
Decimating the Group!

Upon hearing the human adventurer's voice, Dick's eyes narrowed with a fierce glint. Slowly, he began to retreat, his gaze locked on a patch of grass not too far away.

In the quiet of the forest, a rustle broke the silence. A diverse team of adventurers emerged gradually: human warriors, dwarf shield-bearers, and ratman archers. The group was led by a striking figure - a tall, muscular woman clad in a tank top, her presence commanding. Her companions, a mix of males from different races, followed her lead.

Dick observed them intently. They appeared to be of Obsidian level, likely equivalent to F-level monsters. He continued to back away, his movements calculated and cautious.

The adventurers, now aware of Dick's presence, sized him up with keen interest. The goblin, isolated and seemingly vulnerable, had caught their attention.

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