
Reborn as a Useless girl

A Sakura hater got reincarnated as Sakura. You know it folks how it goes in the reincarnation stories. But this time she didn't get any support from any system or wishes. Let's see how she fairs in the shinobi world. You can read advance ten chapters of this fanfiction thirty two chapters of this fanfiction on my p@treon AnimefanfictionInd at just for 3$. You will be also able to read advance 40 chapters of Naruto Asmodeus Template in that tier. https://patreon.com/AnimefanfictionInd?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=instagram&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Or you can become the member of another tier, Naruto fanfictions for 5$. You will be able to read the advance chapters of all of my fanfictions there. Follow me on patreon

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The preparation for Test

The preparation for Test

"-Alright pinky ! You go first." Kakashi told in his usual bored voice.

"I am Sakura Haruno, I like my friends and family. I don't like being poor. My hobbies and future dreams are personal." I said in a nutral tone. Although I was annoyed with his attitude, I was not going to show my dissatisfaction about it openly.

"Next up blondie."

"I am Naruto Uzumaki. I like Ramen and Hinata chan. I hate waiting three minutes for cup Ramen and stupid people. I don't have a perticular hobby. But my future dream is to become Hokage." It was a little different from the introduction of canon Naruto. But not far from it. Having a girlfriend, has definitely helped him getting matured. Even if it is just a tiny bit.

"And lastly mr. Brooder ."

"I am Sasuke Uchiha. I don't like anything. I dislike most of the things. My hobby is training. I don't have a dream but have an ambition. And one day I will make it true. I will take my clan to it's former glory and kill a certain person." Kakashi nodded and finally started his mind game sessions.

Although I was not surprised at all, I made a surprised face. I was really lucky that I got some natural acting skills in this life.

He told us that we are not genin yet. And told us about the test.

Attest that I had planned for extensively.

And I could only hope that it will go well.


It was five in the morning when all three of us reached the training ground. After seeing both of them half asleep, I decided that it would be the best moments to strike up the conversation.

"Alright I will be frank with you. We have not interacted with each other during our academy days very much. But this test is very important. So I request you both to listen to me."

Both of them were a little startled with my sudden forwardness. But when I got their attaintion, I started speaking again.

"After yesterday's meeting I went to the hospital to collect information about this test from my senior.

He refused to tell me the exact meaning of this test but he dropped enough clues that I figured it out. Not only that but also I found many interesting information about our Sensei." When I saw both of them were listening to me carefully, I continued.

"First, about Kakashi sensei. He is said to be the second strongest shinobi currently present in the village. That means, after the sanins, he is the most powerful shinobi. He is famous as copy nin in other lands for copying thousands of jutsus. And apparently he is the only surviving student of the fourth hokage.

But he has a few bad reputations. Mainly because he is late to everything for atleast 3 hours if it is not an important mission.

So we could expect him at least at eight."

I paused for there reaction.

"Man ! Is he actually late for everything for atleast three hours ?" Naruto groaned.

"What did you figure out about the teamwork ?" As I expected from Sasuke, he asked the important question.

"The test is about teamwork. Remember how Iruka sensei used to focus on teamwork during our last three years of academy. And from what I know, every single leaf genin works in atleast a team of four including himself.

The Jonin sensei are meant to test how will we can work in a team.

But here is the tricky part. The Jonin instructors have the independent to design the test as the saw fit. Some make it easy while some make it harder.

And here is the bad news. Kakashi sensei had never passed a genin team before.

That means..."

"He is going to make it harder for me...no us."

Sasuke completed while Naruto frowned.

But I was really glad that the anti social child has at least gotten the meaning of the test right. Now even if Kakashi managed to put doubt in their heart it will not be that hard for me to convince them. The bells were not my goal. But after years of hard work, I didn't want him to humiliate me along with the other two. As long as we tried to work together, he won't reducule us.

"We should share our skills and weaknesses. If we know it earlier then it will be easy to come up with a plan, when he will tell us about the test.

I will go first. I am a medic nin. But I also am good with trap seals and confinement seals. While I do have some skills with short sword, I don't think it will help me facing a Jonin. Obviously I know the three basic ninjutsu.

So I am better suited for a supporting role."

"Alright ! I will go next ! I am very good with shadow clone technique. And you know that I am rival of Sasuke in taijutsu. Although I have recently started my fuinjutsu training, I have no actual skill in it."

After me and Naruto it was the turn of Sasuke. He was reluctant at first but after a few seconds, he finally spoke. " I am great in taijutsu and shuriken jutsu. I know a few fire style jutsus and decent in trap making."

I was relieved that Sasuke was actually participating in the conversation.

'I wonder how Ino is going to handle this ?' Although the short pants, as my mom named them, were comfortable and easy to move around, they were horrible choice when you have to sit on a rough surface. Although I have good enough Chakra control to coat my ass chicks with chakra, I was wondering how Ino is going to handle it ?

It has been four hours since we came here. And almost one and half hours since I setted up my trap confinement seals. I was first sitting on the grass. But when Naruto and Sasuke sat on the top of the tree stumps, I decided to sit on them too.

Finally after four and half hours of waiting, Kakashi sensei finally appeared.


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