
Reborn as a hero

Phil dies saving a life of a small boy he is then reincarnated as Goku from a alternate universe from og. Watch as the protector of earth is now thrust into new situations. Goku has lost everything he has ever known his family his brother, the only home he has ever truly known was in a different life. Choosing this life has given very little but a small chance of survival. Will he be able to even grow up into a grown man again? If he somehow reaches adulthood, would he be able to gain as much power as the original cannon character? Or could he even be more powerful... Behind the scenes forces are at work that will effect his story. What is the chaos realm? Find out these answers and more as the story unfolds on the next episodes of Dragon...Reborn as a Hero! ____________________________ Hey everyone, I want to thank you all for reading! This is my first time putting effort into writing a novel so I do want some feedback on the writing quality and if you have a suggestion about the story. I plan on Goku having many love interests but not a tradtitional harem. If anyone is interested in what that means you will have to read to find out. Unfortunately ☹️ I am not a 'natural' at writing, I write my story because I want to be a part of this world and not just read other people's work. So each chapter is dreamed about wrote once on paper, then transferred to my laptop with a lot of editing between. Finally, after this whole process I listen to it again with TTS software and edit again. Sorry if you guys don't like the wait but I will try to send out at least 2 if we are lucky 4 chapters a week! I hope you give this story a try! (P.S. I like feedback currently I'm getting one or two comments and when I see these it does make me happy) (P.P.S if anyone understands how to get cover art for the book please let me know!)

Lonefrog · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Small successes

Raditz had left a few days ago saying a quick goodbye before he left with prince Vegeta, and I had quickly gotten down to my self-training, and after only a few hours of attempting to access my inner Ki, I discovered my theory was correct. "Saiyans are Naturals!" Unfortunately, I had a Ki level of five and I had little to no control of my new-found power. Surprisingly, after a few days of using my abilities, my level started to improve, not the control, but the amount of power I could produce quickly elevated. I decided I needed to train the use of my Ki at a later date but raw power would probably also achieve my purpose for the moment. Since the date I starting my training my power level was at five but since then my level increased leaps and bounds.

I decided to start to move my arms and legs in a small workout, although the pod was small, my level increased another five on the second day. It has been three days and I am starting to think I might have a chance to get enough control of my powers to change my space-pods destination. 'WAKKKANPA!' The door to the birthing chamber was smacked open waking me up from the floating space in my pod. I opened my eyes to see Matron Potota running behind a group of men distress clearly written on her face. 'Stop! You mustn't barge in unannounced. This place is protected by the King!' Matron Potota's face was livid as she jumped in front of the group of large Saiyan men with determined looks on their faces.

The man in front of the group that was being blocked focused on the elderly lady that was ready to fight them all. His features softened for a moment before he replied to her. "Matron, I am aware this place is protected by the king, and if it wasn't ordered directly from him, I wouldn't be here myself." The tall man's face was unshaven, raven black hair, and his black eyes allowed him to blend in with the other Saiyans in his group, but there was something about the way he carried himself. He seemed to project a reassuring aura causing people to want to trust him which wasn't common in Saiyan men, battle hardens, rough around the edges are common to see in Saiyans but not reassurance.

"Sorry bout the door ma'am, we are just a little excited and don't know much about these off-world contraptions." The man said with an easy smile on his face. "You are Bardock, correct?" Matron Potota guessed. Bardock's smile grew at her guess easing the scene a little. "Yes Ma'am, and you are the Matron of the Capital birthing chamber. I hear you have been looking after my youngest." She nodded and a confused look crossed her face. "If you were just wanting to look at your son…" Bardock held up his hand stopping the elderly lady before she continued.

"No ma'am, Although I will check on the young one before I leave, and I want to check on my wife. I actually have orders from the king." Bardock said getting a sterner look on his face. "Orders for what?" Matron Potota said the sternness back in her voice. Potota has a direct line to the king, and he has had a request for her multiple times. But any request he has made has never required a team of warriors barging through her facility, She didn't like this one bit at all. It was bad enough that she must deal with these off-world creatures with bad intentions about the young.

Now she has to deal with a group of barbarians banging through doors and mucking up her entire operation. "We are here for a status report of a newborn child. One with high potential." Bardock's eyebrows were furrowed in frustration about his recent mission, he didn't like the idea of this any more than Potota did. This all seemed underhanded and he liked to be upfront when dealing with missions. Anytime he had to get a status report on something he didn't fully understand made him feel wrong. Since this mission was given to him by King Vegeta himself and his wife and son were at the same location he decided he would take it and forget about the mission afterward. He would have been here anyway he has recently been on a mission of world and he was injured exterminating a planetary race, which has been giving him headaches lately.

When he got back on world, he received the message that his wife was injured in child labor and he has a new son, but before he could really be worried for his wife or celebrate for his son, he was given a mission to investigate a brat in the same birthing chamber as his son. He didn't really appreciate the order from the king. As if his personal problems were nothing, he wanted to rage but he kept his emotions in check and accepted his mission it shouldn't take too much time and he was going to be here anyway. "Be that as it may, I don't understand why you had to knock down my door, and why the king didn't just ask me about the stats himself about this child?"

Matron Potota demanded. Smiling again Bardock shrugged his shoulders. "If I understood the king ma'am, I might have a job like yours." 'He is a little snarky, but he is charming. Which probably got him in the good graces of Gine.' Matron Potota thought. "You can tell your goons to stand outside this isn't a battlefield you won't be taking on enemy fire from these children." She said glaring at the unwanted teammates of Bardock. Glancing back Bardock nodded to his team. They backed off almost instantly returning to the broken door and leaving the birthing chamber. "Sorry again, when the king gives a warrior an order you never know what to expect."

He said with a sheepish grin on his face. "Now I am interested, what is so important about some child that the king will send a group of warriors to investigate?" Handing the mission file to the Matron she quickly looked up in surprise. "Broly! If I'm not mistaken, he was born on the same day as your Kakarot." The elder lady pondered for a second causing her aged lips to cringle at the edges. "Follow me." She said sternly.

I watched as Bardock and Matron Potota went to the corner of the room and checked the states of another pod I assumed was Broly's and after a few minutes, I heard a few surprised sounds come from the corner. I continued to hear the duo's indistinct murmurs until they became clear again "…this could start an uprising!" Bardock's voice said sounding excited. "Precisely." Matron Potota said in a flat voice if I guessed correctly, she was hiding her emotions. What was going through her mind? Dread, for what a child like this would mean in such a dictator society. Or could it be hope? I wondered.

"Move that boy closer to my son. I want him to have a proper rival! There is nothing like competing in a Saiyans life to…" "Do you really want him close to your family?! Do you understand why a king would want a child like this status? To my knowledge, there are no familial bonds between these families. There is only one conclusion that…" Matron interrupted but her voice faded when she started to look around the room in suspicion. There was more to the Matron I had guessed before, she seemed to be more aware than even Bardock was about the layers of the issues the capital city held.

Seemingly catching on to her words a worried look crossed his eyes then panic and finally his gaze hardened into something more protective. "Would he dare?!" Bardock whispered. Matron Potota didn't answer, she just fixed her gaze on Bardock, and something in her gaze must have convinced him because I could see his unshaven jaw set in a stubborn line. "Allow me some time with my son, and then guide me to Gine's pod. After that, I want a report on a high class about the same age of Broly I can give to our king." I could see the gears turning in Bardock's gaze and I wondered if these events would affect the timeline differently than what I knew from the manga series.