
Reborn as a DRAGON

{Participant of the Webnovel Spirity awards Spring 2021} spirit stones are very much appreciated. My name is Tim or was that is until I died, there was no light at the end of the tunnel, no white room to choose any cheats from, nor was there any meeting with God. I didn’t die heroically saving someone, and I certainly didn’t get hit by a truck. My death was rather stupid and anticlimactic, I had apparently bumped my head while sleeping and passed away... That should have been the end of the road for me but like many self-proclaimed main characters, I joined the army of multi-dimension travelers and was reincarnated. Being an avid light novel and manga reader, I would have been excited at the opportunity, if not for my new siblings who tried to kill me as soon as I was born, or my mother who seemed to have something with throwing me off cliffs, and let’s not forget my murderous father who forced me to flatten a small country as my Rite of passage. Oh did I mention I was reborn as a Dragon? PS: Earlier releases on patreon: www.patreon.com/Simobimo Cover art by Instagram: Simplegray_owo Link to the discord: https://discord.gg/vCHrZB5xmX Release schedule: 1 day yes, 1 day no. Advanced chapters on Patreon.

Immortal_Simo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
418 Chs

Chapter 67: The names

After my 'friendly' spar with my little siblings, It took a while before all of them regained consciousness. Besides White who chose to gracefully retreat before things got bad, Green was the first one to wake up, and as soon as she did her eyes glanced about nervously as she avoided my gaze.

Green's body fidgeted anxiously as I could sense her worried emotions, I grinned and stepped closer towards her as she lowered her head. I raised my palm causing her to close her eyes and shrink into a ball, and then patted her head. 'No need to be so nervous silly, you did well,' I said causing her downcast expression to disappear and her eyes lit up.

Green's tail waged about excitedly as I praised her, she then swiftly hopped on my back and quickly settled on top of my head, between my horns. 'Cute,' I didn't mind and left her there as I turned to glance at White. She lowered her head for a brief second showcasing her respect and to my surprise spoke.

"Brother," Her voice was sweet and elegant as it reached my ears. My eyes widened for a moment in surprise before I nodded in acknowledgment. Just then Golden boy's eyes shot open as his body jerked awake, he jumped to his feet and took a ready battle stance before he seemed to recall what happened.

He then looked at me, and surprisingly lowered his head as well. I could see a little bit of fighting intent still burning behind his eyes yet he managed to control and hide it well which in itself was commendable since it's Golden boy we were talking about.

'Brother,' He suddenly spoke as well, his voice came off as a deep grunt akin to that of an adult dragon, a big contrast to his still immature body. I nodded back in acknowledgment as well.

My attention was caught by a groan of pain as Blacky finally steered awake. His gaze was glossy for a moment as he stared at the ceiling above in confusion before his eye regained its clarity. A bitter expression took over his face as he turned to face me, his one eye unconsciously moved to glance at my left side where he had attacked me, only for him to pause in shock.

He must have been caught off guard by the small scar that remained there. Blacky's eye moved from the scar and then to my face, and again back to the scar. His mood seemed to elevate as a wide grin took over his face, he was unable to control himself as his emotions escaped him, he was happy.

Blacky lowered his head and spoke in a tone full of respect. "Brother!" He said excitedly. I nodded back in acknowledgment and replied. "You did well little brother," Hearing me say that, his body froze for a second before he bowed even deeper for a second and then stood back up with a face full of pride.

Our mother who was watching the entire ordeal silently from the side made her move at the moment and spoke. "Tell your siblings your name," She said to which I pushed my chest out and straightened my back before replying.

"My name is Aether, bestowed to me by the Dragon King!" I proudly declared earning me a few envious gazes from my siblings as their eyes sparkled in awe. Mother nodded and then turned to my siblings before continuing. "You have all passed your tests, although not eligible to be named by the King himself, you will let your mana chose your name for you," She said.

'Oh, that's interesting! So they will also get their names, I'm almost reluctant to stop calling them by their nicknames though,' I inwardly chuckled at that thought.

"Reach out to your respective element, listen to the stream of mana and let it reveal to you your name," Said mother, which honestly confused me to no end. 'Reach out to the stream mana? Let it reveal your name?' Although I was confused, my siblings seemed to know what they had to do.

They all closed their eyes in concentration as they reached out to their respective elements, I could feel the waves of mana surrounding them. It was a different feeling than what I was usually used to, It felt more conscious like I was in the presence of an actual being.

The first to start glowing was White, her red eyes suddenly shot open as she glanced at mother and then back at me before she opened her mouth and revealed her name. "My name is Immy," She announced.

Just then Blacky's body was abruptly shrouded in a dark mist that appeared and quickly disappeared as fast as it came. His eye fluttered open with a dangerous glint passing through it as he spoke. "My name is Sidus!" He said as he turned to look at me, almost as if telling me to not forget. I simply smiled and nodded.

Golden boy was next, once his eyes opened, he glanced around in confusion as if he did not recognize the place he was in for a few seconds before he finally seemed to come back to his senses. His gaze was somewhat downcast as he declared in a deep voice. "My name is Ynos,"

Mother nodded as all eyes turned towards our youngest sibling who still had her eyes closed, I could vaguely sense a sentient presence surrounding her as her body glowed in a gentle green color, her eyes then shot open as they seemed to sparkle before she spoke for the first time, her sweet voice was like a caress of a rose petal.

"My name is Essie!" She proudly declared while puffing her little chest and raising her head high. I couldn't help the wide smile that formed on my face as I looked at her. I could sense that my mother was quite pleased as well as she gave one of her rare smiles as well.

She looked at every one of us starting with White as she spoke. "Immy, Sidus, Ynos, little Essie..." Her gaze fell on me last as she continued. "And Aether, my name is Iver," She said with a gentle smile, I rolled the names in my tongue for a while committing them to memory, although I liked the nicknames, I had to admit their names all sounded very impressive.


A not so long chapter today, but with this one we have reached the end of the first volume/book of the series at around 78k words! This volume was mainly a big introduction, of the characters, a little bit of the world, and basically just the main character getting the ropes of what it means to be a dragon. The next volume is where the real fun should start, and by that I mean more epic fights, meeting with different races and leaving the nest for our boy's rite of passage! So look forward to that!

Now with this volume concluding, I will be going back to the previous chapters and clean them up a bit more with the help of my editor, I might or might not take tomorrow off as celebration, then again I can't seem to stop writing. So we will see about that! A huge thank you to all of you honestly you have no idea how much your support means to me, I'm constantly trying to improve, I may not be the best out there but I'd like to think that I'm slowly getting better, and I hope you guys will continue to be there with me along the way!
