
Reborn as a GOD

A mortal soul turned divine after death—once nothing but a mere human now reborn as a god, follow his journey as he creates his world, meet other Gods all the while learning what it truly means to be one, as it turns out it isn’t all fun and games as he may have hoped it to be... Volume 1 is finished, currently working on Volume 2, early releases on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=30466109 For the Discord server link. https://discord.gg/j23GaZw Note: I deliberately chose not to remove the first bad 20ish chapters as those serve as proof of my journey as a writer, please keep in mind when you read that those are chapters written by a 12-year-old me, this story holds a very special place in my heart as I started 8 years ago as a little boy. It does pick up in quality and i’ll be very glad if you could give it a chance! ))

Immortal_Simo · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Chapter: 1 Starting up

"Hmm...so for my name, I will go with Ysion! I'm not sure why this name exactly all I know is that it sounded right for me."

<Name Selected "Ysion" please confirm>

"Confirm?" I replied hesitantly.

<Name confirmed, please proceed in creating your body>

"Oh, how does that work exactly do I just have to imagine it or what ?"

Just as I said that a body appeared in front of me, it was more of a doll I think... not sure what the hell that was. It was just in the shape of a human being no eyes no mouth no ears no hair and it was genderless I mean like there really wasn't anything down there...*cough*...anyways let's see how does this work I tried imagining a pair of blue eyes as I was looking at the Doll, strangely just as I thought of that two pair of deep blue eyes appeared.

"Oh so it was something like this, this just started getting interesting hehe."

For the eyes I gave myself a rather big deep blue ocean eyes that would make anyone who stares at them feel like he will get sucked into them, it was strange they were quite charming if I do say so myself but still looking at a body with only two blue eyes... yep that's creepy let's make the nose, mouth, and ears with a strong jaw... hmm that's better now it's starting to look rather nice but still, It's Bold well in my previous life I had short hair it was a bit thick, well overall not the best hair you could find now that I got the chance to make my own body I'll be extra sure to make myself sexy as FUCK...*cough*..*cough*...I mean handsome I'm pretty sure anyone in my position would have done the same ah who the hell am I talking to, anyways back to the topic the hair... Something like this should do yes definitely.

After that I got my body to be a bit more masculine with some fine-tuned muscles not too big not too small perfect if you ask me, a perfect example of a sexy greek God figure...

OOHH DAMN I'm HOT *cough*...hmm yes this is probably overkill but who cares I'm GOD I need to look the part as well.

For the hair I made it shoulder length, silky dark blue soo It matched the eyes very nicely as for my skin it was pale and smooth to touch oh I can't believe I almost forgot my Buddy down there, I mean I'm not fond of the whole genderless idea some people are but that isn't up my alley.

Ok now that we got that out of the way it's still naked... for the cloths, I choose a very dark armor with a dark cape as well.

"Damn I look like a sexy villain, oh who cares but now what ?"

Just as I said that the same light came again blinding me for a few seconds before I was in my new body.


"Hmm, my voice changed too, wow it became more imposing and majestic..." as I was thinking about that I suddenly felt a bit dizzy before I was suddenly transported to a different place. You might ask how I know that I was transported well the previous space was all black there was no light but in here you could see a few stars Far far far away so it was not completely dark.

<Welcome to your Universe God Ysion>

"OHH I like the sound of that! But the universe? So it's this black space huh.. hmm soo now what ?"

<Please proceed in creating a sun to your universe you can choose to create one or even multiple ones>

"Holy shit you mean I can create the sun? does that mean I can create planets as too? I suppose I should be able to do that now that I'm God though it's still hard to believe."


"But how the hell do I create the sun ?!"

<Just concentrate on the knowledge you gained after becoming a God.>

"Oh, now that you mention it that's right."

And just like that I stretched my arm in front of me and closed my eyes as strange energy started to gather on my palm after a few seconds I opened my eyes and released it, the strange energy that flew out of my palm was a beam of light...It had more of an orange color to it and it traveled at a ridiculously fast speed with a very loud noise strangely after it reached a certain location in my new Universe the beam exploded and God Was the explosion huge, how big? Well, it was big enough to probably blow up the earth.

After a few minutes of watching the explosion, the fire that was strangely orange started to take the form of a Huge planet all covered in flames the size was Massive, approximately 15 TIMES our sun...

And that was how I created the Sun yep...

Edited as of January 10/2020

Immortal_Simocreators' thoughts