
Reborn as a warp god with a warp system in Warhammer 40k

[Note: Warhammer 40 K belongs to its right full distributors traders and manufactures all I’m doing with this is making a fun fanfiction that no one else has tried and I hope it entertains my readers I am not trying to make a profit out of this this is just for fun reading and typing on my part I hope the community is satisfied for what I’ve made to entertain so my grim dark readers let’s dive into an endless galaxy at war.

Dez_Burns · Video Games
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32 Chs

War marches on

The galaxy is in constant war between two posing forces, one of tremendous psychic might if and the other a ravenous hunger for souls, and would stop at nothing with its metal legions.

Across thousand planets, the two sides wage constant war, each one gaining ground and losing ground at the same time but as time passed in this eternal conflict.

Necrons and there C'tan masters brought death and destruction across the galaxy as the old ones felt there wrath throughout countless worlds, even bring the fight to the old ones within the sea of souls through the use of their technology.

For the first time in a long time, it looks like that the C'tan will conquer the galaxy and the universe with enough time, especially without the old ones in the away.

Then, suddenly as the C'tan armies got significant ground after so long in the war a third faction made itself known throughout the galaxy as portals opened they were linked directly into the maelstrom that recently came into existence, within the galaxy, breaking all the normal rules between the sea of souls and the material universe.

Many creatures poured through these portals across both sides of the conflict tearing apart both armies that were caught off guard on nearly hundreds of worlds.

If that was not bad enough, greater versions of these creatures came through as well, bearing significant powers and abilities that have not been seen before.

These creatures also had mortals coming to the aid through the portals. These creature stood on four legs were massive in size and had scaly skin as well as armor that can easily take blows from the most deadliest the weaponry from either army.

These massive creatures also wielded war hammers that crackled with rainbow, lightning and each one wielding psychic might equal to the Eldar that are taught personally by the old ones.

The surprise attacks had massive blow to both armies, as well as those armies, losing their worlds to the third faction.

The C'tan that survived the first wave, and managed to escape, with some of their forces vowed vengeance against this new enemy.

Leaving those star systems within their pyramid ships and the old ones forces were similar mind. They lost significant manpower and ships, especially when the third faction brought in their own ships of a unique and powerful design, and yet slick and beautiful.

The C'tan that didn't survive, or one's forcibly drag through one of the portals only for later for the rest of there brethren to feel their absence as if their concepts were absorbed by something else, making the rest of them very wary of this new faction, for they never concerned themselves with death before until now.

The Krorks are happy, though that a new powerful enemy had appeared, for they were the eager ones to obey their masters to go to war for these Hawking behemoths were truly powerful.

standing as tall as 12 metres and hockey power armor, that easily shrugs off, deadly weaponry with ease, combined out with their immense strength, the Krorks are one of the old ones best weapons of war.

Relentless, ruthless, and an appetite for conflict the Krorks Led by Generals Gork and Mork on many battles throughout the conflict when the third faction appeared Gork the Krork General leading his troops, like everyone else was ambushed by the sudden appearance of the third faction, however, unlike most him and the rest of his brothers, held the line longer than the other servants of the old ones.

Although, in the end they had to retreat and lost many of their Brothers The general and his men could see without a doubt he was one of the best fights they had for a while.

After being forced off on several systems, the generals decided to regroup their fellow brethren, and replan a new assault onto the new enemy territory.

Although general Gork is planning to bring a bigger shooter and a bigger, Stabby knife to kill those enemies.

His brother and fellow general mork suggested a sneakier approach by using some other remaining stealth technology to catch the new enemy by surprise.

Gork not liking the plan argued with his brother that a frontal assault would be better.

Then the two brother generals continue to argue and fight each other coming to blows while the rest of their brothers gather round in the circle and cheered on for Gork and Mork to keep fighting as the two brothers often come to blows when they argue which plan is better for battles.