
Trial Of Survival Part Two

"AHHHHHHHHHHH! OOOPH! Damn, that hurts! That damn old man could have at least dropped me off someplace else than in the damn sky! My wings do not exactly work like they are supposed to, you know!" Kana crawled up from the small crater that she just made and rubbed her poor now red nose. "At least it is not bleeding..." 


Kana heard a clicking sound and finally realized something was off. In front of her was a group of humanoids with strange looking guns in their hands. "You! Where did you come from, and why are you here?"

"Umm…." Kana looked at the humanoid figures, a little confused. "Do you speak Japanese? Or English? Maybe Chinese? I ermm... Ummm, how about any language!?" For some reason, Kana felt speaking in English was the way to go when talking to people she had never met before when she did not understand their language. 

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