
Reborn as a warp god with a warp system in Warhammer 40k

[Note: Warhammer 40 K belongs to its right full distributors traders and manufactures all I’m doing with this is making a fun fanfiction that no one else has tried and I hope it entertains my readers I am not trying to make a profit out of this this is just for fun reading and typing on my part I hope the community is satisfied for what I’ve made to entertain so my grim dark readers let’s dive into an endless galaxy at war.

Dez_Burns · Video Games
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32 Chs

God vs god part two

Two unrelenting forces clashed one bathed in warp fire and the other coded with green Lightning.

The clash of the blows was so immense that's surrounding train broke and ripped apart the ground cracked under the weight of two immense forces the mountains and surrounding region shook as if in terror.

Both the C'tan and Avatar of the Lord of light was pushed back from the other in the power of the others attack however neither one of them delayed with a second offensive the avatar coursing with immense amount of warp fire into his palm then launching the fire at the C'tan.

the C'tan fired green lightning at the avatar and for second time both are blows collided lightning striking against immense amount of warp fire creating ginormous explosion resulting in a massive crater separating the two power houses on the planet.

With massive amount of dust clouds covering the battlefield The Lord of light avatar moves with purpose and diligence and Greece making itself closer to the star God began initiating Close range combat.

The C'tan morphed some of his extra arms into a scythe and began exchanging close combat with the avatar both these godlike entities struggled to gain dominance over the other while the avatar has superior power the star god had much more battle experience than him from fighting his own kin and the old ones.

(Note: thank for you guys telling me of my mistake and thank you for pointing it out)

Crater after crater was created as the battle continue to rage on each one barely giving the other small amount of damage through small openings in the battle stances however the avatar manage to deal Decisive blow to the star God using its two extra hands that are floating equipped with power fists.

Using his sword and Warhammer and his other two hands to Perry the enemy Scythe and in rapid succession of devastating blows to the star God's chest section Sending him flying to the opposite direction of the avatar creating another crater on the battlefield on the side of the mountain.

But the avatar wasn't done with that wielding its mighty silver sword sending a concentrated amount of silver warp fire to the mountain side.

Causing much of it to create a A good portion of the mountain to fall on the star god however the small victory did not last in the next moment all of the debris from the Man shut out from a humongous blast of green lightning and crawling out of the rubble was the C'tan showing battle damage not from the large piece of the mountain that was a minor annoyance but from the strikes that the avatar dealt it it's Necro dermis body slightly melting from the immense heat generated from the avatars attack.

C'tan: impressive not much could melt my skin I'm going to have to take this a little more seriously.

With that said the star gods body began crackling with more ferocious forms of green lightning acting as if it's on body is a giant generator of power.

With both his hands stretch outward towards the avatar commanding the ferocious green lightning towards him thinking fast the avatar throws up a shield to block the lightning however he was not fast enough his shield was instantly broken from the fierce power displayed by the star God.

Throwing the avatars body back as green lightning attacks all over its body doing significant damage however before the lightning can do even more harmful damage to the avatars body the Magic runes engraved on it began to glow and gave a small powerful pulse rendering the green lightnings Power to nothing.

The star god seen that his attack is starting to have almost no effect now bellows and rage I seen the engravings on the avatar's body for he has seen them before the same engravings put on the old one servants that he and his kin have been fighting.

Catching the star guard off guard the avatar sprinted towards him with all of its forcing power bring the beer the full might if it's mighty Warhammer.

The star god seen the avatars approach Readys himself for the next confrontation of the fight however the avatar pulls out a quick trick on the star god.

The avatar for the course of this entire fight has been brewing and forging a small device inside of its forge in its chest and it's ready to be deployed.

Drawing close enough to the star god the avatars chess bursts open as warp fire spews out of it as well a small device in the shape of an orb and it's fire straight towards the star god.

Avatar of the Lord of light: surprise motherfucker!!! I hope your mental ass like this!!!!

with the orb heading towards the star god with significance speed he believed to destroy this object before it reached him reaching out with his hand summoning lots of green lightning and firing up on the orb however instead of being destroyed when the lightning touch the orb it started to be absorbed and it kept absorbing the lightning the star god realized that he cannot shut off his lightning wow that orb absorbs it.

With the star guard rooted in place because of the orb giving the avatar the perfect moment bring the maximum amount of power towards Warhammer as a blaze with silver warp energy then the avatar brought the hammer down upon the C'tan Who was unable to move because of the orbs leeching ability.



Rose ginormous pillar of fire from where the Warhammer struck the star god from spectators point of view it was as if the apocalypse was being painted and orchestrated by gods on the mortal plane.

After it dissipated and what stood there was the avatar for a moment victorious over the star god however their titanic battle has left much damage to the surrounding territory and to the avatars own body for the Lord of light control in the avatar for a brief moment realize the many mistakes he made during the conflict and if the star god was more experienced and more powerful he doubt his avatar could win and from the energy and it was putting off and the help full assistance of his system indicated it was a low tier star god The Lord of cosmic light shutters of the thought of the old ones had to endure the war of heaven that's is coming.

but those are thoughts of another day he has to figure out where he has to contain the star God after all star gods are living embodiment of the material world they cannot be really destroyed only contained trapped for they have existence since the very beginning of the material universe ever since the big bang.