
22: Victory & Losses

The battleground was finally clearing up, but the echoes of combat still resounded in the air. Zuno and Sarada stood amidst the remnants of the battle, their chests heaving with exhaustion. The Suna Jounin they had defeated lay motionless on the sand, the price of his defeat evident.

As the Konoha forces began tending to the wounded and securing the area, Zuno and Sarada shared a brief, knowing glance. Victory was theirs, but it had come at a cost. Many of their comrades had fallen, and the scars of battle were etched on their souls.

Suddenly, Zuno's Sharingan glowed ominously, and his gaze shifted towards the retreating Suna forces. The enemy ninja were pulling back, retreating from the battlefield. But there was something different this time. Zuno had a plan, a cunning strategy to gather information from the retreating enemy.

The scene shifted, and time flowed backward as a flashback began.


The battle had reached its climax, and Suna's forces were in disarray. Zuno, hidden among the retreating Suna ninja, had unleashed a wave of clones, ten in total. These weren't ordinary clones; they were explosive clones, imbued with the destructive power of his unique abilities.

As chaos reigned on the battlefield, the Suna ninja failed to notice the subtle differences in their comrades. Zuno's clones were the perfect Trojan horses, seamlessly blending in with their ranks.

In addition to the explosive clones, Zuno had dispatched five other types of clones, each disguised as Suna ninja. They were tasked with infiltrating the enemy ranks and gathering vital information about Suna's plans and strategies.


Back in the present, Zuno's Sharingan dimmed, and he turned his attention back to the aftermath of the battle. The cunning maneuver had borne fruit, and soon, the gathered intelligence would provide valuable insights into Suna's intentions. But as Zuno and Sarada gazed upon the fallen, they knew that victory often came at a high price.

The moon hung high in the night sky, its pale glow casting an eerie ambiance over the battlefield. Zuno and Sarada had been sitting in silence for nearly half an hour, their eyes fixed on the starlit heavens. The weight of the battle still pressed upon their shoulders, a mix of victory and loss, courage and sacrifice.

Suddenly, Zuno began to chuckle softly. Sarada turned her head, her brow furrowing in confusion. "What's so funny?" she asked, her voice edged with uncertainty.

Zuno's laughter continued, growing into a hearty chuckle. It was an oddly unsettling sight, his amusement amidst the solemnity of the moment. He turned his gaze to Sarada, his Sharingan eyes gleaming with mirth.

"Zuno, what's going on?" Sarada demanded, her concern mounting.

With a grin, Zuno finally spoke, his voice tinged with amusement. "You remember those explosive clones I sent with the retreating Suna ninja? Well, they just finished their job."

Sarada's eyes widened in realization. "You mean..."

Zuno nodded, his laughter subsiding. "Yep, they took out a couple of hundred Suna Genin and Chunin." His tone was filled with an odd sense of accomplishment.

Sarada couldn't help but feel a mixture of astonishment and disbelief. "You... you did that?"

Zuno leaned back, his eyes back on the night sky. "Well, it was the perfect way to make our victory even sweeter, don't you think?"

As the realization of Zuno's calculated maneuver sank in, Sarada couldn't help but shake her head in awe. Zuno was proving to be a strategist as well as a formidable fighter. She understood that in the world of ninja, cunning and ruthlessness were often essential traits.

"And what about the other clones?" Sarada inquired.

Zuno's expression grew more serious as he replied, "They're still within Suna, collecting valuable intel. By the time we return to Konoha, we'll have a better understanding of what Suna was planning."

The night continued to unfold around them, but Zuno and Sarada knew that this battle had left an indelible mark on their journey.

Zuno shifted his gaze from the night sky to Sarada, his Sharingan eyes reflecting the faint moonlight. "So, Sarada," he began, "now that the battle's over, what are your plans?"

Sarada turned her attention away from the stars and looked at Zuno. The weariness in her eyes was evident, a testament to the fierce battle they had just endured. She contemplated his question for a moment before responding.

"Well," she started, "first, I think we should report back to Konoha. Let them know the battle's won and that we've successfully defended our borders."

Zuno nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We've done our duty, and I'm sure they'll want to hear about the battle from us directly."

Sarada continued, "And then... I'll probably need some rest. That fight took a lot out of me."

Zuno couldn't help but chuckle. "Tell me about it. We both pushed ourselves to the limit out there."

Sarada smiled faintly. "Yeah, we did. But it was worth it. We protected our home."

Zuno's Sharingan eyes softened as he looked at her. "You're right, Sarada. We did. And I have a feeling this is just the beginning of our journey together."

Sarada nodded in agreement. "I think so too, Zuno. We make a good team."

As they sat there, side by side, beneath the moonlit sky, they shared a moment of camaraderie and understanding. The battle had forged a bond between them, one that would continue to grow as they faced the challenges and mysteries that lay ahead in their shinobi lives.

Zuno concealed his thoughts and emotions behind his calm exterior as he listened to Sarada. In his mind, however, a sinister laughter echoed. He had his own hidden agenda, one that went beyond mere loyalty to Konoha. Itachi's past actions had left scars on Zuno's soul, and he harbored a deep-seated desire for revenge.

He couldn't help but relish the idea of confronting Itachi, of watching the older Uchiha's shock and despair as he realized the truth about Zuno's upbringing. Itachi's calculated actions had shattered Zuno's family, and now, Zuno was determined to return the favor in the cruelest way possible.

But he knew he had to keep his true intentions hidden, especially from Sarada. She was his teammate, and for now, their goals aligned in protecting Konoha. Zuno couldn't afford to let anyone, not even Sarada, discover the darkness that lurked within him.

As they sat there, planning their next steps and sharing a moment of camaraderie, Zuno's laughter in his mind remained his secret, a burning flame of vengeance that he would unleash when the time was right, and when Itachi least expected it.

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