
Cursed Spear!

In the shadowy embrace of the night, Jason found himself amidst the haunting presence of the Birds of the Dead. These creatures, much like Jason himself, were born from death, their forms varying from the imposing silhouette of a vulture, boasting a wingspan of three meters, to the diminutive stature of a sparrow, its size belied by its lethal nature.

As Jason entered their domain, a dozen skeletal birds, their eye sockets alight with eerie blue flames, observed him from their lofty perches. Their undead instincts whispered warnings of the formidable adversary below, staying their initial urge to attack.

The alpha of this macabre flock, a vulture of impressive size, stretched its wings wide and issued a threatening cry, challenging Jason's intrusion.

Jason, undeterred, set his spear aside and prepared his homemade sling, loading it with gravel. With practiced ease, he began to whirl it overhead, the sling whistling through the air before he released its payload. The gravel, sharpened by velocity, rained upon the birds, eliciting cries of surprise and pain as one was struck squarely and plummeted from its perch.

[Kills 4/30, experience +5, agility +0.1]

Having took down the first target, Jason braced as the remaining birds, driven by rage or perhaps vengeance, dove towards him, their beaks agape, spewing forth streams of blue flame.

"Face the wrath of my dragon spear!" Jason declared, gripping his spear with both hands. He thrust forward with all his might, the spearhead piercing the largest vulture's skull with unerring precision.

[Kill 5/30, experience +5, agility +0.1]

As more flames sought him out, Jason ducked and weaved with agility that belied his skeletal form, evading the fiery assault. Then, with a swift pivot and an upward thrust, he impaled another assailant, a gray bird caught mid-dive, upon his spear.

[Kills 6/30, experience +5, agility +0.1]

Jason's movements were fluid, each motion seamlessly leading into the next. With a powerful sweep of his spear, he embodied the dragon's tail, the weapon's blur striking an owl with lethal force, its skull yielding under the impact.

In the span of moments, a kestrel too fell victim to Jason's prowess, its life extinguished by his deft handling of the spear. Each action, each kill, not only thinned the ranks of his avian adversaries but also served to hone his skill further, proving his worthiness of the senior spearmanship title he had so recently earned.

With the tide of battle turning decidedly in his favor, Jason watched as the remaining Birds of the Dead retreated into the night sky, their survival instincts overriding the desire to fight. A silent laugh echoed within him, a stark contrast to the trepidation he had felt just days prior. "How could these mere birds ever pose a threat to me?" he mused, his confidence soaring with his victory.

[Mission completed! Experience +3, strength +0.1, equipment forging function is turned on]

[Skeleton Soldier lv5 → lv6]

[Free Points: 0.3]

The swift dispatch of five undead avians not only cemented his prowess but also rewarded him with another level up. As had become his custom, Jason allocated the 0.3 free points to bolster his physique, further solidifying his combat resilience.

His current attributes now stood:

[Skeleton Soldier lv6]

[Strength: 1.8]

[Agility: 1.5]

[Physique: 1.3]

[Experience Value: 10/125]

[Martial Arts: Spearmanship (Senior 0/300)]

[Danger Index: 6]

A flicker of pride passed through Jason as he contemplated his improved chances against even the seasoned mercenaries of the Eagle Group. His next task was to harvest the magic stones from his fallen foes, the small orbs glowing with an internal blue flame that emanated a comforting warmth.

[Dead Bird Magic Stone: Valuation: 25 copper coins, recyclable]

With the spoils of battle secured, Jason's anticipation for the next phase of his journey—equipment forging—grew. As he engaged with the system, the details of his current weapon were displayed before him:

[White Solid Wooden Spear (Bronze lv1)]

[Armor Breaking +1]

[Quality: Broken]

The description was a sobering reminder of his humble beginnings and the limitations of his makeshift weapon. "It seems I've been wielding little more than a stick," Jason thought wryly, the reality of his equipment's inadequacy settling in.

As he pondered his next move, another prompt appeared, offering him the opportunity to bind his White Solid Wooden Spear. This binding would ensure the spear's permanence, preventing it from being lost or damaged.

[Bind "White Solid Wooden Spear"? After binding, this equipment will not be damaged or lost]

Jason, without hesitation, agreed to the binding offer, transforming his simple weapon into a more resilient and permanent companion on his journey.

[White Solid Wooden Spear (Bound) (Bronze lv1)]

The binding conferred upon the spear two unparalleled advantages: immunity to damage in the heat of battle and protection from theft. It was as if the spear had been endowed with divine favor.

[Upgrading the white solid wood spear to the next level requires 100 copper coins]

Barely pausing to consider, Jason exchanged the four magic stones he had harvested from the dead birds, each valued at 25 copper coins, for the required sum. With the transaction completed, he eagerly upgraded his spear.

[White Solid Wooden Spear lv1 → lv2]

[Armor Break +1 → +2]

As the spear absorbed the upgrade, a subtle cyan glow enveloped it, though its outward appearance seemed unchanged. Yet, the system soon unveiled new, intriguing possibilities for enhancement:

[Bronze equipment can fuse with materials to gain additional attributes]

The options presented were compelling: the necrotic "Corpse Poison" from wights, the "Magic Flame" from the dead birds, and the "Corrosion" effect from the flesh and blood slime. Each offered a unique advantage, but after careful consideration, Jason was drawn to the lethal potential of "Corpse Poison."

Choosing to fuse the wight's magic stone, he watched in awe as his spear transformed.

[White Solid Wooden Spear → Cursed Spear]

The transformation was nothing short of miraculous. The spear's form refined into a more lethal shape, its wooden shape replaced by a material that gleamed like polished white ivory, veined with crimson as if infused with life—or rather, a simulation of it. The result was a weapon that bore the aesthetic of death, a piece of artistry that melded beauty with the macabre.

Jason could hardly believe the transformation. "Is this the same spear?" he marveled at the shape of the spear. The weapon in his grasp now felt like a relic beyond his means, a testament to the power of magical fusion.

With the upgrade and fusion complete, Jason's weapon the Cursed Spear, with its deadly new attributes, promised a new level of dominion over the battlefield.

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