything for them sounded like <blah blah blah>. After a while, Maria and Astro were sitting on a luxurious sofa, waiting for the king. Also in attendance were Garm, Silk, Teles, and Silk's father - Duke. There was absolute silence in the room because of the heavy atmosphere. The protagonist was clearly annoyed by what was happening.

Two people entered the room - the king himself and his prime minister.

-Astro, let me thank you again for your actions. Telestia has told me everything that happened (King)

-Astro, let me thank you too. If you weren't there, my daughter would have died. (Silk's father)

-Che, if you are so grateful, you would leave me alone. Noble rank my ass. For what fucking reason do I need it? So that you can tie me up to this country? Ha?

With these words, the main character unleashed a lust for blood on the king and Duke. Their faces turned pale - it was not a boy who was sitting in front of them, but a monster.

-Astro-nii, please stop it.

-Okay, but I'm getting out of this damn place. If you try to do something else, I will simply disappear from this country. Fucking nobles.

Cutting the space with his sword, the main character disappeared from the reception room. Everyone else was shocked, except for Maria, who knew how much the main character hated the nobles of the capital. After he became famous, many had tried to recruit him, but he had refused everyone. These idiots decided it would be best to kill him.

He was annoyed by the Dark Guild from then on. Not that they were a threat to him – it's just that he wasn't allowed to sleep in peace, eat, go to the shower, go to the toilet, and so on. After Astro killed over a hundred hitmen, Dark Guild refused to do such an order.

When all those present heard this story, all colors disappeared from their faces. First, Astro really turned out to be that SSS-rank adventurer. Second, at such a young age, he had to kill so many people. Third – it most likely impossible to establish normal relations with him.

-THESE IDIOTS. We need to conduct a background check to find out who has ties to the Dark Guild. (Duke and King)

Both noble lolis were crying because they thought that Astro hated them. Looking at lolis' sorry state, Maria said:

-Silk, Teles, don't worry, Astro-nii doesn't hate you. He just needs some time to cool off. It was stupid to award him with rank, though.

At that moment, the King felt like an arrow pierced his heart. A child called his idea stupid. Duke, however, started to smile a bit, looking at his friend's misery.

At the same time, the main character headed towards the only dungeon that he hadn't visited. This dungeon was in a nearby town - two weeks on a cart. However, by creating wings from electricity, Astro covered this distance in a matter of minutes.

In front of the dungeon's entrance, there was a guild stand which kept a record of those who entered.

When he showed his black card, the guild workers were shocked - in front of them was the most famous person among the adventurers.

The white-haired youth raced the first few floors in an hour. It was a simple massacre of monsters.

On the sixtieth floor, he met the first boss - a fire dragon. It was the worst thing that would have ever happened to a dragon. Thanks to his blessing, the protagonist had complete control over this element. The same thing happened with the boss of the 70th floor - the ice dragon.

On the 80th floor, there was an incredible tortoise-like monster. It was very slow, but its defense was almost impenetrable. Putting his hand out of his subspace, the protagonist took out a coin.

Electricity began to flow through Astro and he launched the coin with a snap of his fingers, making a huge hole in the monster.

On the 90th floor, he came across a flower monster that possessed the magic of illusions. But, the fox named Miwa, who slept in his hood all this time, could also use it. Dispelling the illusion, the main character, together with his companion, dealt with all the monsters using a bow. At this time, the fox helped him with magic. She was the master of all the elements.

(Image here)

On the 100th floor, a huge black dragon was waiting for them. Feeling that this dragon was not simple, Astro took out the naginata and almost started the attack, but–

-What does a representative of a race like you want from a simple dragon like me?

The main character heard a deep voice with a trace of fear.

-Race? What are you talking about?

-You don't know? But your smell is the same as theirs...


-You're a True Ancestor.

Hearing these words, the main character felt an incredible headache due to the huge amount of information about this race. His eyes changed - snake-like pupils and blood-red sclera. His fingernails turned into razor-sharp claws, and two pairs of fangs appeared.

(Images here)

The black dragon, who watched the transformation, realized that he had made a serious mistake – he had released the strongest race into this world.

After some time, the main character came to his senses.

-Thank you, dragon-san. Now I know my origins in this world.

-N-No problem, Ancestor-sama.

Answered the overgrown lizard while shaking after seeing MC's eyes.

-I will not kill you, consider it as gratitude.

[Name]Astro Von Silford/???

[Race] True Ancestor

[Gender] Male

[Age] 10 years/???

[Title]Margrave Family 3rd Son, Reincarnator, He%$#$$3# of >#2#$½$½9, Living Legend, Sadist

[Level] N/A

[Strength] EX / N/A

[Magic Power] EX / N/A

[Ability Rank] EX


Thunder/Electricity Magic (Lv. EX)

Fire Magic (Lv. EX)

Time Magic (Lv. EX)

Space Magic (Lv. EX)

Ice Magic (Lv. EX)


Impossible to calculate

Divine Protection

Blessing of Angel: Zafkiel "Time Emperor" (Lv. EX)

Blessing of Demon King: Lucifugus "Lunatic Emperor" (Lv. EX)

Blessing of Angel: Camael "Bright Burning Annihilating Demon" (Lv. EX)

Blessing of God of Eternity "Shadow of Thunder" (Lv. EX)

Blessing of Angel: Zadkiel "Freezing Puppet" (Lv. EX)


From now the story will be slow-paced.

My friend and editor posted a new FF - Fate/Aspect, check it.