
Reborn As A Mute Swan?!?!

mika_zoey · Fantasy
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1 Chs

chapter 1

"Speaking" and dialogue


#The system#

:Talking to the system:

*Doesn't understand what's being said*

"Okay Dashiell even though this surgery is very risky it should fix your eye." a woman with chocolate brown wavy hair, green eyes, and a heart-shaped face said with worry and remorse "I said this before Merida, it's fine it was my fault for provoking the damn thing anyway!"

(Even if it was my fault for providing the damn thing I still hate rosters, and now that one managed to scratch my eye I may die within the next two weeks.)

As if she read my mind Merida said "Even so, if you die within the next two weeks I'm going to kill that roster!" And what I did next I am ashamed of, and yet I couldn't help but laugh. I guess the thought of dying was getting to me though if I had known what was to come I would have welcomed death with welcome arms.

"I'm sorry Merida but for some reason, I found that funny. I guess the thought of death is getting to me." After I said that Merida's eyes softened from when they were glaring just seconds before. "It's alright Dashiell you meant no harm by it. But I will say that you better live through this so that I can beat your ass!" I chuckled at that. "Well there is a 5% chance of that happening so let's just hope that our luck, or more accurately your luck is good!" "Shut up jackass! You will live through the surgery and the next two weeks, and that's final!" "We'll see about that now won't we Merida," I replied almost sadly.

"Mr. Jones!" A nurse called out just then. "I guess you're up now huh Dashiell well let's get you in the surgery room now remember what I said about living through it!" All I did was laugh at that. And now that I look back I regret it. I feel like I should have assured her that even if I was gone her life continued or something like that, even if it was cheesy.

Merida's p.o.v

I waited there for hours and whenever a nurse or doctor came I always went up and asked how he was doing, and I got answers ranging from

1. He's not my patient

2. I don't know let me go check

3. I don't know let me go check after I finish this

4. The surgery is going well he should make it through

5. Oh, that guy said that? Yeah it's not the surgery itself that's dangerous it's the recovery

6. The surgery went well you can go visit him if you'd like he's not very coherent right now though

When I heard the last one I was ecstatic of course when I heard the fifth one I was also worried. "Hey Dr.Jones is there any sign of infection in his eye as of yet I know it's only been a few hours but…" "Oh it's quite alright you're just worried for your friend, and no there's no sign of infection as of yet though I must warn you there's only a 5% chance of him living and if his eye gets infected which is a 90% chance then that 5% will drop down to 0.001% chance of him living so I wouldn't get your hopes up too high until he is nearing the end of the recovery period."

I saw him as we walked through the door and what I saw I wasn't too happy with. He looked like a partially wrapped mummy with the bandages around his head. I can't help but feel like the bandages would spread and make him into a real mummy as far-fetched as that was. "Hi Dashiell, are you coherent enough to at least recognize me?" It took a moment but eventually, he said or more accurately asked "Merida?" I can't help but smile, he recognized me! "Yes it's me, Dashiell, how are you feeling?"

"Like Optimus prime is doing a tap dance on my head with a (Jimmy Neutron brainstorm) background, but it's mostly centered around my right eye." He said while heavily, and I mean heavily slurring his words so it took me a good five minutes or so to decipher what he said, and when I did I couldn't help but laugh. I mean the mental image of that alone!

The days passed like that and now it was the seventh day of his recovery period. Almost half of the recovery period Which is 15 days and everything was going good no sign of infection daily changing of the bandages to minimize the risk of infection and things were looking up if there was no sign of infection tomorrow then his chance of living would skyrocket to 50% which while not great is much better than the 5% it was before!

It was the eighth day and all the Nurses and Doctors got used to seeing me around noon so when they came up to me with worried expressions I knew something bad was about to happen or had happened "Miss Carter I'm afraid that your friend Mr. Jones has developed an infection in his eye, a minor one mind you but it is still worrying considering he still has a week but with this recent development it may be longer or... well you know the consequence of it not healing."

"Hey Dashiell, how are you doing? The doctors told me something concerning." I said as I sat down beside his bed. "I'm all right for the most part other than the mild infection in my eye which I could very much do without and the increased risk of death but other than that I'm good. Good thing it's only mild." He said but I'm getting a feeling there's something he's not telling me. "I'm getting the sense there's a but in there…" he sighed after I said that." it's nothing Merida, it's just a feeling…" I felt the hairs on my neck stand a little if it was the kind of feeling that I thought this wasn't going to end well "a gut feeling or the other one?"

"The other one." (Fuck this is bad very bad! He's going to die! My best friend's going to die! And I can't do anything about it!) As if he was reading my thoughts he interrupted with "Hey it's okay even if I'm going to die which is only a part of the feeling I also feel like there's something else I can't quite decipher but I also feel Love and hope I don't know it's confusing especially with the circumstances."

"... That is very weird. Maybe the feelings are acting up and it's not a real feeling?" I said with very little hope but still, one little Ray pierced through! But all he did was shake his head "I think there's more to it than that. I think something is going to happen that brings hope and love but I don't know what maybe it's before I die or maybe it's after but if it's after look for it. Promise me you'll look for it."

And just like that, the ray is gone. "Okay Dashiell I'll do it but is there anything that symbolizes Love and Hope? Maybe following that path will give a clue." Dashiell thought for a moment before replying "I don't think there is anything that represents both love and hope at the same time if there is I'm sorry but I think that hope and love are in two separate categories love I know is tied to many creatures mostly birds as far as I know but mostly swans and doves as for the hope I have no idea."

I thought for a moment trying to see what represents hope and love but Dashiell's right, or at the very least I can't think of anything other than what he already said. "Okay, when you die I guess I'll be following doves and swans then!" He chuckled at that. "I guess you are Merida I guess you are."

Dashiell's P.O.V

It's been 3 days since the infection started and it's only gotten worse. I'm almost to the point where there will be nothing that could save me. I am desperately hoping that it goes down soon but considering the conversation 3 days ago I don't think it will. "Hey Dashiell, is there any sign of the infection going down?" Merida said as she sat down beside me "I'm afraid not it has only gotten worse. if it only gets worse tomorrow then I'm going to see what contracts they have for killing me early and before you say anything I just want to go on to the next life on my terms and not some stupid roosters terms!" Just as I finished saying that I winced from the pain in my eye.

"Dashiell!" Merida exclaimed worriedly "I'm fine it's just my eye is just acting up. Anyway, have you found anything yet?" "Yeah I did, actually did you know that there are only seven species of swan out there? And as for the doves, there are over 300 species of them so yeah when you die I'm going to look at the swans first!" Merida said or more accurately exclaimed. "Really? I only thought there was one you know the one that's in that movie Cinderella in that one scene?" "Oh you mean the mute swan yeah they were actually imported to America from England or something like that. and did you know that these birds eat a frightening amount of food each day? 8 lb! Sure it's a big bird but not that big goddamn! And yeah apparently swans are an invasive species. Also, did you know that swans are actually aggressive? And no the mute swan is not actually mute." "Then why the hell are they called mute swans?!"

"Why are the two of you talking about swans of all things?" Said a man as he came in. "Damien!!! Oh, it's so good to see you! How are you?" I asked happily. "Well, Dashie a little bird told me that you got yourself in some trouble and that you were in the hospital so who the hell gorged your eye out?" "No person did it but a fucking rooster did!!" His deep throaty laugh I feel could be heard for a mile "Oh that is rich you're going to die from an infection in your eye that you got from a rooster oh I can just see your headstone now 'died from a chicken scratch!'" "Rooster!"

"Okay let's stop talking about that and get to the more concerning aspect, Damien, why do you think someone would gouge his eyes out?!" Merida said, interrupting us worried. "Well Merida as you know I'm a cop I catch people doing unlawful things such as the mafia for example it wouldn't be too surprising to assume that they would want revenge if they can't get to the judge or the bailiff or is it the plaintiff I always get the two of those confused, anyway then they go after the cop that caught the person or the people close to said cop." Damien explained calmly even if he did get somewhat sidetracked in the middle.

Just then a nurse walked in "I'm sorry for interrupting you but it's after visiting hours please vacate the premises and come back tomorrow." The nurse said in an overly polite tone. "All right Merida come on and Dashie have a good night, don't be stubborn and deal with the pain if it's hurting get some meds for it if it's hurting." Damian side as he got up. "Bye Dashiell I'll see you tomorrow okay?" "Yeah see you tomorrow Merida and Damian if you come tomorrow."

"Hey, Dashiell, is it any better?" Merida asked me as she came in almost pleadingly. "No, it has only gotten worse and I've already looked at the contracts." I said. "Oh please tell me that none of them were to your liking!!!" She said, visibly alarmed. "Tomorrow." Was all I said in return. "No…" she said breathlessly as she collapsed into a chair. "Merida it's fine at least I got to say when." She didn't respond, she just looked down at her feet probably in shock, I don't blame her I am after all going to die tomorrow.


"You know you don't have to do it right, you can back out!" Merida said desperately "no he can't and you know it. Though I must say I'm none too pleased with this either." Damian said in a glum tone. After all, I would be dying in 2 minutes. "He's right, Merida. As soon as this machine goes off my heart stops and it took them a good hour to set it up! There's no going back even yesterday as soon as I signed the contract there was no going back. All I ask is that you look for what I've asked you to." I said near tears as much as I hate to admit it. "Ok... Okay Dashiell I'll do it. After all, it's the last wish of my best friend. "10.."we both snapped our heads towards Damien when he said that then I looked at the timer 5 seconds. 4...3…" bye man hope to see you in the next life, love you." Damian said. "Dashie!!!" Merida cried latching onto me in one last hug 1...0.

??? P.O.V

"Look I know you're picky about who you choose like the rest of us but seriously we need to get this project done! You're the only one who hasn't chosen anyone! You chose the animal, yes but not the person! We need a person to be reincarnated into the animal you chose and get the system up and running! Considering how long it's taking you to choose, I would think you don't want this to happen even though it was your idea!" A person of unknown gender yelled at another unknown gendered person. "Look AzraelleI know you're the God of Life, death, and rebirth but seriously the person I choose has to be perfect! Again, as you said that it was my idea so I need to make an example!" Just as AzraelleI was about to say something she was interrupted by a loud beeping sound. "Oh, could it be!? The chosen one that I sought so long after!?" Said the mysterious person exclaimed. "... Yes! Finally! The perfect person for the job! Let's get this thing on the road shall we AzraelleI?"

Dashiell's P.O.V

#Welcome host to the evolution system! You and 299 others were chosen for the task of changing the world whether into your own image or for selfless retribution, this system lets you gain the strength to do exactly that, use your strength that you gain to do whatever you please. Within limits of course but those limitations are of your own strength and whatever you wish! Now there is a price for this and the price is not being able to be reborn of the human. so you'll have to be reborn not as humans but animals the animals are chosen by the gods that made me of course you will all be different kinds of animals 100 of you will be carnivores 100 of you will be omnivores and finally a hundred of you will be herbivores. Or as the classes are normally referred to as predator, scavenger and prey. You of course will be in different regions of each other so as to not interfere with each other and each other's growth. And of course with the evolution system as soon as you get enough points in a certain area you will evolve and this is where the problem starts. If you get caught by humans they will gain access to a version of the system but the first person who gets caught will be horrendously killed as punishment. the rest however will be completely fine for the most part since they will not be killed by the system. but will still be accessible for humans to experiment on. You will not be able to talk to each other and until one of you evolves. You will not be able to interact with each other as well. I wish you all good luck and may life, death and rebirth be with you!$

:What the hell was that? Am I going insane or something?: #No host you're not going insane you're just being reborn and that is the default tutorial of what is going on.# :Okay then what am I being reborn as?: I asked as I have nothing better to do. #You are being reborn as a mute swan. The system said in a Curt manner.# Okay so a mute swan.

:You said something earlier about evolution and points. Can you explain them to me?: #Of course host the points are used in evolution are called life points the longer you live the more points you have and of course if you do the missions and do extraordinary things as a swan you get extra points the goal is to get 100 points at first and then you will evolve and then then points will go up so on and so forth do you understand the points or do you want more?# :If I Reach the max amount of points for the swan but keep going do I get extra points that only are available in the next evolve in or what?: #That is correct host and that brings us to the evolution itself, should you reach 40 as a swan which is the max and then evolve you will appear as the next evolution form yes but also a newly hatched or born or whatever you wish to call it at that point species of whatever you evolved into does that make sense?# :Yes.:

:Hey system, what determines what I evolve into?: I asked very much curious. #A number of factors. The first one is your evolution points of course but there is also your personality, what you have achieved so on and so forth does that make sense.# :Yeah it does one more question system, how long until I hatch?: #You're not inside of an egg as of yet you have to wait until mating season for you to get an egg of your own from a random selection of your future father's sperm.# :Oh well then when's mating season?: #Mating season for mute swans is in 3 months.#