
Reborn as a the Demonic champion of the Goddess'!

Niji is reborn as the goddess of Darkness' champion! He must embark on a journey as a demon of dark and conquer this new world! (Disclaimer): I did not steal this book, I wrote it on Wattpad but it's stuck at 300 views so I decided to repost it here!

Veldori · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Level Three!

The spiders continued to gnaw at the web. Just a little closer. I made a body blade on the side of my head and shimmied a bit so I could cut some of it. Surprisingly, my body was flexible enough to even do that.

I sprung out of the web and made some palm blades as well as on my ankles, in case I needed to get out of another web. The big spider mama scurried over. The little ones backed off behind their mom. Sorry guys, this isn't personal. I used [Darkness Magic] to make it too dark for her to see. The spell was called [Veil Shadow]. The big brain strat was that she would use her SP to try and see me and while she is doing that, she won't be able to use a good majority of the broken abilities. 

This worked pretty well as I watched her SP dwindle. I then charged and made a darkness cirlce, casting [Corruption Wave] which would start to influence big mama to use skills I wanted her to use. If I had her spam body blades in places that can't hit me, It was easy win. 

If I was outranked in power, I would make it up with strategy. Of course, she was expecting to pound my head in but not today! She started using body blades thanks to my genius spellcasting. She tried teleporting but [Corruption Wave] prevented that. I then used [Divine Step] to glide over to her. Then, she started moving and she managed to use [Greater Teleportation] to zip across the large room. 

Wait, [Darkness Magic Resistance] was what did it! She also could probably see now. My spells did last surprisingly long though.

I made a tactical retreat to think about my next move. Ah!

"[Holy Arrow]" I sent out my shiny, and holy, arrows at the spider. Holy Magic would still have to break through that [General Magic Resistance] skill, but it was better than going through two resistances.  I then charged with my body blades. I had my palms facing outward so I could slash her as soon as possible.

She saw me, and jumped on the roof with ease. Must be a high agility stat. She then let out one of those sturdy webs, but this one was different. It was tainted purple. I was trying to keep up, but one of them grabbed me from behind and pulled me up to her.

Uh oh. To be fair, I could have avoided this, but that would have been no fun. My ankle blades weren't even sharp enough to cut it, so that was a waste. Wait... I had an idea! If I couldn't win through force then I could just use Talk no Jutsu.

I used [Telepathy] to talk to the spider. 

:Hey man, I mean girl, I don't want to die yet and I think we've been misunderstanding eachother.

No response.

:Y'know man, I mean girl, It isn't too late to change your decision and let me be on my way. I really admire all your work and those children I slaughtered were  uh... accidents!

No response.

Man... I was starting to think I was about to do. C'mon plot armor, where the hell are you?!

Then, as if my prayers had been answered nothing happened. The spider then set me down. Gonna let your babies bite at me again? But no, she unwrapped me and then picked me up with her front legs. Hands?

She inspected me closely She then tossed me to the side and left the huge room. I hit one of those stone walls, and to be honest I'm glad I've never felt that before because it hurt way too much. My insides felt like they had been hollowed out and then someone put the stuffing or whatever back in them and stuffed them in my body without looking at the order. Just jumbly organs.

But I was alive. Even if that was on 100 HP. May sound like a lot, but thats what a level one has. I could be merked by one of those baby spiders if they tried hard enough! Scary thoughts...

I looked toward the staircase. My HP would be fine thanks to the handy [Regeneration] skill I picked up from the hero. My health would be fine in a minute or two. I wonder why it spared me? Maybe my negotiation skills were just too good. I didn't want her to change her mind though, so I got up and bolted to that staircase. It was more of cracked stone slabs, but I guess staircases look like that in this world. I was also super exhausted. I don't know how long I had been awake but I felt like I had just run a couple marathons in a row and then decided to skip on the water break. I would make it... right?

I felt kind of sick also. Like I needed to puke. Speaking of puke, I hadn't eaten anything in like a week or something like that. Man, I wanted some ramen! Maybe the civilizations have some of that stuff. When I got up the staircase there was a huge door. Why would this be here? To keep monsters from mingling into other levels?

Well if that was the case, they obviously didn't account for the fact that they left handles on these behemoth sized doors. I tried to use [Appraisal] on them, but it was no use. I found out that all objects, animate or not, have skills, stats, and levels. This opened the possibility for sentient swords. If I could even get a sword...

I was starting to really miss civilization. The neon lights, online delivery, being able to stay cooped up in a safe place. I took a deep breath or whatever demons do, and opened the doors. The loudest noise I had ever heard ensued. I jumped back. To be fair these were very large doors, but the sound sounded so abnormal. Like a billion nail guns going off at the same time. But a little less boom and more creak. I walked through the tiny crack. It was really hot there. Then I realized why. I heard a loud roar. 

So this level was lava themed, huh? So be it! I'll conquer it like I sorta conquered the Fourth Level! I was assuming Level One would be the surface, so technically Level Zero.

Luckily, at this level there were plenty of trees. I also found out something else. My looking for civilization would be met.

As soon as I got there I was off to gather the food and eat it. It was super spicy, which was just super cliche, but I managed. Then, I found the source of the roars. Some dude with red scales was riding a freaking dragon. I hid behind the bush because my skill [Hiding Master] enabled me to find that perfect spot. So I take it back, this may be harder than I thought!