
Reborn as a wolf with the Ultimate System

This I story where the main charcter is trying to get back to his world and an goes through an adventure and maybe more. Ps:This is the frist time I am writing a novel

Jetfusion · Fantasy
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chapter- 1《Woke Up In An Unknown Place》

Mark woke up in an unknown place. When he looked around it seemed he was in a forest with giant trees and shrubs all over the place and it looked bleak. The first thing he tried to do was to get up but his body didn't feel how it used to be. When he turned his head he noticed that he seemed to be covered in black and gray fur. When he tried to walk he stumbled and he felt that he had two more legs from when he was a human. ''A human'' Mark said as he tried to remember as he tried to remember his memories but suddenly a headache and all the memories of my previous life came to him.

His name was Mark, he worked as an accountant in a low tier company. He got barely paid over minimum wage. Life in the company was hard but Mark persevered because he had to help his parents pay his sister's media bills because his sister was in a coma. She was in a coma from when she was 10  and was 12. He remembered when he was sitting in the car. He was on the right side while she was on the left side in the car and a drunk driver was speeding and didn't see the red light and crashed into the right side of the car. Now thinking about his sister she was now 17 and he was now 19. He hoped she was fine after all he died when two dumb cars were racing through his neighborhood and crashed into him when he was coming home from work. He hoped that his sister was fine. Mark was now worried what would happen to his sister and parents now that he had died. When he was getting more worried he heard a sound. Ding!


(Ultimate System fusing with the user's soul...)

(Fusion Complete)

(Ultimate System initializing …)

That is what Mark saw at the center of his vision. When he saw  it, it reminded him of the novels and manhwas he used to read. He remembered what a system was a power that main characters used to reach the peak of power in their world or realities or dimensions and maybe get back to his world and sister. "What was the way to activate the system",Mark tried to remember, "Status",Mark said as he remembered and a blue interface with white words came up.


{Name: Mark}

{Spiece: Black and Grey Wolf Cub(RANK-0)}

{Level: 1/5 (0/10 Exp)

{Vitality: 10/10}

{Mana: 0/0}


{Agility: 1}

{Endurance: 1}

{Magic: 0}


{Sp: 0}

{Skills: Scratch(LV1), Bite(LV1) and Dash(LV1)}

{Unique Skills: None}

{Ultimate Abilities: None}

Now that Mark was seeing what type of system he had. He saw that  he was a wolf. He wished it could be like one of novels he used to read "Was it's name Custom Demon or Custom made demon God.", Mark tried to remember but could not. The main character had a system that let him create any as long as he had souls, sadly he had the one that has to do with evolution. While thinking  about his sister and getting used to his system Mark got hungry so he started by looking around the forest he guessed. What would you call a place full of trees? As he was looking around he found an area where some rabbit looking creatures but it was hard to call them rabbits because they had brown blackish fur and obsidian black eyes. They were eating some brown looking carrots. As he tried to sneak up on one but my stomach growled so it heard me and started to run so ran it down. We ran between trees and shrubs as I tried to catch it. That's until I remembered I had some skills. So I activated {Dash} - { increase speed by 10%}  now I am catching up to it. I activated {Scratch} - {Slash at the with a claw} and slashed at it before it went into its burrow and activated {Bite} - {Increasting bite force by 10%} over its neck biting it when tripped. It was still frolicking in my mouth to show how much vitality these little guys had. While chasing the rabbit-like creature he also got exp and leveled up his skills. He now something called the {Log} where he saw 


{5 Exp gained}




All his skills leveled up. So after he ate the first rabbit-like creature that tasted like chicken he went back to the area where he saw the other rabbit-like creatures. So tried the same tactic he used before but this time he was successful as he use {Bite(LV2)} as it became {Bite(LV3)} - {Increasting bite force by 30%} and

{5 Exp gained}

{Level 2/5 (0/20)}

He also felt himself strengthen went he leveled up so Mark said "Status".


{Name: Mark}

{Spiece: Black and Grey Wolf Cub(RANK-0)}

{Level: 2/5 (0/20 Exp)

{Vitality: 20/20}

{Mana: 0/0}


{Agility: 2}

{Endurance: 2}

{Magic: 0}

{Sp: 2}

{Skills: Scratch(LV2), Bite(LV3) and Dash(LV2)}

{Unique Skills: None}

{Ultimate Abilities: None}

He sees that all his stats go up by one except magic he starts to wonder why but before he could think too much about the system quickly informs him that.

{Host needs to become a (RANK1) magical beast to be able to form a mana core and use mana. The host is recommended to rank up quickly!}

He also added his {SP}  one to agility and one to strength. By the time he was done it was turning night so started looking for somewhere to sleep. Luckily he found an abandoned cave to sleep in and started sleeping.