
Reborn As A Spirit Beast In a Douluo World With a Cultivation System

Through unexpected events and circumstances, I Yao Zi Chen was unexpectedly reincarnated into the Douluo Universe; not as a human spirit master with great potential, talents, and skill like our DD main protagonist Tang San, but as an ordinary green baby Grass Snake that you could literally in any corners of the World. With the help of the《Divine Beast Cultivation System》I was able to grow faster and stronger at an astronomical rate when compared to ordinary spirit beast of my range. Somewhat able to ignore the rules and regulations of the Douluo Dalu world that steadily prevents me from ascending to the Douluo Divine Realm and becoming a Divine Beast.

Aotsuki_Usaginoha · Games
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6 Chs

Chapter 002: The Cultivation Method of Spirit Beast

After some time has passed, with the large disturbance of a lightning bolt having descended upon an unknown region of the Outer Area of the Great Star Dou Forest. Its origins were unknown, but pretty much everyone just assumes that it was somehow caused by an attack of a lightning attribute spirit beast or spirit master.

And it didn't take long for our main protagonist, who is Yao Zi Chen having forcefully taken over the body of the injured young baby Grass Snake.

He strangely woke up in an unknown forest, in a body that he is strangely not used to, due to the fact that a reptilian snake has no additional limbs or body parts, besides its head and tail. And Yao Zi Chen was once a human, a walking and standing evolved primate who stood upon two legs. So having no limbs is pretty strange for him.

'Where am I?' Yao Zi Chen thought so to himself.

After having woke up from his supposed eternal slumber, only to suddenly found out that his own body was steadily racking in pain, from the injuries of the baby Grass Snake that it has incurred from the female Dark Shadow Leopard spirit beast.

[Help: You have been successfully reincarnated into the world of Douluo Dalu Universe, predating the first series of the Douluo Dalu franchise!]

" Hiss! (Ooh...)" Yao Zi Chen then hisses. He couldn't contained his own excitement, but let out voices of surprises in the form of simple hissing.

And after reading the contents of the virtual blue screen display panel that is lay out in front of him, before returning back to whining because of the pain that he is constantly feeling.

"Hiss!... (Ugh!! Why am I in so much pain?)" Yao Zi Chen said so to himself.

It didn't take long for Yao Zi Chen to gradually get used to the pain, but considering for a fact that I'm currently not dead means that the injuries were not truly life-threatening or fatal, but could lead to one if not treated properly. He assumes to himself.

'How come I am in so much pain?' Yao Zi Chen asked himself onced again, whilst making some slight light hissing.

The memories of the baby Grass Snake, who is the current body's original owner then comes rushing in, and Yao zi Chen then felt a sudden jolt of energy to his head. And he then immediately remembers everything.

[Help: The previous owner of this body was originally an ordinary baby Grass Snake beast, with no ounce of spiritual cultivation, but unfortunately it accidentally encountered a hungry two-hundred years old female Dark Shadow Leopard spirit beast. It got hopelessly bullied by it and suffered an almost fatally life-threatening wound by it.]

"Hiss... (Oh...)" Yao Zi Chen lightly muttered to himself.

The keywords that he noticed was 'almost fatally life-threatening' meaning that it was some sort of internal body injury.

He thought so to himself, 'Withinside the world of cultivation. It is quite brutal and vicious; with the strong bullying the weak, and cultivation resources and opportunities will be extremely limited. So the concept of survival of the fitness is ever more prevalent...'

'And besides, ' Yao Zi Chen thought, 'Cats are definitely afraid of snakes. It is in their nature to be cautious of venomous snakes.'

'I do wonder if my current self is even considered a venomous creature, since not all species of snake across the world, would produces venom.' He thought.

[Help: The host current self is incapable of producing venom as the baby Grass Snake is still immature and has yet to fully evolved into a complete spirit beast, and acquiring a pair of venom glands!]

"Hiss!.. (Hmmm...)" Yao Zi Chen then made some slight hissing noise, as he then thought so to himself. 'System! How do I completely evolved from an ordinary animal into an actual complete spirit beast?'

Yao Zi Chen asked the Divine Beast Cultivation System a question, hoping to seek an immediate response from the Help system, and he immediately got his answer within seconds.

[Help: To evolve into a complete Spirit beast, you just need to gradually get accustomed to feeling spiritual energy and then slowly absorbed the abundance of spiritual energy withinside the surrounding into your body to undergo the awakening procedure!]

[Help: Another method is to consume a object or entity that has vast amounts of spiritual power into your own body, and hope for the better that your current body can adapt fast enough to become a legitimate Spirit beast.]

[Help: You currently have 22 unclaimed Low Grade Spirit Gathering Pills! Do you wish to consume 1 Low Grade Spirit Gathering Pill as an aid to help you advance in your spirit beast cultivation!]

'Yeah!' Yao Zi Chen excitedly thought so to himself, 'Why didn't you say so earlier, system. Give me the Low Grade Spirit Gathering Pill and I may just evolved into a complete spirit beast.'

The Divine Beast Cultivation System then adhered to Yao Zi Chen's request, a light blue coloured pill, the size of a small marble then enters Yao Zi Chen's line of sight. It strongly emits a faint scent of medicinal aroma, due to recently being created by the system.

'So this is the Low Grade Spirit Gathering Pill, huh.' Yao Zi Chen thought, whilst staring at the floating light blue coloured marble in front of him.

And so, without another thought, Yao Zi Chen then readily opens up his small baby snake's mouth, and rapidly gobbles up the Low Grade Spirit Gathering Pill like it was hard candy.

The moment that the Low Grade Spirit Gathering Pill has entered Yao Zi Chen's mouth, the outer layering of the pill's shell case then started to form cracks, and wisps of spiritual energy vapor then began to escape from the crack Low Grade Spirit Gathering Pill.


The sounds of the Divine Beast Cultivation System's notification prompt keeps ringing withinside his head.

[Your spiritual energy count has been forcefully increased by 0.1!]

[Your spiritual energy count has been forcefully increased by 0.1!]

[Your spiritual energy count has been forcefully increased by 0.1!]

° ° °

Yao Zi Chen kept receiving the very same system prompt messages from the Divine Beast Cultivation System for a couple of seconds, as the leaking spiritual energy of the Low Grade Spirit Gathering Pill is gradually gathering withinside his body, forming a sort of cluster of spiritual energy withinside his body, which will be later be called a Beast Dantian.

Everything changes when the shell casing of the Low-Grade Spirit Gathering Pill has completely shattered, thereby releasing the potent spiritual energy that is trapped within it. The dense spiritual energy then came rushing outwards, filling Yao Zi Chen's beast dantian within seconds.


The sounds of the Divine Beast Cultivation System's notification prompt keeps ringing withinside his head.

[Your spiritual energy count has been forcefully increased by 1.7!]

[Your spiritual energy count has been forcefully increased by 1.9!]

[Your spiritual energy count has been forcefully increased by 1.6!]

[Your spiritual energy count has been forcefully increased by 1.8!]

° ° °

Meanwhile, a burning sensation suddenly began to arouse from withinside Yao Zi Chen's stomach abdominal region after he swallowed the Low Grade Spirit Gathering Pill.

'I must endure it. The pain is only minimal when compared to goals of wanting to become a Spirit Beast. The desire and dreams of wanting to become an Immortal. It's not that far from reach. It's possible...' Yao Zi Chen thought so to himself.

So when the Low-Grade Spirit Gathering Pill has imploded and collapsed within itself, thereby releasing all of that potent spiritual energy that has been condensed and trapped withinside the Low-Grade Spirit Gathering Pill. Yao Zi Chen's grass snake body then suddenly inflated like a balloon, as it couldn't handle all of that so-called large amounts of spiritual energy at once.


The sounds of the Divine Beast Cultivation System's notification prompt then rings withinside Yao Zi Chen's head.

[You have successfully met the following requirements to undergo the body transfiguration process of transforming into a Spirit Beast!]

[Now beginning the process of body transfiguration...]

[0.1%, 0.9%, 2.7%, 4.2%...]

Time was starting to slow down for Yao Zi Chen, as he then steadily watches the virtual blue screen display panel, counting down until the body transfiguration process is over.

"Hiss! (Augh!)" Yao Zi Chen then screams in intense agony, as his body is slowly ripped apart and is then rebuilt again.

The body transfiguration process is done by having your own spiritual energy being slowly meld into your own flesh, blood, and body, then steadily burn away all of the unnecessary waste, clogged qi channels, and impurities. In order to help rebuild the mortal body, making it all the more susceptible to cultivate spiritual energy and practice martial arts.

The pain was quite unbearable. It's like having your body being pinched endlessly nonstop, all over your body from top to bottom.

Watching Yao Zi Chen's baby Grass Snake body then started to heat up, as a steady band of steams is steadily emitting off from Yao Zi Chen's mortal body. The body transfiguration process is constantly generating heat in order to create a sort of pseudo purifying flame, made of pure spiritual energy and qi, to steadily burn away all of the impurities and waste withinside the user's body.

Naturally, the spirit veins and the qi channels would be unclogged within the process, thereby allowing for the smooth circulation of spiritual energy withinside one's own body. Usually, this is done over a long period of time, with an ordinary beast having gradually trained and modified their mortal bodies over the span of a lifetime.

Only about 1 in every thousand ordinary beast would then lived long enough to have a chance to undergo the body transfiguration process of transforming into a Spirit Beast. Or if they were lucky enough, they could skip the entire process and become a Spirit Beast by either being born as one, with one of the biological parents being a spirit beast, or be fortunately enough to consume a spiritual medicine, herb, or treasure that is capable of inducing spiritual bodily transfiguration.

What seems like hours to Yao Zi Chen's torture were in actuality was just a couple of minutes in real-time. With his heightened sense of sensitivity, the overly induced sense of pain has completely disrupted Yao Zi Chen's perception of time and direction, thereby narrowing it all down the to single blue screen display panel in front of him.

'Come on! Come on! Tick faster...' Yao Zi Chen thought so to himself, whilst glaring strongly at the blue screen display panel in front of him, and watching the countdown timer counting down until the moment of his sweet heaven release.

'91.3% 92.7% 94.5%... 100%' Yao Zi Chen had started counting the last couple of digits until the body transfiguration process completion meter has filled up.


As if to signal the end of Yao Zi Chen's suffering, he then heard the sweet sound of the Divine Beast Cultivation System melody ringing withinside his head.

[You have completed the process of body transfiguration and is thereby successfully transformed into a Spirit Beast!]

[Due to the fact that the host has possessed the spirit growth skill {Germinating Seed of Life}. The host has great affinity with the life attribute. So the host has successfully awakened the ordinary ☆ Plant Land Snake bloodline!]

[The host's ordinary ancestral spirit beast bloodline is definitely not fixed, as it would gradually improved and increased in grade with the higher the user's cultivation base level and the age of one's spirit beast ring.

[As a prerequisite for successfully awakening as a spirit beast. The host has automatically learned the skill {Basic Spiritual energy Manipulation Lv.1}{Basic Spiritual Energy Control Lv1}{Basic Spiritual Energy Absorption Lv1}]

[Your spirit beast cultivation level has been fixed to 1 years old white spirit ring First Order!]

[Your spiritual energy count is 127!]

[Advice: Every 1 year that is added upon your white spirit ring is equivalent to 100 spiritual energy point. So to advanced to the peak of White Spirit ring First Order. You must accumulate a bare minimum of a 1000 spiritual energy point in order to attempt to break through into the next spirit beast realm.]

[As a result of acquiring your first spirit beast ring, you have gained the spirit beast skill {Grass Manipulation Lv1}!]

{Grass Manipulation} - You are able to control, grow, and manipulate within a certain distance of yourself. As the level of the {Grass Manipulation} skill increases, you are able to increase the length and size of the grass blade.


Yao Zi Chen then finally breathes out a sigh of relief, having finally gained some peace and tranquility, after that having to go through that torturous experience.

As a result of the body transfiguration process of becoming a Spirit Beast, Yao Zi Chen's own injured baby Grass Snake was completely healed within the process. His own snake body has grown much larger, roughly about the size of half of a centimeter ruler, when steadily compare to his two to three inches long self previously.

So Yao Zi Chen naturally shedded his old snake skin within the process, and gradually grew into a new one. With all of his old injuries that he had suffered from the female Dark Shadow Leopard spirit beast having been completely healed within the process.

In addition, Yao Zi Chen then sprouted outwards a pair of spuds out from the side of his snakehead, that which would eventually grow into horns later on when he fully matures.

'Man that whole transfiguration process of completely transforming into a Spirit Beast is completely exhausting, and now I'm quite famished and thirsty.' Yao Zi Chen thought so to himself.

The whole body transfiguration process did really consumed alot of Yao Zi Chen's own internal spiritual energy that he recently gathered, whilst at the same time, consuming alot of his body nutrients, energy, and mass to steadily induced momentarily rapid growth of body modifications.

Yao Zi Chen's forked tongue then began to slither upon about, retracting and exiting, seamlessly, repeatedly, almost like it was upon instincts.

[Advice: Snakes' have forked tongue that are known as vomeronasal organs, and they are capable of picking up chemical traces of substance particles withinside the air. So some reptilian snakes would usually use this method to pick up the scents of prey within the wild...]

"Hiss..." Yao Zi Chen then hisses, thereby expressing his sense of amusement of learning a new fact about snakes. One that he doesn't already know.

'Well, that is something new that I don't really know about snakes. This System somehow really does give out really good and helpful advice and pieces of information unlike the other ones I typically see within cultivation novels with a System.' Yao Zi Chen thought so to himself, slightly amused by it all.

Being an avid manga & light novel reader, Yao Zi Chen have read alot of System cultivation novels. So he pretty much has the basic knowledge of how to use and handle a universal levelling System down.

So Yao Zi Chen then recited the keyword 'Status' withinside his head, and a virtual blue display screen then immediately appears in front of him.

* * *

[Name: Yao Zi Chen

Age: 4 days old

Gender: Male

Race: Grass Snake

Bloodline Grade: Ordinary ☆

Bloodline Type: Plant Land Snake

Spirit Beast Cultivation Base: 1 years old

Titles: Transmigrator, Ominivorus

Racial Skills: Snake Fork Tongue Lv.1, Cold Blooded Lv.1, Weak Paralysis Bite Lv.1

Skills: Basic Spiritual Energy Control Lv.1, Basic Spiritual Energy Manipulation Lv.1, Basic Spiritual Energy Absorption Lv.1

Spirit Skill: Grass Manipulation Lv.1, Germinating Seed of Life Lv.1


Health Points: 35/35

Stamina Points: 9/31

Satiety Points: 4/31

Spiritual Energy Points: 127.6/127.6

Strength: 6

Agility: 4

Dexterity: 5

Defence: 5

Endurance: 7

Vitality: 9

Willpower: 11

Wisdom: 14

Intelligence: 17

Charisma: 5

Luck: 1

Karma: 0

You have 0 blood essence points!]

* * *

'I'm really hungry!' Yao Zi Chen thought so to himself, as he nonchalantly stares at his own status screen board.

Health Points or HP - represents the amount of health a person or character has, and how much damage they can take before dying.

Stamina Points or SP - represent the physical capabilities of a person to sustain prolonged stressful physical activities or hard labor.

Satiety Points - represents the individual's hunger and the amount of nutrient that is required to steadily maintain the physical body in top peak conditions.

Spiritual Energy Points - represent how much spiritual energy that the user has withinside ones own body. A certain amount of spiritual energy is required in order to break through each cultivation stage threshold.

Strength - It measures the physical power of the user's body and how much physical damage a user can dish out within physical combat.

Agility - It measures the user's body physical movement speed, usually the agility attribute stats affects mostly the legs and user footwork.

Dexterity - It measures the user's body physical movement speed, usually the Dexterity attribute stats affects mostly the user's hand speed and the ease of manoeuvrability within various kinds of environments.

Defence - It measures how much physical damage the user's can block before reaching a breaking point.

Endurance - It measures how much physical damage the user's body can endure before collapsing.

Vitality - It determines how high the user's overall health is.

Willpower - It measures the mental capacity to endure and preserve through various kinds of hardship.

Wisdom - measuring self-awareness, common sense, restraint, perception and insight

Intelligence - measuring deductive reasoning, cognition, knowledge, memory, logic and rationality

Charisma - measuring force of personality, persuasiveness, leadership and successful planning.

Luck - Luck is a variable attribute stats that steadily affects your chances of encountering something good or bad depending upon the circumstances.

Karma - It's the accumulation of good and bad deeds that you committed throughout your own life.

Unexpectedly, it was then that Yao Zi Chen's snake-forked tongue has detected something else within the air. The lingering scent of an unusually small spirit beast, and it is steadily approaching Yao Zi Chen's direction as we speak.

'Something is coming...' Yao Zi Chen thought, as he slowly lowers his body downwards to blend in with the surrounding tall grass.

Off from afar, Yao Zi Chen can steadily see the eagerly rustling of the tall grasses within the distance. And a curious little thought then suddenly pops up from withinside his head.

'I wondered what kind of creature or spirit beast it is. Can I possibly hunt it at my current level?' Yao Zi Chen thought so to himself, whilst carefully observing the sight of the fastly approaching target.

And out from the rustling of tall grasses came a small 90 mm Brown Forest Mice spirit beast. One of the lowest of the low, the bottom of the food chain within the Outer Region of Star Dou Forest.

The Brown Forest Mice spirit beast is a consumer. It comes shortly after the producer, as indicated within the large spiral of a food chain. So it definitely becomes the primary food source for some small wild lands carnivorous type spirit beasts. And Yao Zi Chen is one of the so-called predators that consume the Brown Forest Mice spirit beast as its main food source.

"Hiss... (Let's now put my newly acquired spirit ability into action, shall we...)" Yao Zi Chen lightly hisses.