
Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

In the mystical world where dragons reign supreme, Bruce who just found himself in a body of baby dragon which stands as a stark anomaly. Unlike his kin, he is born devoid of the magical talents that dragons hold in high esteem. His mother, disappointed, labels him a 'waste dragon.' Yet, unbeknownst to all, Bruce possesses a secret strength: the ability to absorb magical powers from objects imbued with magical essence. Bruce then began his journey on a captivating adventure as he seeks to prove his worth in a world rife with danger and wonder. Each object he consumes transforms his perceived weakness into formidable strength. When Bruce devours the heavy shield of a Berserker, his Dragon Scale Iron Element fortifies, enhancing his natural defenses. The ingestion of an alchemist's poisonous concoction unexpectedly boosts his Dragon’s Breath Toxin, allowing him to unleash a deadly breath attack. Most impressively, consuming the staff of a thunder master bestows upon him the sought-after Thunder Magic Ability, enabling him to strike his adversaries with fearsome electrical attacks. As Bruce's newfound abilities emerge, so does the recognition of his true potential. From a ridiculed outcast, he evolves into a respected figure within the dragon realm. However, with great power comes new challenges. Bruce finds himself navigating the complex politics of dragon society, forging alliances, and facing both old and new enemies. This is not just a story about a dragon's physical transformation. It is a tale of resilience, cleverness, and an unyielding quest for greatness. It challenges the conventional understanding of power in a world where strength and ability define one’s place. Witness the metamorphosis of Bruce from a disregarded waste dragon into a legendary figure, redefining the essence of true dragonhood in a realm where power reigns supreme. #Dragon #Magic #Goblin #Nonhuman

Rqmk · Fantasy
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202 Chs

Arrival of a Black Dragon!

Bruce watched as Torenço and Carona entered their period of deep slumber. Submerging themselves in the acidic pool, they curled up and sank to the bottom, signaling the start of their lengthy rest. Over the past six months, their sleep cycles had lengthened from one week to now at least three weeks.

As the winter thawed into spring, the two dragons awoke rejuvenated, feeling their bodies had grown and their strength significantly increased. Yet, their newfound vigor was quickly overshadowed by the sight of Bruce, who had grown even larger and stronger than before. This disparity plunged them back into a sense of inadequacy.

Bruce's superiority in size and strength was something they had come to accept; even Torenço's initial resistance had faded into a resigned familiarity.

However, they were surprised to find that during their sleep, Bruce had not only expanded his domain but had also subjugated the nearby kobolds and goblins, turning them into his followers. Torenço scoffed at this, and even Carona failed to see the value in these seemingly weak allies.

In their absence, Bruce had been industrious. He had not only allied with the kobolds and goblins but also discovered a valuable mineral source in the southern mountains. These minerals, which he traded with the dwarves a hundred kilometers away, were of higher quality than mere stones or mud. Consuming these minerals provided him with tangible benefits, enhancing his physical defenses.

Bruce's encounter with a first-level monster during their slumber had taught him the importance of a strong defense. Though he sustained a deep wound in the battle, it cemented his resolve to protect his followers and strengthen himself. The werewolves' loyalty towards him deepened as they witnessed his dedication to their safety.

For Bruce, these were the tactics of a qualified lord. He sought not just the werewolves' service but their genuine allegiance. While he could leverage their families as a means to ensure loyalty, he understood that true fealty couldn't be built on threats alone.

The challenge of the first-level monster had also been a test of his combat abilities, offering a chance for self-assessment. Bruce realized that if he ever encountered a foe beyond his capacity, the wisest course of action would be to retreat. This strategic thinking was part of his growth as a leader and protector.

Over the past six months, Bruce had grown tremendously, his physical combat prowess now surpassing that of first-level monsters. His earlier defeat was due primarily to his inexperience rather than a lack of strength. Furthermore, his magical abilities had evolved, rendering the first-level monsters' magic inferior to his own semi-developed magical talents.

Bruce had also been consuming the natural acid from the acid pool daily.

[Swallowing food: Natural Acid Liquid

Quality: Excellent

Benefit: Poison Breath Magic Talent +1]

Though this natural acid wasn't as potent as the concoctions created by Dragon Mother, after three weeks of consumption, Bruce had gained a significant boost in his poisonous breath magic talent.

By the acid pool, Bruce practiced his dragon breath. He noticed a marked improvement; the range of his breath had extended by nearly a meter. Testing its potency on a myriapod, he observed that the creature dissolved more thoroughly than before, indicating an increase in the strength of his poisonous breath.

However, Bruce realized he still had much to practice, especially with larger prey now more abundant in spring.

Capturing a sub-adult white wolf, Bruce tried his semi-developed dragon's breath on it. The venom eroded the wolf's fur, emitting a sizzling sound, but only managed to superficially penetrate its flesh. Bruce had to resort to physical strength to subdue it, acknowledging that it would take time and effort to fully develop his poisonous breath into a lethal weapon.

Yet, even in its current state, Bruce saw the value of his semi-developed dragon's breath as a supplementary attack method. It could cause enough distraction to be a decisive factor in battle.

Torenço and Carona, having recently awakened, watched Bruce's practice session. Despite his larger size, they couldn't help but find humor in his magical efforts, mockingly regarding him as an amusing yet underachieving dragon.

One day, while Bruce was consuming acid from the pool, Goblin Mike arrived with urgent news. "Lord Bruce, a black dragon has invaded our territory and taken over the entrance to our cave. It even devoured two of our goblin kin. Please, you must avenge us!"

Bruce looked at Mike, noting the disorganized nature of the goblins compared to the more disciplined werewolves. He had managed to bring some semblance of order to these scattered creatures.

"A black dragon?" Bruce queried for confirmation.

"Yes, a massive black dragon with long wings and towering stature," Mike replied, illustrating with a branch in the dirt.

Bruce felt a surge of alarm. Could it be Kasavia, the formidable black dragon from the swamp? With his current strength, he wondered if confrontation was wise, or if retreat was the only viable option. The possibility of facing such a powerful foe both challenged and unnerved him.