
Reborn as a warp god with a warp system in Warhammer 40k

[Note: Warhammer 40 K belongs to its right full distributors traders and manufactures all I’m doing with this is making a fun fanfiction that no one else has tried and I hope it entertains my readers I am not trying to make a profit out of this this is just for fun reading and typing on my part I hope the community is satisfied for what I’ve made to entertain so my grim dark readers let’s dive into an endless galaxy at war.

Dez_Burns · Video Games
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32 Chs

Falling of a star

Surrounding a large blue Mountain is a large medieval city made out of pure stone as many dragon ogres are seen building more add-ons to the city others being trained for more wars and others gathering resources to continue the expansion of this new dragon ogre city.

Upon the hill not too far from the Stone city stands shela The blue dragon a title earned from war and bloodshed were she wears proudly upon her chest in one hand is a mighty war hammer like no other with a perfect mixture between silver and gold and in the other is a staff of remarkable texture in art and every second that passes it homes with power as you can see it glow pale silver.

Her arms are just as artistic and beautiful and just as powerful as the weapons she holds as well unlike other dragon ogres her frame is much bigger and thinner than the rest for underneath all that armor is refined and condensed muscle that could easily rip off a limb from a fellow dragon ogre with ease.

Unlike other dragon ogres that have two horns on the side of there Head she bears a single horn in the center of her for head which curves upwards towards the sky and any onlooker who looks at it can clearly see silver and blue lightning crackling around it for mini dragon ogres have seen what that horn is capable of on its own combined that with all that that she has.

Makes her formidable opponent however on this planet to primitives she has no equal for she blessed by the gods of cosmic is the supreme alpha predator even the larger lifeforms that live on the planets landscape that can kill normal dragon ogres with ease and a search other Dragon Oger tribes have to hunt in pairs to take down these huge behemoths down for they stand on two legs with two long arms and a massive head and tail for scales are like chain mail armor in design even the strongest dragon ogres have a hard time taking one of these behemoths down however shela can easily kill one of them with a single swing her mighty hammer which she will do with one hand which takes the strongest dragon ogres two hands to wield it and signifying her immense physical strength.

As she continues to see hers city being built she takes out a small box with multiple colors on it it began playing shifting and turning trying to get the same color on one side of the square another gift from her gods telling her it's a tool to practice patience and she continues messing with the cube attempt to solve the puzzle end it helps to relieve stress and helps her think.

She has tried many times to solve the puzzle but never succeeded but it does help her be more patient for she has the tendencies of being inpatient and rushing to decisions or actions that could have consequences for she has made many of these terrible decisions that has cost her dearly.

After several hours she puts the cube back in her pouch and picks up both her hammer and magical staff making her way back down to the city and as she walked past his building after building many of the dragon ogres both young and old give out slight bows to her approach for it's hard for you to miss her for her height and size and no one could mistake her identity because of that small detail and because of the detail of her armor she is powerful she is large and tall and above all she is there a warlord one that they would follow without question for her strength has been proven many times in many wars and battles.

She made her way up to the church where she prays every day to her new gods she walks up to the first altar of the star queen for the altar is nothing more than three gems rotating in unison with each other glowing white she kneels before the altar and gives us small prayers for a few hours when that is done she makes her way to the second altar first in the shape of a mighty dragon the altar of the Lord cosmic of light she kneels before this altar as well and gives us small prayers and after several hours she starts making her way out of the church but not before hearing voices in the back of her head as she always has every time she prayed for her it is just more confirmation that the gods are real and they care although earning their favor is not easy she has done many trails that nearly cost her her life many times.

However she was made stronger for it and with that strength she united and large chunk for people into a single purpose an ideal although it does help when you are being backed by gods but she cannot complain she is the chosen of cosmic and nothing will stand in the way of her accomplishments and her ambitions to dominate this world.

Making her way towards her house she looks up to the sky and noticed something strange that a large mass in the sky is falling down to the planet shrouded in green fire even though it's very far away she can clearly see it in broad daylight and bites just simply looking at it gives her massive headaches and voices whispering the back of her mind telling her to be weary.

(Shela): this is not a good omen I need to send out some of the men to see where that rock will Land.

After several hours of scrounging a bunch of scouts ordering them to scout out where the rock began to land but before they couldn't leave the city they lol they heard a big kaboom!!!!!

In the far distance where the meteor has landed gave up a humongous amount of green light that could be seen anywhere on the planet giving it ominous feeling and whenever any dragon ogre looked upon the green light all they can feel is a cold amount of dread that crawls up into your spine a type of primal fear that you get when you know you are in danger.

Shela no longer waste any time and ordered all 50 of her scouts to go towards the location of the meteorites landing and to report back to her unlike the other dragon ogres sense of dread to her was far far stronger given confirmation that what she's seen as it began to fall into a world that it was not a good omen she hurries back towards the church to commune with her gods and ask for their guidance and hearing only whispers.

(voices): prepare for the worst for death has come and he has come to reap a bounty of lives but have no fear are we gods of cosmic have not abandoned you!!

With that she begins making preparations for the worst after getting the guidance that she required from the gods it is time for the blue dragon Shela to test her metal once more in the name of her Deity's and her people.


[Authors notes: sorry for the long wait for this chapter I've been binge watching the flash on CW and I forgotten to write while watching those plus I've been working a lot of overtime at work which I am not using as an excuse just informing you my readers on why I have not been updating but I'll try to update whenever I can I just hope my future riders can live up to your expectations and hope that you continue to support me and my novels and fanfiction thank you all]