
reborn as a mouse in an apocalypse

a mich a chef went to a high class restaurant and ordered some fugu but the cook messed up the process and resulted in mich dying after a while mich woke up in a cave as a..... mouse! ____ English isn't my first language so there might be some grammatically errors the art isn't mine it was made by Aaron Miller on twitter go check them out. review to let other people know your opinion on this webnovel

frost_claw · Fantasy
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36 Chs

basic understanding of runes vol.1

runes and basic understanding of it vol.1

made by koth volkov

year 887 of the phoenix



first type of magic ever used

now days looking down on rune smiths is quite common but dont let those stuck up mage

elitists kill your hope of becoming rune smith truth is runes can be used greatly in combat such as a swordsman having a defensive rune on him can make a difference between life or death

but its utility can save people it can bring heat to a commoners home with a heating rune and help them get through the winter

a doctor can sanitize their tools in a second

but its destructive power can not be overlooked a highly complex rune can level nations

chapter 1: basic materials

a common occurrence in runes are monster blood

why monster blood? basically monster blood does not contain any necrotic energy because the simply were not alive and their core constantly purifying their blood

it is a building block of rune making

stones to carve runes in them hey its a classic its cheap and sturdy so it can survive travel but for complex and powerful rune work its better not use stones because they have a tendency to explode.... using high level monster bones can withstand that amount of magic

chapter 2:over clocking

every rune has a set amount of magic it can withstand before it over clocks

and explodes and only rune you want exploding and only rune you want exploding is a combustion one

the end

chuck put back the book in his home and picked up a book of rune recipes

and looked up the easiest rune dispel it nullifies all magic in a 1 foot radius for a second

recipe is monster blood and blood of the caster it takes a holy hell lot of mana