
Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System

Orphaned at the mere age of seven and thrown out on the streets with no place to go. Kana lived the life of a street rat. She did what she could to survive from digging through the trash and stealing what she could. But even after almost ten years of surviving, her life still ended short. Holding her head feeling slightly dizzy, her lips slowly curled up into a sinister-looking smile as she let out a laugh. "Maybe someone was listening to me after all! I do not know which god heard my last dying wish, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I, Nagano Kana, owe you a debt of gratitude." In a new world, reborn as a dragon, Kana will begin her new journey. She will experience many things along her path as she struggles to grow stronger to evolve and survive in this new world. "That's another one!" Kana spun around in a circle, put her left paw on her hip, and gave a V sign with her right claws while winking… It was a strange pose indeed. --- Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Show your support and buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/invayne Follow on twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/

invayne · Fantasy
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1191 Chs

Evolution Choices

(AN: Just a heads up, the second chapter will be late due to my family being over. I will get it posted as soon as I can. Sorry for the wait!)

"I would rather end my life than betray those who have put their faith in me." Princess Tilia replied. Her eyes held a great deal of determination.

"Alright, good to know. Now put on some clothes. Pepelt keeps taking peeks at you." Ceilie glared at Pepelt, who had his hand over his eyes, but two of his fingers were parted.

"I was not peeking!" Pepelt yelled out, trying to defend himself.

"Mmm…. Rabbit meat…." Kana's mumbling caught everyone's attention. Ceilie and Princess Tilia began laughing while Pepelt felt a shiver run down his spine.

"Alright, let's get some sleep. Tilia, you stay here." Ceilie did not want to let Tilia out of her sight.

That night Ceilie slept in her normal spot using Kana's stomach as a pillow, and Princess Tilia curled up next to them. Pepelt had brought her over a pillow and blanket for Princess Tilia, but she adamantly refused, saying she would not receive any more special treatment.

The night passed, and Kana woke up and looked around. Ceilie was already awake, so she got up and swayed her tail. "Ouch!?" Kana looked behind her to see Princess Tilia with a tail shaped red mark on her face.

"Ah… Sorry..." Kana felt kind of bad but at the same time didn't care too much.

"Kana, take some time to look at your evolution choices." Lysairth had scanned the surroundings and found the place safe enough for Kana to take a peek at what she can turn into and what she would need to do in order to evolve.

Kana's eyes went wide in excitement, and plopped her butt right down and began poking the air in front of her. She had been waiting for Lysairth to tell her to check out her evolution choices!

"Let's see..." Kana tapped the evolution button with her claw bringing up a new window.

[Evolution List]


Baby Fire Dragon

Baby Water Dragon

Baby Ice Dragon

Baby Lightning Dragon

Baby Earth Dragon

Baby Wind Dragon

Baby Moon Fire Dragon

"Lysairth, why do all the choices but the first one say, baby?" Kana asked. This was the first thing that Kana noticed was all the names with the word baby in front of it.

"As for the first choice, you would grow larger and become a normal dragon. This is the basic evolution that every dragon will get. The other choices will keep you in your current form, but you will gain much greater power for the element you choose. Like a baby fire dragon will gain more control over fire compared to a normal dragon. If you were to become a baby water dragon, you would not only have your normal baby breath but also new water abilities. The same would go for the other dragon types as well. This is except for Moon Fire dragon... I have never heard of a moon fire dragon before..." Lysairth explained.

Kana understood Lysairth's explanation and looked at the list in front of her intently. She raised her claw and tapped the baby moon fire dragon choice to see what it actually was.

[Baby Moon Fire Dragon]

[A dragon blessed by the goddess of the moon. Control over all elements is possible if you are able to find elemental spirits and bind them to you. Each element will allow you to transform into a dragon that is able to harness that element. Gaining multiple element spirits of the same type will grant that element the ability to evolve into a higher form. Higher form elements will allow you to transform into different dragon evolution types of that element. ]

[Requirements for Evolution: Must be done on the night of a full moon. ]

Seeing the evolution information left Lysairth trembling. "Kana, you will choose this evolution!"

"Hmm? Is it really that good?" Kana felt the information was a bit complicated and did not understand it at all.

"Yes! This evolution basically turns you into the goddess of all dragons. You will be able to use every element and evolution forms, meaning all the 'cool' spells you want to cast will come from this one evolution!" Lysairth couldn't keep her excitement contained. Never in her life had she heard of a moon fire dragon. She wished she had gotten such a choice when she evolved. If she had become a moon fire dragon, she would not have died!

"If it lets me cast cool spells, then I will choose this evolution path. But it seems I will need to wait until the next full moon to evolve. I wonder when that is…." Kana made her choice. Since Lysairth said she could get to cast all the cool spells she wants, then she will not choose any of the others.

"If I am right, there should be a full moon next week. It would be best to ask Pepelt. Most merchants will know these things." Lysairth breathed a sigh of relief and also felt great excitement for Kana. She knew the task of finding elemental sprites would be hard, but the hard work would pay off in the end, making Kana one of the strongest existences in the world.

"Kana, I finished roasting Pepelt's brother. Come eat." Ceilie yelled out jokingly.

Pepelt gave Ceilie a strange look before walking over to Princess Tilia to hand her some roasted horned rabbit as well. He, of course, was not eating any rabbit meat. Even though he could, it did not sit right with him.

Hearing food made Kana drool as she bounded over to Ceilie, who was by the fire.

I want to thank everyone who is voting for this novel! If we can hit certain goals every week, I will start posting extra chapters.

---Bonus Chapters Goals---

1000 power stones = 3 extra chapters

2000 power stones = 5 extra chapters

3000 power stones = 7 extra chapters

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