
Reborn as a DRAGON

{Participant of the Webnovel Spirity awards Spring 2021} spirit stones are very much appreciated. My name is Tim or was that is until I died, there was no light at the end of the tunnel, no white room to choose any cheats from, nor was there any meeting with God. I didn’t die heroically saving someone, and I certainly didn’t get hit by a truck. My death was rather stupid and anticlimactic, I had apparently bumped my head while sleeping and passed away... That should have been the end of the road for me but like many self-proclaimed main characters, I joined the army of multi-dimension travelers and was reincarnated. Being an avid light novel and manga reader, I would have been excited at the opportunity, if not for my new siblings who tried to kill me as soon as I was born, or my mother who seemed to have something with throwing me off cliffs, and let’s not forget my murderous father who forced me to flatten a small country as my Rite of passage. Oh did I mention I was reborn as a Dragon? PS: Earlier releases on patreon: www.patreon.com/Simobimo Cover art by Instagram: Simplegray_owo Link to the discord: https://discord.gg/vCHrZB5xmX Release schedule: 1 day yes, 1 day no. Advanced chapters on Patreon.

Immortal_Simo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
418 Chs

Chapter 228: The end of the first day

With yet another battle concluded, the next participants quickly took the stage. This time it was none other than the 'number one' empire Lumia, fighting against the Rimor kingdom once again.

I raised my eyes in curiosity as I watched the mages walk into the arena. Surprisingly both countries decided to send out their respective fire mages. Rimor's only water mage was injured from his previous battle, so he could not join.

It seemed like this battle was going to be different. This time, they would be fighting over the control of the elements, in simple terms, the most talented one was going to win.


As the two fire mages stepped onto the arena, the air around them began to shimmer with the raw power of the mana elements. I could sense the tension and anticipation in the air, as the crowd held its collective breath in anticipation of the coming clash. The Lumia empire previously had a reputation for producing some of the most talented mages in the world, but the Rimor kingdom had just proven that they were not ones to be underestimated either after wrestling their first win from Yadour.

The two mages faced one another, their eyes locked in a menacing stare. As they prepared to use their combined strength against one another, I could feel their great focus and concentration.

The opening exchanges of the fight were a whirl of movement and sound as the two mages rained down waves upon waves of savage flames on one another. Still, no one was hurt by the fire. The elements seemed undecided over which person to support.

I continued to watch the battle unfolds from my perch atop the platform. Although I was fascinated by the human mages' attempts to control the elements, I could not help but feel a sense of detachment from their struggles.

To the humans, I was akin to a god, an entity beyond their understanding and reach. But to me, their battles seemed so small and insignificant.

Still, I watched with a sense of amusement as the two fire mages from Lumia and Rimor clashed in the arena. Both could be counted as skilled in their control over the fire element, but they struggled to gain the upper hand against each other.

I could sense the raw power of the flames as they surged and roared, each mage trying to wrestle control over the element from the other. It was a dance of fire and will, each mage striving to bend the element to their own desires.

But as the battle raged on, it was starting to become easy to see the strain on the mages' faces. The effort to control such a powerful element was clearly taking its toll on their bodies and minds.

Still, despite their difficulties, neither mage seemed ready to give up. The fight persisted, a ferocious and compelling struggle for control over the flames. And as the minutes grew longer, I quickly found myself growing tired of the spectacle. To me, the battle was small and insignificant, a mere shadow of the power he held over the elements. And after watching the first two, I was already losing interest.

I continued eyeing the spectacle with boredom as the battle between the fire mages from Lumia and Rimor continued on. The struggle to control the fire element was taking its toll on both of them, and although a part of me was slightly impressed, a large part couldn't help but feel a sense of disdain at their limitations.

Despite their best efforts, neither mage seemed able to gain a clear advantage over the other. But as the battle dragged on, it became clear that one of them was starting to falter.

I could see the sweat glistening on the Rimor mage's forehead, and the tremble in his hands as he struggled to maintain control over his flames. Lumia's mage sensed it and took advantage of his monetary weakness, unleashing a powerful burst of energy that forced his opponent to stumble backward.

That was all it took for the victor to be decided. With a triumphant grin, Lumia's mage surged forward, his own flames flickering with a newfound strength. I could sense the raw power of the element as it surged around him and left Rimor's mage, it responded to his will as he finally managed to wrestle full control over the element of fire. His opponent, on the other hand, was left powerless and helpless, unable to channel his own magic.

I could see the frustration and anger visible in the defeated mage's eyes, the bitterness of his loss a bitter pill to swallow.

"I-I admit defeat..." He said through gritted teeth.

Lumia's mage simply looked at him and then turned toward me before he gave a deep respectful bow. I nodded back before dismissively waving them off, indicating the end of the battle. Although the battle ended up being not as fun as I expected, but even I had to admit that their efforts were impressive given their limitations.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, and spoke in a loud booming voice, "Today's battles were a testament to the strength and skill of the participants," I declared. "Though your struggles over the elements may seem small compared to the vastness of the universe, they are a testament to your own power and might."

I could see the look of awe on the faces of the humans below, their eyes fixed on me in rapt attention. "Tomorrow, we will resume with the tournament," I continued. "And I expect to see even greater displays of strength and skill from each and every one of you."

With a final shake of my wings, I took to the sky, my form disappearing into the darkness of the night. The humans below cheered and applauded, their spirits lifted by my words of encouragement.

As the cheers of the humans faded into the distance, and with thr tournament coming to an end for the day, I found myself eager to return to the beautiful mountain peak I had discovered earlier.

Thankfully, the journey back was swift, and soon I found myself perched atop the mountain once more, the stars shining bright in the sky above. With a deep breath, I took in the beauty of my surroundings, the crisp mountain air filling my lungs.

With a contented sigh, I closed my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep, my dreams filled with visions of the humans' struggles and triumphs.