
reborn as a skrull with a weakness elimination system in the dcu

Desmond malcom reese was reading the new red hood and the outlaws when he fell out of his hammock and got impaled on a plastic cookie monster chair that he never threw out for some reason and gets reborn as a half human skrull name Dewey hal he doesn't realize hes part skrull because his skrull half dosen't manifest till he hits puberty and at the same time he manifested his weakness elimination system luckily it happens at camp while every ones asleep and he manages to hide in the woods till he got his appearance under control (mc will be as good or as bad as he likes so not always a hero not always a villain

Johnny_Ramey · Anime & Comics
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fuck I died

Desmond malcom reese was obsessed with comics villains and heroes alike he loved them all . his one room apartment was absolutely plastered with posters and at that very moment he was lounging on a hammock reading the latest issue of red hood and the outlaws and he saw that one of the characters might be dying .

in this moment of distress he promptly fell out of his hammock and got impaled on a plastic cookie monster chair he never threw away for some reason and his last coherent thought was fuck I died but how will I know what happens ? fast forward through the thirteen horrible years that were somehow more normal and mundane for the fact that heroes and villians actually exist and the small cul de sac he lived in was near metropolis even saw Clark zoom by once when he was racing to the daily planet for some crisis .

after a while he kinda just excepted that this is his was his life he was even going to space camp probably cause his mom probably wanted to get rid of him anyway cut away to camp and he wakes in the middle of the night sweaty and feverish and he notices his skin is turning pale green in color so he rushes outside and stumbles through the woods. then the pain hits him and he almost loses his mind then just as sudden it's gone in its place is a mechanical voice ...

Host has reached puberty and because hosts human/skrull

genetic dna was not compatible hosts life was threatened the deity responsible for your reincarnated life gifted you with the weakness elimination system your first quest is as follows

Obtain kryptonian dna while rescuing kara five years early

dewey was quiet for a moment but then dropped down to his knees saying thank you to whatever entity placed me here I apologize for doubting you and cursing you for you all these years .....he got up

whelp no need to go to this stupid camp any more he focused for a moment and popped out some some awsome demon wings and with enhanced legs launches himself into the air .

smallville hear I come he enhances his wings even further increasing his speed and within an hour hes in the river pulling out her ship and then shes in his arms she looks younger about 13 or 14 yearsand old shes still unconcious and weak as a human not having absorbed any sunlight so just touching her skin is enough to absorb kyrptonian dna .

though it's dark he shoots up streaking through the sky until he sees the sun and she opens her eyes she kicks him away but hes already enhanced his body to withstand it and for a moment they both float there and stare at each other the sun in the back ground then her eyes go red and she fires of a warning shot and dewey flys into the path of her heat vision and enhances is skin absorbing it and making enhancements to his eyes but instead of glowing red they glow white but he doesn't fire instead he says it is not my intention to harm I was trying to help

listen it's kinda awkward just floating in the air and talking so let me lead you to kalel but keep in in mind hes grown up here and sees value in humanity so talk to him with that in mind.

dewey leads her to the kent farm just as the sun is coming up in smallville he points at the barn and said hes in there .

kara turns to him and said your not coming?

not yet he said at said at such a low decibel that even she couldn't hear it.

what? she said

I said not yet imma give yall a minute

oh that was weird I swear I couldn't hear you for a minute he just stares at her blankly until she decides to fly down to the barn .

dewey enhances his ears and hears them arguing for a second like when they first met the she remembers what dewey said about humans and starts asking about the ones who raised him and after that they start talking for a while and ultimately end up trusting each other more than they did without my intervention she tells him about dewey and they fly up to talk to him clark thanks him for uncovering his cousin and asks about his wings dewey reveals his true form and clark asks if hes a Martian and dewey tells him no hes something else and part human that he only came into his powers recently and almost died when he got them .

clark still a bit suspicious asked him how he knew who he was and where kara was .

dewey told him he got a vison of his future and saw himself pulling kara out and taking her to him oh and I also told you not to trust your father's his or hers whatever that means

;)anyway I feel like I should stay and help kara adjust since I'm the one who pulled her out and it's not like I have anything I need back home .

no comic books his step mom nadia hal-tantsaja was Russian and didnt speak much English she thought cartoon books were for kids and sold all his comic books and t shirts

and sent him to scientist (low rent space camp)

but she wasn't terrible so he wouldn't abandon her plus she was kinda hot (ksenia solo)

his dad kumar harold. wasn't in the picture abandoned them both nadia said his dad told there couples therapist his real mom looked like kristen Stewart but sometimes she looked green and sickly but she was kinda like that in the movies but enough about the past I mean who cares about angst' embarassment and teenage romance or that time he fought a demonically possessed old lady who was holding a retirement home hostage he managed to hold her off by throwing chairs and office supplies at her until zatanna showed with john Constantine he was 9 and he was visiting his grandmother.

anyway a little modification to his heart and not even superman can catch him in a lie so a few words supes is on the lookout for the nonexistent shady military group that came after him when he got his powers and readily offered up the loft for him to stay in.

dewey looked up at the ceiling from the pull out couch clark had given him to sleep in

the kryptonian had even introduced him to martha and cloe he could have appeared older but he figured retaining his newfound youth would would make it easier for them to accept him and possibly even grow attached .

martha and cloe certainly made him feel welcome the plan was to gradually accelerate his age and considering his mixed parentage make some excuse about accelerated growth.

at that moment dewey was wondering what supes would do if he hit on his mom.⁸