
Reborn as a DRAGON (FANFIC)

Reborn as a DRAGON fanfic.

ElectricDragon · Book&Literature
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5 Chs

I took us here?

Aether was frozen in shock looking at his grandfather, one of the most powerful dragons he knows of, bloodied and injured on the ground.

After the moment of shock passes, Aether quickly rushes to his grandfather, now realizing how serious his injuries were.

He had a long slash wound across his side, much like the one Aether had inflicted upon the bear, and dozens of small injuries that varied from stab wounds to slash wounds.

Suddenly, his grandfathers eyes snapped open, looking towards him with momentary hostility before quickly relaxing.


His voice was strained, as if simply speaking took tremendous effort.

"Grandfather, what happened?!" Aether was panicked, wondering what monster could've done this to his grandfather.

"Listen, Aether. I'm dying, and I cannot stop it… You must stop what's coming.. The plane is relying on you… To stop.. It…"

His grandfather spoke, but after saying that last, strained word, his breathing quickened, before stopping altogether.

Aether reached out to his soul space, yet could not feel it. He was confused. How could he have no soul space? He only died physically, his soul space should still be intact!

Aether tried to recall what had happened before he woke up, but everything was hazy, blurred… He looked at his grandfathers corpse, noticing something strange…

It was… Sinking? No, the ground was devouring it! Aether stepped back as the ground slowly sucked his grandfathers body into it. His mind was in chaos, his grandfather had just died, all mana had disappeared, and the ground was devouring his grandfathers body.

He tried to remember what happened, but nothing was clear. The only thing he could make out was a bright flash, and a long fall. After a while, he came to a conclusion.

"I took us here?"