
Reborn as a shrine goddess

Ari lived the average korean shut in girl life. She only comunicated with other human beings in game chats. The only other living beeing in her home was the stray cat called "Moon" which was always around her. After she died of a gas leak she found herself in a new body on the top of a mountain. Her cat moon who had now become a puma like monster explained that from now on she would be the shrine goddess Ari.

Majo_Kuro_Akuma · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Being chased

The wolf turned its head in my direction. Our eyes met. It gulped down the piece of meat it was chewing on and growled at me. I slowly took a few steps back and pulled a slingshot out of my pocket. Now the wolf turned its entire body to me.

In what felt like half a second, I raised the slingshot aimed, shot, and turned around. I started running for my life. I didn't even see if I hit the wolf but I heard whimpering sound behind me so I guess I must have hit something that hurt.

I ran. I jumped over a few tall rocks so that the wolf wouldn't be able to find me with just seeing. Behind me I could hear the angry barks of the wolf. I ran as fast as I could. I had no idea where I was running. The only thing I knew was that with every second I ran my feet were weaker.

I had no idea where I was now, and the wolf still hadn't given up in chasing me. I climbed up a rock and jumped down on the other side. As I landed my right foot gave in and I hit the ground. I was laying on my back heavily panting.

I now saw the wolf standing above me. I crawled a few meters back, but I wasn't fast enough, and the wolf jumped at me and bit me, but I felt nothing. I grabbed a handful of dirt and pressed it in the wolf eye. He stumbled a few steps back. He had my water bottle in his mouth. With its teeth he made a hole in it and the water was dripping out of it.

While the wolf was still chewing on my water bottle, I started running again but I wasn't as fast as before because my foot hurt. I had to stop because my foot started bleeding and I wasn't able to put weight on it, so it was nearly impossible to run. I sat down on a stone and looked in the direction I came from.

I looked there for a few minutes, but the wolf didn't show up. It was almost like it disappeared. I checked my surroundings. I was now sitting on a rock at the foot of a mountain. I could see the grassland I came from and far far away I could see the blue sea.

A drop of water landed on my forehead. And another one. And another one. And then it started to rain. I thought of my tent and realized that I left everything I had in it. My food, the map, and the second water bottle. The only thing I had on me was my slingshot and a few coins.

I didn't want to get sick, so I carefully walked around. And then I found something that gave me a little bit of hope. It was the entrance of cave which led into the mountain. I walked in the cave. The cave didn't go down but up which was unusually for a cave, but it was better that way because this way the water of the rain won't be able to flood the cave.

I walked a few meters in until I collapsed on the floor. I was too tired to continue so I decided to sleep on the floor of the cave. Even though it hurt because the floor was so hard, I still managed to get a few hours of sleep.

I woke up around midnight. This time I had a dreamless sleep. The cave was now completely dark. "Wait where does this light come from?" I asked myself as I noticed that there was a light coming from deeper inside the cave.

I decided to check it out. At this point I had nothing to lose. I was completely lost. I had no idea where I was. I had no food and no water. I was hungry and thirsty. My throat felt like I ate sand.

I went deeper inside the cave. "What is this for a thing?" I was standing in the cave looking at something glowing red which was mounted to a piece of wood. It looked like there was a small fire inside of it.

On the side of the wood there was a small golden plate with a sign. ""100"". I had no Idea what was standing there even though I was one of the few kids in the village who knew how to read. It must be a language I don't know.

[everything between """" cannot be read or understood by people from this world, because it's Korean, everything between " " can be read and understood.]

I walked around a corner and saw that I was now standing on the outside again. I stood on a 60cm wide stone path which was "carved" out of the mountain. I pressed my back against the rock-hard surface. "Shall I really go up there?" I asked myself but before even thinking about it I started walking. I walked and after a few steps I saw another one of these red things. On the wood it was mounted on was another sign. ""99"". I still had no I idea what that was supposed to mean.

I climbed and climbed up. On some parts I had to crawl up because I wouldn't be able to hold myself else. On one point the slingshot I had with me slipped out of my pocket and fell down. It slid down the side of the mountain before crashing on a stone and shattering into thousand pieces.

I gulped. "What am I even doing here? I hope that doesn't happen to me!" I was already pretty high up. Above me was an overhang and outside was another one of these red things. I already passed a few of them. This one had the sing ""58"" on it.

I continued climbing until I reached a small hole in the mountain. It was about 4x4 meters. I sat down and took a deep breath. The view was unbelievable beautiful but on the other hand if I would slip I would fall down the mountain. I was already so high up that I could see the clouds like they were only a few meters above me.

I decided to rest a bit on this place. I didn't know where this path was leading to but now, I was already so high up that I had no other choice but to continue.