
Reborn as a the Demonic champion of the Goddess'!

Niji is reborn as the goddess of Darkness' champion! He must embark on a journey as a demon of dark and conquer this new world! (Disclaimer): I did not steal this book, I wrote it on Wattpad but it's stuck at 300 views so I decided to repost it here!

Veldori · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

The Vline Swinging Mage

We arrived at the "door" maybe an hour later.

The "door" was a huge purple portal emitting some crazy aura. It almost knocked me off the dragon.

:What is that?

Toothless didn't respond, but I could sense he seemed scared also. Maybe that's why the dragon people live very far away from here I'd see it would be about three times the size of that super huge building in Dubai. Like super huge. I don't have a phobia of it or anything of that sort, but it made me feel really tiny.

:Is this what you meant by Dimensional Magic?

I waited for an response but Toothless just dove down into the canopy of the red and blue trees. The trees seemed to be shedding this weird black ooze. The dragon flew through the forest, dodging any obstacles like branches or weird dino squirrels. I appraised one of them and they had this weird skill, [Level 3]

Yeah, they had a skill called that. It was super weird and the system wasn't responding to me at all. Being in the dark sucks, both literally and figuratively.

:It seems that the humans are making a move.

Humans? Wait real life humans?

I couldn't tell if I was excited to see some flesh and bones or if I was scared. What would a human think of me? A furry demon with big horns and a pet dragon? I wondered what they would think if they saw me. As a person, or a monster. But again, if they were anything like that stupid knight, they could make for some nice soul fragments. Then I could become a human and everyone will be forced to admit I'm normal!

Enough of the insecurity venting though.

I looked around to see any hints of humans, like if anyone was following with us, or I dunno, charging up a spell.

I looked to my right and saw a old man, who looked more like god than the little kid did. The long and wise beard, the pointed wizard hat with the signature dent, the blue robes and the staff that would put any Potterhead to shame. I always thought staffs were cooler than wands.

:Toothless! Typical isekai "god" to the east!

The dragon snorted before doing a barrel roll over to him. I wasn't close enough, and even if I was, casting a spell ontop of a dragon..

Hey, YOLO. Then I realized how stupid that sounded since I was literally living a second life. Toothless made a steep incline.

:What would you like to do?

Uhh, I was not a commander. Thinking back to the time I read The Art of War for kicks, I remembered a quote that he totally said.

"When Reincarnated to a fantasy world... JUST GO BATSHIT CRAZY." - Sun Tzu

:Dive bomb that motherfucker!

The dragon made a sharp turn and flew down onto the wizard. I jumped off, Battle Royale style, and charged up some [Divine Arrows]

The wizard seemed confused at this development. Oh and here is how that went.

I jumped off, super epic. The arrows flew down at the wizard who dodged and casted some type of [Fire Spell] I used [Appraisal] to check his stats while I fell, which gave me the [Mind Acceleration] skill.

Level 32 Warlock: Vline The Extraordinary

HP: 500/500

MP: 5000/5000

SP: 500/500

Skills: [Attunement] [General Magic Resistance] [Fire Magic Resistance] [Water Magic Resistance] [General Elemental Magic Resistance] [Durability Negation Magic] [Defense Magic Specialist] [Offensive Magic Specialist] [Utility Magic Specialist] [Enhanced Agility] [Agile] [Advanced Magical Being] [Summoning Magic]

Titles: [Mage] [12 Warlocks of Vein] [Wielder of Vixinhall] [Prestigious Mage] [Popular] [Goblin Slayer (LMAO)]

He wasn't that stacked. I also noticed he was one of the 12 Warlocks of Vein. I was assuming Vein would be a human kingdom. It also says he slays a lot of goblins, so I can justify killing him. If your gonna kill my cousins, at least be ready for the punishment. He smirked a bit and in a flash appeared right next to me, whacking me with the staff. He then proceeded to dash in mid air.


I was able to use [Darkness Tendrils] to slow him down, and catch my breath. I try and do the same thing he did but end up falling. By now, he had already broken through the tendrils. I readied my body blades as I fell. He shadow stepped next to me again but I was ready. I swung blindly the first time which he expertly dodged with no problem. I parried the reaction hit from his staff with my other blade.

"Slimy little beast!" Slimy? I'll show you. I moved my eyes down to my target. I summoned a blade to come out the bottom of my leg and I lifted it. I let go of the parry and roundhouse kicked that sucker. Toothless swooped down and tried to pick him up but he dodged.

"Damn it!"

He stopped falling slow motion and before I could see to catch up to him he disappeared into the canopy of the trees. This isn't fair!

A mage is usually a fragile pervert with a large staff. That dude is some how vine swinging..

I guess class might mean something different that what I'm used to, now that I think about it. Maybe this world doesn't restrict you with 'classes' which would be good if only I had it. That guy probably is going to go alert his other mage friends. I started falling down faster as well and the game voice lady came in the same time a screen popped up.

New Skill Acquired: Feather Falling.

Feather Falling: Allows user to fall slowly to complete seemingly impossible tasks while falling.

Feather Falling -> Slow Motion Falling

Slow Motion Falling: Why am I describing this to you? Just figure it out yourself, you fucking r-

I closed that tab quicker than any others, and as a gaming otaku, I can assure you that the bar was pretty high.

However, I now had another skill on my hands, and it hadn't even been that long! That just reminded me of the dragonborn massacre. I was really hoping to get to sleep in that town or something... I guess isekai life doesn't stop for anyone!

But I have more problems to worry about now...

That stupid mage got away, and now my second life is in danger! If I am being completely honest, I'm shitting bricks right now.. :D

After I fell into the rain forest-like swarm of trees, I looked around, gauging my surroundings. The forest was unbelievably quiet, and almost no life was inside of it. No raptors, dragons, or weird vine-swinging mages. Hmm...

I whistled, y'know, those loud dog whistles you hear on tv. I was hoping that Toothless would come swooping down and picking me up off of the wet jungle floor, but it simply couldn't be. I'm just hoping he doesn't leave me down here..

Oh, and the door.. well if I want to get to it, I guess I'll be walking.

I began to pick my feet up, more like dragging though. The forest was very uneventful and it actually felt nice to slow down for a second and just walk silently. It reminded me of our time living in my pop's hometown, walking to and from school everyday. The silent streets were very therapeutic, especially for a tiny-tot Niji who was struggling with school, bullies, and just about everything else your typically isekai protag goes through.

Now that I think about it, I was born to be reincarnated! I mean, my life wasn't the worst, but it had just the right amount of tragedy to make me eligible for a new and awesome life! And to think, I became an otaku.... it's like the gods wanted me the most and just nudged me in the right direction!

I grinned to myself, which obviously was not that pretty at all, but who cared? I was about to find that mage and kick his butt, and then go fight something even more OP than the momma spider. Couldn't be too hard... Now I'm just waiting for my plot armor to kick in..

Okay, update, I've been walking for almost an hour! I can't find shit in this damp and foggy forest. Oh, but I did find a tiny beetle that I promptly squished. That thing was maxed out, though! But beetles can only get so strong, so even at max level that little guy, or gal, had worse stats than me when I first started out.

Then, suddenly, out of abso-fucking-lutely nowhere, I hear voices. The typical high-pitched anime girl voice, reminding me of my visit from gender-bend Captain Yami!

"Vline, c'mon! That stupid little demon-rat can't be that hard to kill!"

Vline... the mage! I used [Clairvoyance] and [Spatial Awareness] at the same time, to get a clear vision of what they were doing in the clearing. Vline was propped against a tree, watching the girl do crazy gymnastics, his arm crossed, a disapproving frown on his, sad to say this, handsome face.

The girl was about average height with shocking pink hair that went down past her shoulders, her eyes as pink as the hair. I could now see her clothes, and let's just say she was wearing close to nothing, except her underwear, a bra, and a leather jacket. Leather jacket?

"No matter what, he had some interesting skills, and we should tread lightly.. he also possesses a ultimate skill."

The girl stopped doing her little gymnastic routine, and looked up.. I forgot to say, the whole world is in an anime artstyle so her mouth got all bendy and stuff and her eyes went blank.

"Oh, Vline! Your such a kidder!"

Vline, the super cold mage guy sighed, watching this childish girl go about her pouting.

Ah man.. you can bet my ass I'm glad these people are going to leave me alone. I don't think I could have fought one of them.. let alone two!

Just then the girl would grin before picking up a kunai strapped to her leg, and would throw it into my direction. She would then do a flip and get into a fighting stance. "We are being watched.. and I think you might be happy to see who, Vline."

The mage would get up and open his eyes, looking around the treeline for any threats. I honestly didn't know how to play it. The simulations I ran in my head gave me one of two options.. and one ended with me turning myself in. I assumed they wouldn't have killed me if I just left with them, and maybe I could get out of this stupid labyrinth the easy way. That would mean that I would lose Toothless, so that wouldn't be the best.. but the next best thing I could think of is running off.. and that made me look suspicious. So I did the best option I had.

I stepped out of my cover, and before I could telepathically speak, a dagger was in my throat. I was bleeding out.

"Hello! Sorry we have to kill you, but monsters are not allowed to get that strong and live.. bye, Kurayomni!"

Omg this chapter is so cringe, I'm gonna rewrite it soon, trust. Everything after this chapter should be decent writing..

I *fingers crossed* promise.

Veldoricreators' thoughts