
Reborn As A Top-Tier Mage

Darkness. 'Why can't I see anything' The child gained consciousness for the second time ever. 'Where am I' Left in a cold endless abyss, it sat waiting for its life to begin. 'Have I died' It was then slowly, it saw a small light in the corner of the vast emptiness.

RayVer · Fantasy
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4 Chs


'An infinite darkness.', this was its first thought when its soul got transferred to its new body.

An old soul in a new body, a miracle in itself, which none would think would be possible. An impossibility that became a possibility.

'Where is this, have I died?'

The being tried moving its body along, to no avail. No control whatsoever, its limbs stretched and strained trying to leave the oppressive area that it was in.

A kick. A thrust. A kick. That was all it could muster. Struggling, it was struggling. For the first time in its life the unborn child felt the misery of struggle. The pain of helplessness and the gnawing feeling of boredom.

'What am I?'

Confused and bewildered the foetus, laid floating in the empty space. Would it stay here for eternity, would this be its fate. Floating up and down in a dark enclosement.

'Surely not, this can't be what awaits me.'

Time passed, then more time passed. Time,time,time,time and more time.

'Is this hell, it must be hell?'

The child questioned itself again and again. It questioned its circumstances, it questioned its being. It was the only way for the child to remain sane.

'Who am I?'

The thoughts of who it might be plagued the mind of the foetus constantly. Eating away at it bit by bit. It had a consciousness and could formulate thought, yet no sense of being. It could comprehend yet not understand. It knew of knowledge it shouldn't have had, yet it could not apply it.

Everything was in disarray; it was disorderly and that pissed the foetus off.

The only redeeming factor was the warmth. An inexplicable warmth surrounded the foetus. A saving grace in an otherwise hell hole.

'Please warmth, sweep me of towards a better place. Smother me in a blanket of your embrace so that I can rest. If this is death, then I do not want it.'

Perhaps a saint heard its prayer, or maybe it was a mere coincidence, however suddenly a bright light appeared at the corner of abyss.


The vision of the foetus began to blur, as the rays of light penetrated through. A feeling of disorientation swept over the being and, soon it started moving.

'God is that you, why weren't you helping me earlier!'

Rage filled through the foetus's mind, but even that eventually got drowned out by the cacophony of noises. Muffled sounds in the background became clearer and clear, second by second.

By the time the foetus, collected its thoughts, it was no longer inside an enclosed dark area but a bright room.

The new-born child gazed at a new world for the first time.

It could see blurry images of what seemed to be like people, only for a large hand to come out of nowhere and grab it.

'Is that God's hand, am I being carried to heaven?'

Slowly and surely the child got raised up. It was then it heard cheers and celebrations in an unknown language.

"Congratulations, ma'am it's a boy"!

The boy briefly looked upwards to see a man handing her over to a middle-aged woman who was now carrying him. She was rather short, and round with her personality trait being that she was fat.

'Surely, that is not God?' ' Right?'

The boy held a perplexed emotion on its face. Before shaking the idea out of his head.

'Nonono, let's not be silly. That's not God. Then if its, not God yet it's holding me in one palm then... then... I must be a baby!'

Immediately the child reached a realisation. The missing part of the jigsaw had finally been found. The dark enclosed environment, the incapability for him to travel about, it was all because he was a baby. After taking this, into account the child calmed down, now realising the situation he was in.

'So, I've been given birth to. The fact that I know this means that I'm no ordinary baby, for some reason I have a lingering feeling that I've been reborn. Yet, I can't remember my previous life.'

Careless and carefree, the boy was oblivious to the handful of glares currently honed onto him.

"That's odd he's not crying", stated the middle-aged woman.

"Perhaps, a nice spanking is due". With an evil grimace the woman 'lightly' spanked the child's buttocks.




'OWWW! What was that', the boy turned around to glare at his assailant. Looking at her he attempted to say string full of his native curses, however all that emerged from his mouth where the screeching cries of a baby and a handful of tears.


Relief filled the room as the tense atmosphere died down. The middle-aged woman looked at the child one more time.

"Looks like everything is okay", she stated before showing off her pearly whites to the displeased looking boy.

'This absolute wretched bitch. Don't tell me this ugly double XXL sized woman is my mother. God, I changed my mind death is fine!'

The spite, and anger that the child had towards the woman could not be expressed, but it was definitely there.

'Oooh boy, if I get a chance, I'm definitely going to make sure to piss in her mouth', it thought, a gentle yet sly smirk emerging on its face.

"Honey look he is smiling".

'Huh who is that?'

The boy tried to turn his little neck, yet it resulted in failure. Out of options he waited to be transferred to the angelic voice speaking. And surely enough he was soon carried over to a beautiful red-haired lady. She l0oked to be in her mid-20's, with razor sharp facial expressions that would put a blade to shame.

Her ruby red fiery eyes carried a burning light that refused to calm down and were deep as the ocean. Although her features were sharp, she carried this poised aura that emitted friendliness and tranquillity contrasting to her striking appearance.

'Wow she's beautiful', thought the child.

Once she received the child, the woman embraced him into her bountiful bosom. A natural maternal instinct of protectiveness and ownership possessing her body.

"Hey darling it's not fair let me take a glimpse at my own son.", guffawed a blonde-haired man.

He stood tall at around 6''1 and was well built, with a bulky appearance, his face screamed playboy with enough charisma to shake the core of the world. With sparkling blue eyes and a fully shaven square jawline to complement, he was a man that would make any girl swoon. A proud and level-headed man that was who Peter Bleubat was.

"Peter, please calm down you might scare the child."

The energetic man responded by calming down a bit before peering over his wife's shoulder to get a glimpse of his son, staring intensely into his light blue eyes, like a victim struck in a trance.

'Hey why's this dude looking at me. Is this my pops. Hey pops, stop staring at me like a weirdo already its creeping me out'.

The child tried speaking to the man but all that left his mouth was unexplainable gibberish. Realising this the boy tried smacking the man in the face with his small palms, hoping that the action would get his message across.

'Take this. And take that. Hyak!'

"Dear, I think he likes me."

"Well, I would be disappointed in you if he didn't after all you are his father".

The fair lady then turned her attention towards the child.

"Look little Claude, it seems your father is very excited. I know you probably don't understand what I'm saying but welcome the Bleubat family."

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