

I am Zen koryu. My dad was Japanese while my mom was American. I was a massive otaku but died at the age of 27. That was some really nasty experience for me. But I was reborn into the world of Toriko. It may seem boring but was really fun. And because of my deeds there, I am again being reborn in the world of NARUTO. Pairings : MC x Ino Yamanaka ** DISCLAIMER ** I neither own Toriko nor Naruto. This fan fiction is just for some fun.

Imperial_Fox · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter-2 : life as a baby, again

It had been 6 months since Zen had been reborn into this world. Here he was reborn as Chouji Akimichi, son of Chouza Akimichi, the current Akimichi clan head.

From the last 6 months, he had been taking multiple hits to his pride. Everyday was a hell. Getting your ass wiped by a woman your age is not healthy for a mind. Though he had gone through this ordeal in his previous life, it was still shameful.

One thing that he noticed that he had a great appetite for someone his age, he already started eating the baby food which was meant for one year olds in good quantity.

But being idle gave him time to think about his future. He recalled every incident he knew about the world of naruto. Kyuubi attack, uchiha massacre, Chunin exam tragedy, invasion of suna, attack of orochimaru, death of hokage, fifth hokage tsunade, betrayal of Sasuke, then the two year time skip, Attack of Akatsuki on different jinchuriki, destruction of konoha, formation of allied shinobi forces, war against madara and zetsu, ten tails, Kaguya and then sealing her. These were the main big incidents that he knew of.

He had been planning his life during all this free time. He had also been doing mental training. Mostly it was to recover his lost self-esteem, but it did had a great effect on him.

He was doing his mental training by doing mathematical calculations in his head. He was no maths fan in his previous lives, but now he could do high school level calculations without even taking seconds.

He could feel his spiritual strength increasing day by day. As far as he knew, Chakra was birthed from a mixing of spiritual and physical energies. So the growth of his spiritual energy will be a great boon.

Because he could not train the physical aspect of his body now, he focused all his free and 'sleeping' time to his mental training.

He knew that he had to train his mental capabilities to peak, because if someone decided to peek into his memories, he would be royally fucked up. And the most danger was from his future team mate, Ino, who was from yamanaka clan.

His control over his emotions had also increased to a great degree. Though he would not restrict them in front of anybody. He wanted to again enjoy his childhood. Reliving childhood was dream of almost every human adult. people were willing to sacrifice to a great extent just to relive that experience again. Those days of happiness and enjoyment were worth it.

His life was going very good.

Then the kyuubi incident happened, everything was hindi shambles. Almost 80% of the Akimichi clan estate was destroyed. Though only very few died, it was still a loss none the less. After two months everything was settled down but the incident left a deep mark on everyones mind.

His parents usually visited the yamanaka and the nara clan so he had met Ino and Shikamaru many times. Shikamaru, being shikamaru mostly slept. while Ino was just three months old but still was hyperactive. This was his first interaction with someone his current age.

## Flashback no jutsu!! ##

Today Inoichi and shikaku's families were invited by chouza for having dinner together. This was something that they do every weekend.

Chouji was having a sound sleep after 2 nights of sleepless training, while he was laying in his crib, he started feeling heavy on his chest.

As he opened his eyes he saw that an 8 months old shikamaru was sitting beside him and beating his chest like a drum.

To avoid him, he rolled towards his left side and saw a three months old Ino who was looking at him with sparkles in her eyes. But soon came to realisation that they weren't sparkles but tears. Her hand accidentally came below him when he was rolling.

As soon as shikamaru saw that he quickly laid down in a relaxed fahion. seeing his action chouji was confused. But as soon as he heard Ino crying, he knew this was a trap. he turned his face towards shikamaru again but saw him sleeping soundly as if nothing happened.

Soon their parents came in and saw shikamaru sleeping, chouji wide awake and Ino crying, which resulted in his mother promising his a good ass whooping session in future.

That was the day when he first met both of his future partners.

## Flashback no jutsu : Release ##

Not to attract too much attention, he started doing the things babies do at their normal age. He started crawling at 7 months. His vocal cords were still not developed so the most he could utter were some baby noises.

But he even took his crawling as a serious training. He used to crawl all over the house till he was exhausted. It was then he came to knew that Akimichi clan members had great amount of physical strength, endurance and vitality. Though their vitality was not equal to that of uzumakis, but they weren't too far either. It took him two and a half hours of continuous crawling to fully exhaust himself.

Like this, days turned into months and months turned into years and Two years had passed.

His life was going great. Problems only arose when shikamaru trolled him when he played with them in the evening.

His parents, his family members and his neighborhood loved him very much. He was a small and cute bundle of happiness according to people.

He usually ran around the house and garden to do his physical workout. along with doing sit-ups duck walks and jumping jacks as 'playing'. He also did flexibility exercises to increase his flexibility. All in all, everything was going according to plan.

He would officially start his training under his father at the age of three.

He was finally going to start his journey towards the top.