
Reborn as a Sword Incarnate in Konoha

An outcast of society ends his life. In the void, choosing to walk his own path and not the one that others laid for him, he breaks away, drifting to the unknown. Across dimensions in a world of ninjas, a child with a sword as his soul recalls a life before his birth.

EonElemental · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 6 : A Sword's Condition

[ Ishida's office ]

Shirou and Ishida were both in an office room. Ishida had decided to check if Shirou had any potential to be a ninja.

"So how does this work?" - Shirou.

"Basically I am going to scan your body using chakra. I will also determine your physical and spiritual strength. Based on this and my medical experience I will judge your potential." - Ishida.

'Sounds a bit similar to Structural Grasp spell.' - Shirou.

"That sounds simple. I did not know you had medical experience." - Shirou.

"It is simple and yes there was a time I worked as a medic. Now sit down and turn around. I will start injecting my chakra into you. Don't worry, my control is quite good so you won't even know it happening." - Ishida.

Shirou turns around. Ishida placed his hands on Shirou's back and starts to inject chakra. Just like he said Shirou did not feel it.

'Damn, I hoped I could somehow use that sensation to awaken my own chakra. But I guess not.' - Shirou.

"Now let me see what I am dealing with." - Ishida.

"Ok.... that's actually quite good. Now for the... Huh..." - Ishida.

Shirou was surprised.

'What happened? Did he find something strange? Is my body incapable of chakra after all?.....' - Shirou.

Shirou felt Ishida's hands retreating. Filled with anxiety he turns to look at Ishida's sympathetic face.

'Am I destined to be powerless.' - Shirou.

Flashbacks of his past life memories flowed in Shirou's mind. The struggles, the pressure, the expectations everything.

'NO. I don't care if I am a nobody but I won't accept being weak again. I will never follow other's orders again. I will be free. I will build the power with my own hands. I don't care how. Whatever it takes I will do it.' - Shirou.

Shirou became determined. Right now he needed to know what was wrong with his body. His face didn't show any emotions of what he was thinking. It was a skill he developed in his past life when he silently listened to the many scoldings without arguing back.

"Is there anything wrong with the results." - Shirou asks with a bit of worry.

"..... You have Yin imbalance and your Tenketsu is weak." - Ishida.

"...." - Shirou.

Shirou was not sure if he had seen or heard about such a condition in the Naruto series. He waits for Ishida to explain.

"Yin imbalance is a condition where the ratio of a person's spiritual energy is higher than their physical energy. Depending on the degree of imbalance, the effects vary. In your case Shirou, you have a high amount of yin or spiritual energy but your yang or physical energy is too low. An average child of your age should have a lot more than what you have. Also, your Tenketsu network is too narrow. I don't know if you can safely circulate chakra through it. Even if you could, compared to others you will find it consuming more time and also a lot harder to perform Jutsus." - Ishida.

"Are there others with this condition?" - Shirou.

"The only similar case I know is with the Kurama clan. Their bloodline causes similar effects to yin imbalance. High yin energy but low yang energy. If a Kurama clan ninja and a civilian ninja train for the same amount of time, then the civilian ninja's physical strength will be higher than the Kurama shinobi. But the Kurama shinobi will have higher spiritual strength than the civilian ninja.

You will most likely have similar effects but then again it could be somewhat different. You see the Kurama clan Yin imbalance is caused by their bloodline but yours is not. Also unlike the Kurama clan your Tenketsu network is narrower than average. I could only barely sense them even with my high chakra control.

You can awaken your chakra Shirou, but due to your condition I don't know what could happen." - Ishida.

"...Do you think I should join the academy?" - Shirou.

"...I don't want to hurt your feelings kid. But honestly I don't think you should. You might have Genjutsu talent but with that narrow Tenketsu network of yours.... it's risky to awaken your chakra. Then there is your yin imbalance." - Ishida.

"Was there anyone who managed to cure it or become strong despite the condition?" - Ishida.

"There is currently no cure. As for the other... well... you might just be the first reported case of narrow Tenketsu. So... sorry... I don't know anyone who became strong with a condition like yours." - Ishida.

Shirou does not say anything. His expression is unreadable.

"I will go back, Ishida-san. I... have a lot to think about." - Shirou.

"...Oh.. Yes. Take all the time you need. I will be here if you need me. Also you don't need to give up hope. The medical research team might find a solution one day. Also, your condition might change as you grow a bit more, it could reach a point where you can use safely chakra. " - Ishida.

Shirou gives a small smile and leaves the office.

He lays down on his bed thinking about his condition.